My husband and I took the Fells Pt. food tour on Saturday, 1/27. We got lucky with the weather, (55 degrees and sunny). But no matter what the weather is, GO - all the eating is done indoors! Jules was an informative, lively, funny tour guide who apparently knows almost everyone in Fells Point. Her love for Baltimore is obvious (but just in case, she will remind you often!) Our group of 8 had loads of fun and food. Don't be turned off by the "only 4 stops" - you are given two food items at each stop, so it's more like 8. We had tacos, crab cakes, shrimp pot stickers, pit beef, french fries, and a finale of dessert and white russians! The area we walked through was small but full of history dating back to the 1700's, interesting architecture, and of course the beautiful waterfront. We've been on food tours in NYC, Montreal, and
Italy - it's a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, and you won't need to eat dinner