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Manta Magic - Plongée en apnée nocturne avec les raies manta au village de Manta, Kona, Hawaii

Évitez les foules des autres «bateaux à bestiaux» à Kona et profitez d'une expérience de plongée en apnée avec des raies manta en petit groupe avec un maximum de 12 passagers.

Cette excursion part du port de Keahou dans le sud de Kona et profite d'un court 5 -minute en bateau jusqu'à notre site de plongée en apnée, Manta Village.

Votre capitaine et votre guide de plongée vous renseigneront sur les célèbres raies manta de Kona et discuteront de notre approche sûre et humaine pour interagir avec les gentils géants.

br>Après être entré dans l'eau, vous vous accrocherez à notre planche lumineuse, les pieds soutenus par des dispositifs de flottaison, tandis que les raies manta effectueront un ballet gracieux sous vous. Les raies manta se nourrissent de filtre de plancton qui se rassemble naturellement à la surface juste avant le coucher du soleil, puis s'accumule sous nos lumières. C'est l'occasion de profiter d'une soirée sur l'eau et de regarder avec émerveillement les raies manta glisser et danser pour vous.

Nous sommes fiers d'être une entreprise inscrite sur la liste verte et nous adoptons une approche respectueuse de l'environnement pour nos interactions avec les raies manta.
Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Tue 29 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $125.00
Tue 29 Oct
À partir de $125.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Local taxes
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions médullaires
  • Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs devraient avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Doit être capable de nager sans l'aide d'un dispositif de flottaison.
  • Un billet est requis pour tous les passagers, quel que soit leur âge ou s'ils sont entrer dans l'eau.
  • Poids maximum de 280 livres par voyageur.
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant des problèmes de cou.
  • L'équipement de plongée est désinfecté entre les utilisations.
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (858)
Mar 2020
PROS: - The captain and guide were pleasant and informative - Got a great view of the mantas and the tour lasted the full hour - Overall great experience, despite the cons listed below CONS: - We had no idea where we were supposed to stand to meet Hawaii Oceanic when we arrived. The other companies all had signs for where to gather, but none for Hawaii Oceanic, so we got worried that we had showed up in the wrong spot. - Our guide showed up late, further increasing our anxiety that we were in the wrong spot. The time to star was 730 PM, and they didn’t show up until 745 PM - When booking online, they ask if you want to pay for parking. Having never done this before and no idea what the parking situation would be like down there, and assuming the parking might be bad if they give the option to pay for parking, we decided to pay the 8 USD for the parking. Turns out parking is totally free and not an issue, and we were never given nor never needed a pass to park there. When we contacted them on repeated attempts to ask if we could get a refund on the parking fee, we were never issued one. In fact, this is the whole reason I even decided to write this partially negative review. Had we been paid back this strange and nonsensical parking fee, I would have kept my mouth shut about all of this other stuff. - They ask for your height, weight, and what size of wetsuit you’ll be when you book online. I am usually between a medium and a large, but usually medium for American sizes so I chose medium. Turns out the medium didn’t fit me, and unlike the other companies that have you put on your wetsuit on the shore, they didn’t have us try on our wetsuits until we were well into out into the water on the boat. The medium was way too small, so I asked if they had a large, and they replied that they only bring the wetsuit size that you’ve preselected and no extra ones. This was a bit surprising considering that not everyone knows the fit of these things, and also was curious as to why they ask your height and weight if they aren’t going to look at it all in conjunction with what size you’ve selected for yourself. The weight part makes sense if they are trying to make sure the boat isn’t overweight, but why ask both height and weight together if it isn’t going to be somehow factored into what sizes of wetsuits they’ll have available on the boat? So in the end, I was forced to go without a wetsuit into the cold water for the one hour tour, and by the end of it I was absolutely freezing and shivering. No apology or anything from them on this. Would I do a manta dive again? Yes. Would I choose this company? Maybe not.
Mar 2020
We were on a small boat with 11 people in total. Small no frills operation. But, the most amazing experience due in part to the size of the crew and tour group. We saw other groups with 20-30 people all crammed together in the water. Our water guide (Aaron) pulled/swam our group to the area where the mantis were swimming. We saw numerous mantas with multiple barrel rolls right in front of our faces. Literally inches away. We could see straight down the manta throats, every spot and speckle on the body, and even the little fishes attached to them. Choose Hawaii Oceanic, you will not be disappointed.
Mar 2020
My best friend and I had a *fantastic* trip; the mantas were incredibly active and we saw tons of activity! Only reason I'm docking a point is we never got the photos from our trip. I'd 100% recommend this if you're on Big Island, though! The tour operators were very friendly and knowledgeable.

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