Hi first and foremost thank you for taking time out to leave us a review, reviews like this allow us to really see where we went wrong and we want to make it right.
Could you please give us a call at 2148177168 and ask to speak with our manager concerning your review or email us at
[email protected] and we would like to resolve this. This isn't the kind of experience we want to give to our guests.
In regards to spending most of your time at the food court we because of the record heat we try and incorporate an indoor stop to give our guests a break from the heat however this should not compromise all the information you should get at the other stops so we would really like to look into this. In regards to bike lanes and traffic, Dallas is unfortunately not privileged enough to have many bike lanes so we mapped a route that is the safest while avoiding the busiest roads in Dallas however sometimes we get stuck in traffic and there isn't a lot we can do about that but in regards to the sort of tour you received. Our guides are trained in all the history, culture & fun facts of each stop so we would really like more information on where your tour was to get to the bottom of it and resolve it for you.