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Excursion d'aventure sur le volcan d'Hawaï au départ de Hilo

Excursion d'aventure en cascade et volcan. Cette visite vous mènera à toutes les attractions touristiques de Hilo ou à proximité. Laissez cet opérateur local rendre votre journée pleine de souvenirs joyeux. Les éruptions volcaniques vous étonneront par leur taille et leurs éruptions volcaniques actives. La zone de coulée de lave comprend 323 431 acres de terrain. Plus de la moitié du parc est désignée comme la zone sauvage des volcans d'Hawaï. Le parc englobe divers environnements allant du niveau de la mer au sommet du volcan actif le plus massif de la Terre.
Ville: Bonjour
Sun 22 Sep
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À partir de $195.99
Sun 22 Sep
À partir de $195.99
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Ce qui est inclu
Bottled water
Fully Narrated Tour
All Fees and Taxes
Lunch Stop - Un-hosted
Hilo Port or Hilo Harbor pickup and drop-off
Bottled water
Fully Narrated Tour
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les petits enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Au moment de la réservation, les passagers des navires de croisière doivent fournir les informations suivantes au moment de la réservation : nom du navire, heure d'amarrage, heure de débarquement et heure de réembarquement
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de manière appropriée
  • Les changements météorologiques du parc national des Volcans sont fréquents, veuillez apporter des vêtements chauds.
  • Besoin de fournir : Date et heure d'arrivée, départ date et heure, nom du navire de croisière
  • Un minimum de 2 personnes par réservation est requis
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Engrenage /équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
  • Vérifications de la température pour les voyageurs à l'arrivée
  • Politique de séjour à domicile payée pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
À quoi s'attendre
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Rainbow Falls
On a normal sunny day you will see rainbows hover over the waterfall.
Banyan Drive
Rows of Banyan trees planted by famous people we know. Banyan trees planted by Babe Ruth and President Nixon are examples.
Liliuokalani Gardens
The biggest Japanese styled gardens outside of Tokyo.
Richardson Beach Park
Unique blacksand beach in Hilo area. Sometimes you will see the turtles swimming in in the water.
King Kamehameha Statue
Original statue of Kamehameha the Great.
Visit the most recent volcano eruption. Experience the heat rising from ground where the latest lava had covered the whole area.
Big Island Candies
Sample the taste of the Macadamia Nut and locally grown coffee. People from the world came here to buy the cookies made from locally grown nuts.
Chutes arc-en-ciel
Par une journée ensoleillée normale, vous verrez des arcs-en-ciel planer au-dessus de la cascade.
Banian Drive
Des rangées de banians plantés par des personnages célèbres que nous connaissons. Les banians plantés par Babe Ruth et le président Nixon en sont des exemples.
Jardins de Liliuokalani
Les plus grands jardins de style japonais en dehors de Tokyo.
Parc de la plage Richardson
Plage de sable noir unique dans la région de Hilo. Parfois, vous verrez les tortues nager dans l'eau.
Statue du roi Kamehameha
Statue originale de Kamehameha le Grand.
Visitez la plus récente éruption volcanique. Découvrez la chaleur qui monte du sol où la dernière lave a recouvert toute la zone.
Bonbons de la grande île
Goûtez au goût de la noix de macadamia et du café cultivé localement. Des gens du monde entier sont venus ici pour acheter les biscuits fabriqués à partir de noix cultivées localement.
Show 60 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (72)
Mar 2019
Our tour guide Yong, was excellent. He was very knowledgeable and made the tour very enjoyable! I definitely recommend doing this tour.
Mar 2019
I booked this tour hoping to learn about the history/geological information about volcanoes and interesting facts about Hilo. My family and I were very disappointed for the following reasons: 1) We were scheduled to be picked up at the hotel at 8:45 AM, we got there on time, but the shuttle didn’t show up until 9:13 AM. There were no apologies or explanation given even when I tried to follow up with them to make sure that they didn’t miss us. We’ve been to other tours, and this is the first time a tour company was late. 2) The tour guide has very bad communication skills that it was not easy to understand him. Making it worse to the matter, he was not knowledgeable on the subjects that you’re not really learning anything from him. We were so frustrated, that we ended up listening to other tour guides and park rangers to learn about the volcanoes and interesting facts. 3) With kids on board, it was a huge turn off, unprofessional and unnecessary for the tour guide to even present the lava rock formation with the “symbol of women” or “symbol of men”. 4) When I called to reconfirm the tour, I was asked again to provide the names of all the attendants even though I have already entered it on their site. The lady asked me to provide it again for lunch. Well, there was really no lunch provided. You had to buy your own lunch and was only given 45 minutes (not enough time considering it’s a sit down lunch). 5) Though we know that the tour guide and owner tried hard to shower us around, overall the tour was very disappointing and uninformative, and we could’ve just toured the area ourselves considering the lack of information, no energy, lack of knowledge and unprofessional tour experience.
Nov 2018
This was kind of unexpected. We climbed around on the real, cooled lava and saw way more of the island than just volcanos. Our tour guide was so chatty, interactive and can-do about everything we didn't know what to believe and what not to believe. But it was an awesome day and well worth the adventure!

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