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Manta Magic - Plongée en apnée nocturne avec les raies manta au village de Manta, Kona, Hawaii

Évitez les foules des autres «bateaux à bestiaux» à Kona et profitez d'une expérience de plongée en apnée avec des raies manta en petit groupe avec un maximum de 12 passagers.

Cette excursion part du port de Keahou dans le sud de Kona et profite d'un court 5 -minute en bateau jusqu'à notre site de plongée en apnée, Manta Village.

Votre capitaine et votre guide de plongée vous renseigneront sur les célèbres raies manta de Kona et discuteront de notre approche sûre et humaine pour interagir avec les gentils géants.

br>Après être entré dans l'eau, vous vous accrocherez à notre planche lumineuse, les pieds soutenus par des dispositifs de flottaison, tandis que les raies manta effectueront un ballet gracieux sous vous. Les raies manta se nourrissent de filtre de plancton qui se rassemble naturellement à la surface juste avant le coucher du soleil, puis s'accumule sous nos lumières. C'est l'occasion de profiter d'une soirée sur l'eau et de regarder avec émerveillement les raies manta glisser et danser pour vous.

Nous sommes fiers d'être une entreprise inscrite sur la liste verte et nous adoptons une approche respectueuse de l'environnement pour nos interactions avec les raies manta.
Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Thu 24 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $125.00
Thu 24 Oct
À partir de $125.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Local taxes
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions médullaires
  • Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs devraient avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Doit être capable de nager sans l'aide d'un dispositif de flottaison.
  • Un billet est requis pour tous les passagers, quel que soit leur âge ou s'ils sont entrer dans l'eau.
  • Poids maximum de 280 livres par voyageur.
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant des problèmes de cou.
  • L'équipement de plongée est désinfecté entre les utilisations.
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (858)
Dan J
Sep 2018
We had an amazing time swimming with the mantas! We got amazing footage of them doing flips, and the guys that took us out made sure we had a great time! Highly, highly recommended!
Patrick S
Aug 2018
We had a great experience! The crew was hospitable and knowledgeable about the mantas. They were helpful and patient with my son who had a difficult time at first getting a good seal on his mask because of his beard. We only saw one manta, but it stayed with us for the whole half hour we were snorkeling.
Diana S
Aug 2018
This was the ONE thing I wanted to do on the Big Island and I was not disappointed. The whole experience was so magical and surreal that I can only start at the beginning. Dusty and Chad were our guides and greeted us with a friendly and warm demeanor and immediately put any nervous nellies to rest. They explained everything that we would be doing from start to finish so we knew what to expect and be prepared. We were fitted with "shorties" to help keep us warm and to help keep us more buoyant. The boat ride was about 30 minutes and the ocean was a bit rough, but Chad stood there the whole time telling us what to expect when we got there, a little history and information about the Rays, and answered any questions we had. When we got there, there were a couple of boats already anchored and doing the same thing as we were going to do, but they all greeted each other as friends and as they picked their spot and put anchor we could see dolphins jumping out of the water, playing with the big waves. That got our adrenaline going and when they were ready, we jumped off the boat and swam to the floating dock and held on as they turned the lights on. We just floated with our faces down (they supplied all the snorkeling gear) and watched the most amazing show! It was like we were watching on tv, but one bumped into my leg so I knew it was real. They are so big and so graceful. They came so close, so often, but not once did they touch us. We had five visiting with us at one time. It was absolutely crazy! My nephew was next to me filming with his Go-Pro. At the last minute everyone ditched their phones because the water was so rough, but once you were out there, it felt different - calm. I really regretted not having my phone camera with me. But they took photos underwater and posted them for us on Facebook, so I was able to get those pics! You're out there with them about half an hour and that time went by so fast! I couldn't believe it was time to go back. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget and I'm so blessed to have been able to share that experience with my family. Dusty and Chad made it safe, fun and special. If you have a chance to do it - you just have to! You will not regret it!

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