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45-minutowy lot helikopterem nad Wielkim Kanionem z Tusayan w Arizonie

Twoja wycieczka odbywa się na lotnisku Wielkiego Kanionu w Tusayan w Arizonie. Leć nad sosnami ponderosa w Lesie Narodowym Kaibab podczas 45-minutowej wycieczki helikopterem z południowej krawędzi Wielkiego Kanionu. W górę rzeki Kolorado znajdują się widoki na Malowaną Pustynię i Wieżę Strażniczą Desert View. Zobacz Marble Canyon i Point Imperial, przelatując przez kanion i wspinając się nad północną krawędzią, aby skierować się na południe przez Dragon Corridor, najszerszą i najgłębszą część kanionu.
Miasto: Park Narodowy Wielkiego Kanionu
Fri 10 Jan
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $319.00
Fri 10 Jan
Zaczynać od $319.00
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45-minutowy lot helikopterem
Dodatkowe informacje
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  • Zgodnie z przepisami FAA wszyscy pasażerowie w wieku 18 lat i starsi będą zobowiązani do okazania dokumentu tożsamości ze zdjęciem, takiego jak prawo jazdy lub paszport w momencie odprawy.
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Czego oczekiwać
Las Narodowy Kaibab
Wylecisz z Tusayan w Arizonie, położonego na południowym obrzeżu Wielkiego Kanionu, najbezpieczniejszym i najwygodniejszym helikopterem turystycznym na świecie. Podczas 45-minutowego lotu helikopterem ciesz się luksusowym komfortem i panoramicznymi oknami, z których roztacza się zapierający dech w piersiach widok na kanion. Ciesz się fantastycznymi widokami na kanion, przelatując nad lasem narodowym Kaibab o powierzchni 1,6 miliona akrów (6500 km²), który graniczy zarówno z północną, jak i południową krawędzią Wielkiego Kanionu. W Lesie Narodowym Kaibab znajdują się największe na świecie sosny ponderosa.
Malowana pustynia
Będziesz kontynuować swoją podróż, podążając w górę rzeki Kolorado, oglądając z daleka Malowaną Pustynię o powierzchni 146 mil kwadratowych i 70-metrową (21-metrową) Strażnicę Desert View, National Historic Landmark.
Wieża obserwacyjna z widokiem na pustynię Wielkiego Kanionu
Desert View Watchtower posiada taras widokowy, z którego odwiedzający park narodowy mogą oglądać wschodnie części Wielkiego Kanionu.
Marmurowy Kanion
Następnie zobacz Marble Canyon, odcinek rzeki Kolorado, który wyznacza początek Wielkiego Kanionu, oraz Point Imperial, najwyższy punkt na North Rim na wysokości 8803 stóp (2683 metrów). Point Imperial wychodzi na Malowaną Pustynię i wschodni kraniec Wielkiego Kanionu. Przelecisz przez Kanion nad Północną Krawędzią, kierując się na południe przez Smoczy Korytarz, najszerszą i najgłębszą część Kanionu.
rzeka Colorado
Pod koniec lotu helikopterem przekroczysz rzekę Kolorado i przelecisz nad South Rim i Kaibab National Forest, aby wylądować. Uwaga: zgodnie z przepisami FAA wszyscy pasażerowie w wieku 18 lat i starsi będą zobowiązani do okazania dokumentu tożsamości ze zdjęciem, takiego jak prawo jazdy lub paszport, podczas odprawy.
Show 2 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Evan B
Feb 2017
I brought my wife out to see the Grand Canyon during a business trip since she had never been before. We drove the rim the previous day and it was, of course, spectacular. But after the fifth or sixth pull stop off the road it began to seem the same. The next morning we got to Maverick and had reserved the 45 minute flight (which was a surprise to her.) Our pilot, Fred, was great, the ride was smooth-just a bit of turbulence while we were flying over the treetops on the way to the canyon. Words can't describe the range of emotions at that first shot over the canyon rim and coming to a hover in the middle. So totally different experience from driving along the roads. Great narration and music throughout the flight, great visibility from the helicopter, plenty warm (we went in winter) - the entire experience was first rate. I am a bit of a tightwad when it comes to things like this normally, but I bit the bullet because you never know when you'll come back. It was worth EVERY PENNY! I would do it again in a heart beat if we go out at a different time of year. You will not regret doing it, even if you have to stay in a cheaper hotel a couple of nights to make it work. Only thing I would say is do the 45 minute trip. The marginal cost difference is minimal and you will wish you could stay in the air longer if you do the short one. Really had a fantastic time.
Susan F
Jan 2017

The only way to truly experience the Grand Canyon is with a helicopter ride so I highly recommend the experience. This trip was very disappointing. I got there very early so I could be first to check in and I requested front seating . I would have gladly paid extra for it as I did on a helicopter tour in Hawaii. Not only didn't I get front seating, I was placed middle back. This meant I had a person on each side of me with their faces plastered to the window completely understandable though rude, one of whom constantly snapped pictures. As for me, I wasn't in a position to get even one good picture. I still can't believe I was charged that much money for that experience. They should not even sell that middle back seat. I had taken a helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon a few years ago and sat in the front and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. This trip was a total bust. The pilot and company could have cared less. Very disappointing, especially since I knew how great it should have been. Total waste of money this time around.

Ronald Y
Dec 2016
We decided on the Maverick Helicopter Tour as it seemed that they had newer equipment than the other tour companies in the area. You meet at the Tusayan Airport which is outside of the Grand Canyon National Park (It is just outside of Tusayan). They have a large parking lot and guest services building with a gift shop, vending machines and restrooms. Check-in is fast and easy. They do take your weight (no lying about your weight, as you actually stand on a scale) which they use to assign your seating on the helicopter to balance the weight. You can request a front seat but they cannot guarantee specific seating but will give you preference if you ask in advance. Once everyone is checked in the pilot will call out your name and give you a seat assignment. You are provided with a life preserver that you wear around your waist and are assisted in getting in the helicopter. Once in, you put on your headphones and get a quick safety check. (you should wear dark clothing without prints so that you don't get a reflection off the inside of the glass when you take photos). The flight is about 45 minutes and there are no restrooms on the helicopter and no stops until you get back to the airport (as my Mother always told me, go now or forever hold your pees). The seats are very comfortable (seating for 7 including the pilot) and the helicopter is surprisingly quiet from others I have flown in. The weather was clear and the flight very calm and smooth. Once everyone is secure the pilot takes off and introduces himself and finds out a little bit about you. You initially fly over the pine forests and listen to a play list and commentary through your headphones. Then you fly out over the Canyon itself. The view is spectacular as the trees and land immediately end and fall away from view and you are now hovering 4,000 feet above the Canyon Floor! The pilot forewarned us just before we cleared the trees and got our first panoramic view of the Canyon but it is still breathtaking! The pilot describes the various areas of the Canyon and sights and flies along both the South and North Rims as well as along the Colorado River. You can ask questions through your headsets and the pilot is more than happy to respond and elaborate on his narration. Although we viewed the Canyon from the South Rim, the Rim Trails, the Bright Angel Trail and the West Rim, this is a unique "not to miss" way to see the Canyon if your budget allows. After about 45 minutes we landed back at the airport and they took pictures of us by the helicopter (with or without the pilot) and using their camera and ours. Although not required or requested, we did give a small gratuity to the pilot which I'm sure he appreciated. When we got back into the gift shop they had photos on the wall that you could purchase as well as a dvd of your specific flight made during the actual flight. Unfortunately the camera on our helicopter malfunctioned on our flight so we couldn't purchase the dvd of our flight but because we had asked to buy the dvd they gave us a complimentary copy of their generic dvd of the helicopter flight (very considerate and professional). The price for the helicopter flight was about $300 per person for about 45 minutes but was well worth it. If you want to get a different perspective of the Grand Canyon, this is definitely not a tour to miss! I would highly recommend both the helicopter flight and Maverick Helicopters as the tour provider.

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