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Частный тур на электрическом велосипеде по пляжам Санта-Моники и Венеции

Почувствуйте вкус Санта-Моники и Венеции в этом частном туре на электрическом велосипеде. Отличный опыт для местных жителей и гостей. Вы будете путешествовать по пляжной велосипедной дорожке наслаждаясь солнцем, видом на океан и энергичной атмосферой Санта-Моники и Венис-Бич на своем простом в использовании электрическом велосипеде. Остановитесь, чтобы сфотографироваться на главных достопримечательностях Санта-Моники, включая пляж Санта-Моники, пирс Санта-Моники в качестве фона и место, где голливудские знаменитости устраивали вечеринки в золотые дни Голливуда. Послушайте забавные истории о поп-культуре и истории города от своего гида. Вы отправитесь в яркую Венецию, чтобы увидеть скейт-парк, уличное искусство и суету толпы на прогулке по берегу океана, затем отправитесь к каналам Венеции, а затем сделаете последнюю остановку на Muscle Beach и вернетесь в магазин.
Город: Санта Моника
Mon 24 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Mon 24 Feb
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Professional guide
Bottled water
Photo memories package ($30 value)
Use of electric bike and helmet
PPE - mask and light plastic gloves available upon request
PPE - small 1 oz hand sanitizer on bike for your use
Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Не рекомендуется путешественникам с травмами позвоночника
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта
  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
  • ДОЛЖНЫ быть удобными для езды на велосипеде
  • Фотографии будут сделаны во время вашего тура, отредактированы и отправлены вам по электронной почте в течение 7 дней после вашего тура
  • Минимальный возраст 13 лет; должен быть ростом не менее 5 футов (152 см) и весом не менее 100 фунтов (45 кг)
  • Максимальный вес 250 фунтов (113 кг). Велосипеды рассчитаны на нагрузку до 250 фунтов.
  • Дети в возрасте до 17 лет должны быть в сопровождении взрослых.
  • Мы рекомендуем носить обувь с закрытыми носками, солнцезащитный крем и солнцезащитные очки, а также взять с собой куртка (у всех велосипедов есть кофры для хранения)
  • Туры не проводятся в дождь
  • Гидам в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Путешественникам предоставляются маски для лица
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук
  • Соблюдение социальной дистанции на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Дезинфекция снаряжения/оборудования между использованием
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
  • -Велосипеды дезинфицируют перед каждым туром, уделяя особое внимание точкам соприкосновения: ручкам, тормозным рычагам, звонку и сиденью. -Социальное дистанцирование с пространством друг за другом - Требуются шлемы, которые дезинфицируются после каждой поездки. - Действие происходит на открытом воздухе. Очень ограниченное время в помещении, если таковое имеется - Туалет часто дезинфицируется
Что ожидать
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-Mile Bike Path
3/4 of the tour takes place 26-Mile Bike Path with stops all along the way for stories, trivia and interesting attractions.Come ride with me and you will see... 2 to 2.5 hours includes many 10 to 15 minute stops at attractions listed.
Santa Monica Pier
Great photo op with the world-famous pier, ferris wheel and rollercoaster in the background. 15 minutes overlaps with and is part of time spent on the 26 miles bike path, SM state beach & Santa Monica bay. *Note: bike riding is not permitted on the pier.
Annenberg Community Beach House
This is a spot where celebrities used to hang out and party. We swing by for a few quick stories. 15 minutes overlaps with longer attraction times and is part of the total 3 hour tour.
Venice Beach
Venice Beach vibrates with activity. An original hippy hangout that still maintains an eclectic vibe and an anything goes attitude. We'll check out all the best attractions along the beach. 1 hour time overlaps with and is part of time spent on 26 mile bike path & Santa Monica bay.
Venice Beach Boardwalk
This is what everyone wants to see... VENICE. The Venice Beach bike path is parallel to the boardwalk. We ride along next to the boardwalk to view the vendor shops and eclectic people and all the coolest spots along the beach. Listed times overlap for a total tour of 2.5 to 3 hours.
Venice Skatepark
From morning until sunset you'll see gravity defying things. This is the #1 skatepark in California. See if you can get a shot of one of the skaters catching some air. This 15 minutes overlaps with time spent on Venice beach and the boardwalk.
Venice art walls
Legal graffiti park where the art comes and goes in a swirl of artistic street art talent. If you see a masterpiece that you love, get that photo now. It could be gone tomorrow.
Venice Canals Walkway
The Venice canals are a hidden gem. Bicycle is the best way to see this quaint neighborhood. We'll show you why they call it Venice and tell you how these canals got here. I bet you'll want a photo. 20 minutes for the Canals pulls us away from the beach for a few blocks but that time is part of the 3 hour total time.
Muscle Beach Venice
Famous because Arnold Schwarzenegger used to work out here. Hear pop culture stories and view the body builders. Photo Op. We don't actually enter the bodybuilder workout area but viewing is free. Feast your eyes :) 15 minutes overlaps with longer times listed Close for renovation until March 2020. Still worth a peek.
Santa Monica State Beach
Roughly 50% of the tour is in Santa Monica along the beach with the other 50% in Venice. 1 to 1.5 hours spent in SM overlaps with shorter times listed for specific stops.
Santa Monica Bay
This is a beach bike tour, the beach cities of Los Angeles are Santa Monica Beach and Venice beach both along Santa Monica Bay. We ride the length of both beaches on the beach bike path enjoying the sand, sound of the surf and all that there is to see. This 3 hours is the entire tour time and all other attraction times overlap within this 3 hours.
Santa Monica Looff Hippodrome
This is the home of the Santa Monica carousel. One of the last wooden carousels in the world. A hand carved beauty. You've seen this building in movies and TV shows. We don't typically go inside but by request we can carve out time for a photo or a spin. Admission is included. 10 to 15 minutes overlaps with longer times and is part of the 3 hour total tour time.
Pacific Park
Site for your iconic Santa Monica Photo Op with ferris wheel & rollercoaster as the background. Pacific Park is on Santa Monica pier. There is no biking on the Pier but BY REQUEST we can make time for a quick stroll. For the full Pacific Park experience make some time before or after your tour. The pier is just 1.2 miles (2KM) from our starting and ending point.
L.A.'s Iconic Lifeguard Towers
All along the beach standing like sentinels are the iconic lifeguard towers. You've seen them in movies, on the internet, in TV shows, commercials and more. We can appreciate them as we roll on by or by special request get close for a photo. You may get sand in your shoes or go barefoot for this shot.
26-мильная велосипедная дорожка
3/4 тура проходит 26-мильная велосипедная дорожка с остановками по пути для рассказов, мелочей и интересных достопримечательностей. Поехали со мной, и вы увидите... От 2 до 2,5 часов включает множество 10-15-минутных остановок у перечисленных достопримечательностей.
Пирс Санта-Моники
Отличная фотосессия на фоне всемирно известного пирса, колеса обозрения и американских горок. 15 минут пересекаются и являются частью времени, проведенного на велосипедной дорожке протяженностью 26 миль, на государственном пляже SM и в заливе Санта-Моника. *Примечание: езда на велосипеде по пирсу запрещена.
Пляжный дом сообщества Анненберг
Это место, где знаменитости тусовались и веселились. Мы заскочим на несколько быстрых историй. 15 минут перекрываются с более длительным временем аттракциона и являются частью общего 3-часового тура.
Венецианский пляж
Венис-Бич кипит активностью. Оригинальное хиппи-тусовочное место, в котором по-прежнему сохраняется эклектичная атмосфера и отношение к чему угодно. Мы проверим все лучшие достопримечательности вдоль пляжа. 1 час времени совпадает с временем, проведенным на 26-мильной велосипедной дорожке и в заливе Санта-Моника, и является его частью.
Набережная Венис-Бич
Это то, что все хотят увидеть... ВЕНЕЦИЯ. Велосипедная дорожка Венис-Бич проходит параллельно променаду. Мы едем вдоль набережной, чтобы посмотреть на магазины, эклектичных людей и все самые крутые места вдоль пляжа. Перечисленное время перекрывается, общая продолжительность тура составляет от 2,5 до 3 часов.
Венецианский скейтпарк
С утра до заката вы будете видеть вещи, бросающие вызов гравитации. Это скейтпарк №1 в Калифорнии. Посмотрим, сможешь ли ты сфотографировать одного из фигуристов, ловящего воздух. Эти 15 минут совпадают со временем, проведенным на Венис-Бич и променаде.
Венецианские художественные стены
Легальный парк граффити, где искусство приходит и уходит в водовороте талантов художественного уличного искусства. Если вы видите шедевр, который вам нравится, сделайте это фото прямо сейчас. Завтра его может не быть.
Дорожка Венецианских каналов
Каналы Венеции — скрытая жемчужина. Велосипед - лучший способ увидеть этот причудливый район. Мы покажем вам, почему ее называют Венецией, и расскажем, как сюда попали эти каналы. Бьюсь об заклад, вы хотите фото. 20 минут на Каналы уводят нас от пляжа на несколько кварталов, но это время является частью 3-х часового общего времени.
Muscle Beach Венеция
Известен тем, что здесь когда-то тренировался Арнольд Шварценеггер. Слушайте истории поп-культуры и смотрите бодибилдеров. Фото соч. На самом деле мы не заходим в зону тренировок бодибилдеров, но просмотр бесплатный. Порадуй глаз :) 15 минут перекрываются с более длительным временем, указанным Закрыт на ремонт до марта 2020 года. Стоит заглянуть.
Государственный пляж Санта-Моники
Примерно 50% тура проходит в Санта-Монике вдоль пляжа, а остальные 50% - в Венеции. От 1 до 1,5 часов, проведенных в SM, совпадает с более коротким временем, указанным для конкретных остановок.
Санта-Моника Бэй
Это пляжный велосипедный тур, пляжные города Лос-Анджелеса - это пляж Санта-Моника и пляж Венис, оба вдоль залива Санта-Моника. Мы проезжаем вдоль обоих пляжей по пляжной велосипедной дорожке, наслаждаясь песком, шумом прибоя и всем, что можно увидеть. Эти 3 часа - это все время тура, и все остальные аттракционы перекрываются в течение этих 3 часов.
Ипподром Санта-Моника Луфф
Это дом карусели Санта-Моники. Одна из последних деревянных каруселей в мире. Красота ручной работы. Вы видели это здание в фильмах и сериалах. Обычно мы не заходим внутрь, но по запросу можем выкроить время для фото или кружки. Вход включен. От 10 до 15 минут пересекаются с более длительными периодами и являются частью 3-часового общего времени тура.
Пасифик Парк
Место для легендарной фотосессии в Санта-Монике на фоне колеса обозрения и американских горок. Пасифик Парк находится на пирсе Санта-Моники. На пирсе нельзя ездить на велосипеде, но ПО ЗАПРОСУ мы можем выделить время для быстрой прогулки. Чтобы получить полное представление о Тихоокеанском парке, выделите время до или после тура. Пирс находится всего в 1,2 милях (2 км) от нашей начальной и конечной точки.
Знаменитые спасательные башни Лос-Анджелеса
Вдоль всего пляжа стоят, как часовые, знаменитые вышки спасателей. Вы видели их в фильмах, в Интернете, в телешоу, рекламе и многом другом. Мы можем оценить их по мере продвижения или по специальному запросу приблизиться для фото. Вы можете набить обувь песком или пойти босиком для этого снимка.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (55)
Cynthia S
Nov 2022
The electric bikes are new and very easy to use. I went with my adult son and Barbara was our guide. I did this last year with her in a group. She is full of valuable info about the sites we went by which are full of interesting history. Would definitely recommend this. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Thank you Barbara! I’ll be back next year.
Oct 2022
AMAZING EXPERIENCE! So many fun niche facts and a comprehensive tour with many sights. Barb took many pictures of us and was sure to share them all after the fact.
Sep 2022
This tour was great! Molly was a wonderful guide and took time to give cool facts about Santa Monica and Venice. The tour length was perfect and having the option of using the electric part of the bike when needed came in handy. Definitely recommend!!!!!

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