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Visite privée en vélo électrique des plages de Santa Monica et de Venise

Découvrez Santa Monica et Venise lors de cette visite privée en vélo électrique. Une belle expérience pour les habitants et les visiteurs. Vous naviguerez le long de la piste cyclable de la plage en profitant du soleil, de la vue sur l'océan et de l'atmosphère énergique de Santa Monica et de Venice Beach sur votre vélo électrique facile à utiliser. Arrêtez-vous pour prendre des photos dans les principales attractions de Santa Monica, notamment la plage de Santa Monica, la jetée de Santa Monica en arrière-plan et l'endroit où les célébrités hollywoodiennes ont fait la fête à l'époque dorée d'Hollywood. Écoutez des histoires amusantes sur la culture pop et l'histoire de la ville de votre guide. Vous vous dirigerez vers la ville animée de Venise pour voir le skate park, le street art et l'agitation de la foule sur la promenade en bord de mer, puis vous vous dirigerez vers les canaux de Venise avant un dernier arrêt à Muscle Beach et un retour au magasin.
Ville: Santa Monica
Sat 08 Mar
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À partir de $99.00
Sat 08 Mar
À partir de $99.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Bottled water
Photo memories package ($30 value)
Use of electric bike and helmet
PPE - mask and light plastic gloves available upon request
PPE - small 1 oz hand sanitizer on bike for your use
Professional guide
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à toutes les conditions physiques niveaux
  • DOIT être à l'aise pour faire du vélo
  • Des photos seront prises pendant votre visite, éditées et vous seront envoyées par e-mail dans les 7 jours suivant votre visite
  • L'âge minimum est de 13 ans; doit mesurer au moins 5 pieds (152 cm) et peser au moins 100 lb (45 kg)
  • Poids maximum 250 lb (113 kg). Les vélos ont une cote de sécurité allant jusqu'à 250 livres.
  • Les enfants de 17 ans et moins doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Nous vous recommandons de porter des chaussures fermées, de la crème solaire et des lunettes de soleil, et d'apporter un veste (tous les vélos ont des sacoches pour le stockage)
  • Les visites ne fonctionnent pas sous la pluie
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux fournis aux voyageurs
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
  • Guides nécessaires pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • -Vélos désinfectés avant chaque tour en mettant l'accent sur les points de contact : poignées, leviers de frein, sonnette et siège -Distanciation sociale avec espace les uns derrière les autres -Casques obligatoires et fournis désinfectés après chaque sortie -L'activité se déroule à l'extérieur. Temps très limité à l'intérieur le cas échéant - Toilettes désinfectées fréquemment
À quoi s'attendre
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
Piste cyclable de 26 milles
Les 3/4 de la visite se déroulent sur une piste cyclable de 26 milles avec des arrêts tout au long du parcours pour des histoires, des anecdotes et des attractions intéressantes.Venez rouler avec moi et vous verrez... 2 à 2,5 heures comprend de nombreux arrêts de 10 à 15 minutes aux attractions répertoriées.
Jetée de Santa Monica
Superbe séance photo avec la jetée, la grande roue et les montagnes russes de renommée mondiale en arrière-plan. 15 minutes chevauchent et font partie du temps passé sur la piste cyclable de 26 miles, la plage d'état SM et la baie de Santa Monica. *Remarque : le vélo n'est pas autorisé sur la jetée.
Annenberg Community Beach House
C'est un endroit où les célébrités avaient l'habitude de traîner et de faire la fête. Nous passons pour quelques histoires rapides. 15 minutes chevauchent des temps d'attraction plus longs et font partie de la visite totale de 3 heures.
plage de Venise
Venice Beach vibre d'activité. Un lieu de rencontre hippie original qui maintient toujours une ambiance éclectique et une attitude à tout faire. Nous allons vérifier toutes les meilleures attractions le long de la plage. 1 heure de temps chevauche et fait partie du temps passé sur la piste cyclable de 26 miles et la baie de Santa Monica.
Promenade de la plage de Venise
C'est ce que tout le monde veut voir... VENISE. La piste cyclable de Venice Beach est parallèle à la promenade. Nous roulons le long de la promenade pour voir les boutiques de vendeurs et les gens éclectiques et tous les endroits les plus cool le long de la plage. Les heures indiquées se chevauchent pour une visite totale de 2,5 à 3 heures.
Skatepark de Venise
Du matin au coucher du soleil, vous verrez des choses défiant la gravité. C'est le skatepark n°1 de Californie. Voyez si vous pouvez prendre une photo de l'un des patineurs en train de prendre l'air. Ces 15 minutes chevauchent le temps passé sur la plage de Venise et la promenade.
Murs d'art de Venise
Parc de graffiti légal où l'art va et vient dans un tourbillon de talents artistiques de rue. Si vous voyez un chef-d'œuvre que vous aimez, prenez cette photo maintenant. Il pourrait disparaître demain.
Passerelle des canaux de Venise
Les canaux de Venise sont un joyau caché. Le vélo est le meilleur moyen de voir ce quartier pittoresque. Nous vous montrerons pourquoi ils l'appellent Venise et vous dirons comment ces canaux sont arrivés ici. Je parie que vous voudrez une photo. 20 minutes pour les canaux nous éloignent de la plage pendant quelques pâtés de maisons, mais ce temps fait partie des 3 heures de temps total.
Muscle Beach Venise
Célèbre parce qu'Arnold Schwarzenegger travaillait ici. Écoutez des histoires sur la culture pop et admirez les culturistes. Séance photo. Nous n'entrons pas dans la zone d'entraînement des bodybuilders, mais le visionnement est gratuit. Régaler vos yeux :) 15 minutes chevauchent des temps plus longs indiqués Fermé pour rénovation jusqu'en mars 2020. Ça vaut toujours le coup d'oeil.
Plage d'État de Santa Monica
Environ 50% de la visite se déroule à Santa Monica le long de la plage et les 50% restants à Venise. 1 à 1,5 heures passées en SM chevauchent des temps plus courts indiqués pour des arrêts spécifiques.
Baie de Santa Monica
Il s'agit d'une excursion à vélo sur la plage, les villes balnéaires de Los Angeles sont la plage de Santa Monica et la plage de Venise, toutes deux le long de la baie de Santa Monica. Nous roulons le long des deux plages sur la piste cyclable de la plage en profitant du sable, du bruit des vagues et de tout ce qu'il y a à voir. Ces 3 heures correspondent à la durée totale de la visite et toutes les autres heures d'attraction se chevauchent au cours de ces 3 heures.
Hippodrome de Santa Monica Looff
C'est la maison du carrousel de Santa Monica. L'un des derniers carrousels en bois au monde. Une beauté sculptée à la main. Vous avez vu ce bâtiment dans des films et des émissions de télévision. Nous n'entrons généralement pas à l'intérieur, mais sur demande, nous pouvons réserver du temps pour une photo ou un tour. L'entrée est incluse. 10 à 15 minutes chevauchent des durées plus longues et font partie de la durée totale de la visite de 3 heures.
Parc du Pacifique
Site pour votre séance photo emblématique de Santa Monica avec grande roue et montagnes russes en arrière-plan. Pacific Park est sur la jetée de Santa Monica. Il n'y a pas de vélo sur la jetée mais SUR DEMANDE, nous pouvons prendre le temps de faire une petite promenade. Pour profiter pleinement de l'expérience Pacific Park, prenez un peu de temps avant ou après votre visite. La jetée est à seulement 1,2 miles (2 km) de notre point de départ et d'arrivée.
Tours de sauveteurs emblématiques de L.A.
Tout au long de la plage se dressent comme des sentinelles les emblématiques tours de sauveteurs. Vous les avez vus dans des films, sur Internet, dans des émissions de télévision, des publicités et plus encore. Nous pouvons les apprécier au fur et à mesure que nous roulons ou sur demande spéciale nous approcher pour une photo. Vous pouvez avoir du sable dans vos chaussures ou marcher pieds nus pour cette photo.
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Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (55)
Cynthia S
Nov 2022
The electric bikes are new and very easy to use. I went with my adult son and Barbara was our guide. I did this last year with her in a group. She is full of valuable info about the sites we went by which are full of interesting history. Would definitely recommend this. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Thank you Barbara! I’ll be back next year.
Oct 2022
AMAZING EXPERIENCE! So many fun niche facts and a comprehensive tour with many sights. Barb took many pictures of us and was sure to share them all after the fact.
Sep 2022
This tour was great! Molly was a wonderful guide and took time to give cool facts about Santa Monica and Venice. The tour length was perfect and having the option of using the electric part of the bike when needed came in handy. Definitely recommend!!!!!

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