Barnyard and Backside Tour + general museum tour
Keana was our guide for the early morning barnyard and backside tour. She was so informative and answered all of our questions. She was excited with us despite a steady rain. What a great introduction to the Derby and Churchill Downs. The tour is conducted from a van. Easy to hear our guide and see the grounds. Really neat to see the starting gate used in the Derby, the stables, the backside of the track (looking at the iconic grandstand), AND most importantly watch the horses and riders during an exercise block.
The museum is of manageable size and laid out well with more information about the Derby and specific race winners.
The general admission tour was somewhat repetitive after the previous tour, however, it was raining harder then and our movement was somewhat limited. Definitely recommend checking out the tours above and beyond the general admission.
Parking was a bit confusing in the early AM dimness but ample and included. Recommend reference the website, check by phone the day prior, and give yourself a bit of time.
For equestrians, I would love a tour that included information about vet care, farriers, saddle making, and hearing from someone with a trainer’s experience.
I think more could be said (either through an exhibit or on tour) about the care of the horses, especially after their racing career. Rehoming them is a major effort. Like all purebred horses and athletes in high level competition, they are susceptible to significant disease and injury. The racing industry must commit huge resources to R&D on improving conditions etc, it would be good to learn more about what they are doing to keep the horses safe and healthy.
Overall good experience at iconic KY destination.