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Manta Magic - Plongée en apnée nocturne avec les raies manta au village de Manta, Kona, Hawaii

Évitez les foules des autres «bateaux à bestiaux» à Kona et profitez d'une expérience de plongée en apnée avec des raies manta en petit groupe avec un maximum de 12 passagers.

Cette excursion part du port de Keahou dans le sud de Kona et profite d'un court 5 -minute en bateau jusqu'à notre site de plongée en apnée, Manta Village.

Votre capitaine et votre guide de plongée vous renseigneront sur les célèbres raies manta de Kona et discuteront de notre approche sûre et humaine pour interagir avec les gentils géants.

br>Après être entré dans l'eau, vous vous accrocherez à notre planche lumineuse, les pieds soutenus par des dispositifs de flottaison, tandis que les raies manta effectueront un ballet gracieux sous vous. Les raies manta se nourrissent de filtre de plancton qui se rassemble naturellement à la surface juste avant le coucher du soleil, puis s'accumule sous nos lumières. C'est l'occasion de profiter d'une soirée sur l'eau et de regarder avec émerveillement les raies manta glisser et danser pour vous.

Nous sommes fiers d'être une entreprise inscrite sur la liste verte et nous adoptons une approche respectueuse de l'environnement pour nos interactions avec les raies manta.
Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Mon 23 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $125.00
Mon 23 Sep
À partir de $125.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Local taxes
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions médullaires
  • Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs devraient avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Doit être capable de nager sans l'aide d'un dispositif de flottaison.
  • Un billet est requis pour tous les passagers, quel que soit leur âge ou s'ils sont entrer dans l'eau.
  • Poids maximum de 280 livres par voyageur.
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant des problèmes de cou.
  • L'équipement de plongée est désinfecté entre les utilisations.
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (858)
Jul 2022
We actually missed our trip, by 5 min. We have been on many excursions and this was a first. She said she called at time to deport but left no message or didn’t text . . And had a Michigan number not Hawaii!! Typically we are reminded the day before and then again the day of. That was not the customer service we received from this company maybe because this was such a small business they don’t follow up with with customers. We’ve learned our lesson the hard way stick with the more well know companys!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2022
Aloha - we apologize for the inconvenience of you being late to the tour. We send confirmation emails at the time of booking and reminder emails 24 hours before the tour, and we ask our guests to arrive 30 minutes before the tour. If you arrive 5 minutes after tour time, you are 35 minutes late. We did call you before the tour, and you didn't answer your phone. Our staff uses their personal cell phones to call guests who are late (the staff is already at the harbor or on the boat), which is why you received a call from a Michigan cell phone #. We run up to 7 manta ray snorkel tours per night, and we run on schedule, which is why we ask guests to arrive 30 minutes early. We can not hold up the tour for guests that are running late, as that will unfairly delay all the other tours that evening. When guests do miss their tour, we rebook them or offer a credit for a future tour. We are one of the highest-rated tour companies on the Big Island, and one reason is that we run on time. If you are going to show up late for a tour, then blame the tour provider for you being late, that is very unfair to the tour provider. This review should be removed because it is not our fault that a guest arrived late, did not answer their phone, and missed their tour.
Jul 2022
Would do it all again tomorrow. Once in a lifetime opportunity, do NOT miss this!!! Teenagers in the family loved it especially our 18yo daughter who was nervous to go. These creatures are a sight to behold , we did the 9.20 tour and ended up seeing 5 or 6, the highlight being the largest ray who was clearly very comfortable being around people and came suuuuper close! She was about 15 feet wide- absolutely amazing. Hawaiian Oceanic we’re a friendly and fun team to take us out - standout being the guide Hunter who made the trip with his enthusiasm and commentary . Cool dude. 100% would recommend this company. 100% recommend this activity - honestly don’t go to the big island and not do this.
Jul 2022
This was such an amazing experience and one of the highlights of my entire trip. This was my first time reserving a tour via TripAdvisor, so I was nervous about its trustworthiness, but eventually I found all the good reviews about Hawaii Oceanic to be absolutely true. Finding the operation was a trick, however. There are MULTIPLE tour companies that leave from that harbor, and I had a very tough time trying to figure out which group was the right one. Once I got that straight, it was five stars the rest of the time. This is the perfect tour for someone who gets motion sickness (which I do), because the place where they stop is literally only a few minutes out. Seriously, it couldn't have been any more than 5 -- you turn a corner and you're there. And, of all the boats that were out there, I like think that we had the best turnout (our group seemed to elicit the most oohs and ahhs). I lost count of the number of mantas that approached us; they were everywhere! Some were enormous (possibly as wide as a car?) ... and inches from my face! They warn not to touch the mantas because it wears off their mucus layer, but they were totally the ones bumping into us! The water was choppy, but I felt very safe with our guide. (I think his name was Hunter? I'll call him that.) In fact, when another operator had a person who was starting to freak out from the choppy water, their guide called on Hunter to spot his group so that he could get the man back on their boat. Hunter also told us a great deal of information the entire time. It didn't come off as canned; it very conversational. All in all, I cannot recommend this outfit highly enough. If I ever go back to Hawaii, this tour, with this company, is definitely on my list of what I'd do again.

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