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Excursion d'une journée de luxe au Grand Canyon en petit groupe au départ de Phoenix

Découvrez la beauté pittoresque de l'Arizona lors de cette excursion d'une journée en petit groupe au départ de la région de Phoenix-Scottsdale. Visitez l'une des merveilles du monde, le Grand Canyon, et découvrez la Route 66, l'emblématique autoroute américaine ancrée dans une riche tradition, lors d'une excursion d'une journée. Admirez des vues inoubliables sur les paysages classiques du sud-ouest avec votre guide expérimenté. Choisissez entre une visite en petit groupe (limitée à 13 personnes seulement) ou une option privée.
Ville: Scottsdale
Thu 13 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $219.00
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $219.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Hotel pickup *Select hotels - Even if your hotel is on the list, we may need you to meet.
Bottled water
Professional guide
Transport by air-conditioned van with luxury captain's chair seating
Fuel surcharge
Small-group tour (up to 13 passengers)
Hotel pickup *Select hotels - Even if your hotel is on the list, we may need you to meet.
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Un nombre minimum s'applique. Il y a une possibilité d'annulation après confirmation s'il n'y a pas assez de passagers pour répondre aux exigences. Dans ce cas, un remboursement alternatif ou intégral vous sera proposé
  • La loi de l'État de l'Arizona exige que les enfants de moins de 8 ans aient soit un siège enfant, soit un rehausseur. Les sièges enfant ne sont pas fournis, veuillez apporter le vôtre
  • L'âge minimum est de 3 ans
  • Les fauteuils roulants sont acceptables tant qu'ils se replient et peuvent être glissés dans le véhicule.
  • Nous ne garantissons pas la prise en charge pour tous les hôtels. Même si votre hôtel figure sur la liste, il se peut que vous deviez vous rencontrer à un autre endroit. Tout invité séjournant en dehors de Phoenix, Scottsdale ou Tempe devra se rencontrer à un autre endroit à déterminer par le fournisseur. Les coordonnées du fournisseur du circuit seront fournies sur votre bon prépayé.
  • Masques faciaux fournis aux voyageurs
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Régulièrement désinfecté -zones de circulation
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
À quoi s'attendre
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approx. three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
Après avoir quitté la région métropolitaine de Phoenix, notre visite traverse le vaste désert de Sonora rempli de cactus saguaro indigènes. Le paysage commence à changer à mesure que nous augmentons en altitude et que les vues sur les cactus se fondent dans les pins. Alors que nous continuons plus loin dans le nord de l'Arizona, nous traverserons la périphérie de la ville de Flagstaff sur la Route 66 et de l'autoroute, nous verrons les pics de San Francisco parmi la forêt de pins ponderosa apparemment sans fin, la plus grande forêt contiguë de pins ponderosa au monde.
Dépôt Williams
Williams sera notre premier arrêt le long de la visite pour avoir la chance de découvrir la Route 66, l'emblématique autoroute américaine ancrée dans une riche tradition. Pendant leur séjour à Williams, les clients auront l'occasion de "prendre leur pied sur la Route 66" avec des promenades le long de l'itinéraire d'origine, d'explorer les boutiques locales et de capturer des photos souvenirs soulignant une époque révolue de l'histoire classique américaine. Également connue sous le nom d'autoroute Will Rodgers, la Route 66 est la route la plus reconnaissable des États-Unis et s'étendait sur 2 448 milles de Chicago à la Californie une fois terminée.
Rive sud du Grand Canyon
Vous passerez environ trois heures dans le parc national à vous émerveiller devant la beauté du Grand Canyon. Vous serez conduit à des points de vue et aurez du temps libre pour marcher vers divers points de vue et points d'intérêt. Visitez l'historique El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point ou Yavapai Point, le musée de la géologie et d'autres points de vue incroyables ! Pendant votre séjour sur la rive sud du parc national du Grand Canyon, vous aurez l'occasion de marcher sur le bord, de faire du shopping, de capturer un nombre illimité de photos ou de déjeuner (à vos frais) et de vous détendre avec le meilleur siège de la maison.
Show 18 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (1000)
Dec 2022
Great experience! Mark, our guide, was very knowledgeable about different aspects of Arizona and our group had a lot of fun. I felt like it was a great value for the experience you’re receiving!
Dec 2022
It was a long day, but so worth it. The tour offers convenient pick up spots based on passengers locations, but we got lucky that the spot was our hotel. First big stop was Williams where we got to walk around the cute little town, shop around, and see the original Route 66. Next, some people were dropped off at the Grand Canyon airport for their helicopter tour and the rest were brought to the canyon to begin our hike. There we got 3 hours to hike, explore, shop, and eat lunch. After that our guide took us to couple other overview spots, all with phenomenal panoramic views of the canyon. Our guide Mark was great from start to finish, full of knowledge and funny snarky jokes. The only drawback to the tour overall is the fact that there were limited options for lunch. We picked up bagel sandwiches from our stop in Williams, but the canyon itself had nothing more than snacks. The driver will warn you at the start of the trip about this, so make sure you take it seriously, especially if you have dietary restrictions.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
While most of our tours are full day tours, our guides do an excellent job with filling the ride up with interesting facts and historic knowledge of not only the National Park itself, but plenty of Arizona! We do the best we can when it comes to lunch on the road. Fortunately, we welcome guests to bring their own lunch if they so desire! Especially for those with dietary restrictions. Best, Nathan DETOURS
Dec 2022
Our guide Robert was excellent-very knowledgeable, friendly and prompt. We had never been to the Grand Canyon before and are glad we did this. It is a LONG day from Phoenix. From pick up to drop off was about 13 hours. He made plenty of pit stops. Our group was 10 people. Check the weather there before you pack for your trip. I didn't. While Phoenix was in the 60s, the Grand Canyon was low 40s and very windy. Wish we would have packed warmer clothes.

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