FAIL!! Oh such a rip-off, we had seen the Immersive Van Gogh and LOVED it! So we were totally primed to see this new Immersive show and landed back to earth with a hard thud. Really the producers should be ashamed of themselves and here is why 1) unlike the Van Gogh show their is only one small hallway with four screens (which all show the same information) that sets up any context for the Impressionists. The Van Gogh show had at least two hours worth of art history prior to seeing the immersion at as the finale. 2) Quality of the Immersion, after spending a few minutes in the hallway you are dumped immediately into the immersion which was cheesy, THERE ARE NO FULL PICTURES created by any of the featured artists, just snippets which are repeated five times on the screen. The screen is not wrap aound, and the cameras and lights are in full view. The camera/screen/sound system broke down while we were there. 3. There is no 3D immersion. 4: Gift shop is larger than the exhibit! 5: they rent you cheesy pillows for $15 to sit on which is atrocious and not even needed. We asked for a refund from the manager and were immediately given a full refund for four people with no hesitation. We used the $$ to go out to lunch and I suggest you do the same, except skip this dismal copycat show with no substance and no actual artwork. It is a disgrace and badly represents this exciting new genre for art appreciation.