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Popołudniowy lot balonem nad Phoenix

Podziwiaj piękną pustynię Arizona Sonora o zachodzie słońca jak nigdy dotąd! Unosząc się 2000-5000 stóp nad pustynią w balonie na ogrzane powietrze, niezakłócony widok 360 stopni i spokój lotu zapierają dech w piersiach. Po 45-60 minutowym locie balonem na gości czeka schłodzony szampan i wieczorne przekąski dla smakoszy na pustyni, idealne zakończenie dnia.
Miasto: Feniks
Mon 23 Sep
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Zaczynać od $236.52
Mon 23 Sep
Zaczynać od $236.52
co jest zawarte
Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu (jeśli wybrano taką opcję)
Wieczorne przystawki przy świecach oferowane przez lokalną ulubioną restaurację Vincent's on Camelback
Pamiątkowy certyfikat lotu
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących z urazami kręgosłupa
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących w ciąży
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Nieodpowiednie dla kobiet w ciąży
  • Niezalecane dla uczestników ze złamanymi kośćmi lub po niedawnej operacji
  • Pasażerowie muszą mieć możliwość zeskoczenia z drugiego stopnia drabiny na ziemię
  • Minimalny wiek to 5 lat
  • Rzeczywisty czas lotu to około 1 godzina
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Płatna polityka pozostawania w domu dla personelu z objawami
Czego oczekiwać
Rezerwat pustyni Phoenix Sonora
Twoja odprawa balonem na ogrzane powietrze odbywa się w Deer Valley Airport Balloon Ride Parking Area, chyba że wybrano opcję transferu hotelowego w obie strony. Goście będą unosić się nad budzącą podziw pustynią Sonora, oglądając z góry lokalne zabytki, dziką przyrodę i roślinność.
Góra Camelback
Szybuj obok kultowej góry Camelback w Dolinie Phoenix. Ta góra jest ulubieńcem lokalnych turystów pieszych i rowerzystów.
Centrum Phoenix
Gdy słońce zachodzi, zobaczysz w oddali Downtown Phoenix. Gdy zejdziesz na ląd, w sercu pustyni czeka na ciebie stół z pościelą i porcelaną, wskazówka, czym się będziesz cieszyć! Powita Cię tradycyjna uroczystość, która obejmuje przepysznie przygotowane dania dla smakoszy z wielokrotnie nagradzanej restauracji Vincent's on Camelback. Osoby, które po raz pierwszy lecą na lot, zostaną zaproszone na legendarną ceremonię balonistów, w której baloniarze z całego świata uczestniczą od ponad wieku.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (166)
Apr 2019
I am EXTREMELY afraid of heights but wanted to ride in a balloon after my sister rode in one last year and raved about it. I was not disappointed in my experience with Captain Craig and his crew. I never once felt afraid of the heights. The ride is so relaxing and peaceful. Captain Craig was a wealth of knowledge during our flight. The food was good (although finding the baking tin still attached to my quiche was not so pleasant when I bit into it). I plan on coming back next year.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Apr 2019
Greetings Dawn, We are so happy that you challenged yourself and flew over the beautiful desert with us. You experienced balloon magic; you rise so slowly and become one with the wind, then the fear fades away and you get to just enjoy. It is much more peaceful than most folks think it will be. We very much appreciate you telling us about your quiche, we apologize for it not being as it should and we will address this issue so that it doesn't happen again. Thank you for sharing a morning with Captain Craig and taking the time to write a review. Cheers!
Mar 2019
We had a great time on our sunset trip. Our private group for 7 people was a perfect company outing after a long week of conference work. We had a few nervous nelly's in our group but once we were in air they felt safe and happy.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2019
Greetings Stacey B, We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed hot air ballooning with us. It's a surprise to most, how peaceful it is once you are in the air. I think that some in your group experienced balloon magic, since you have no perspective, you are able to enjoy without that pesky fear of height. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and a sunset with Captain Mike and the crew/
Steve C
Mar 2019
OMG! I gave this ride to my wife as a birthday gift. It is BY FAR the best gift I could have given her. She is fun and adventurous which is a perfectly apt description of this ride as well. So, from the beginning: The trip began a little late because some people had to be picked up at a hotel and they were a little late. But it was all fine. Jason arrived and loaded us into his van and took us to the launch site. However, the "trial balloon" (now you know where that phrase comes from) revealed that the upper winds were not favorable. So we got in the van and drove a few miles away to a better located launch site. Captain Craig explained how the balloon would be inflated and several of us men were recruited to assist. It was very thrilling to be in on the action. Before launch, Captain went through the safety features and what we could and should not do. He also told us where to stand in the basket. Soon it was time to launch. The balloon rose slowly as it filled with hot air from our 12 million BTU burner, and as it did, the basket rose to the vertical too. We all hopped aboard and rose rapidly to about 4,000 feet and drifted slowly northwest in the 4 to 5 knot wind. There were six other balloons in the vicinity, some from the same company and some from another company. The pilots of these balloons were cooperating with each other which was good to see. Once we got out from under the Phoenix Airport airspace, we climbed further to a maximum altitude of 8,800 feet above sea level (about 7,300 feet above the ground). We were still floating lazily northwest and in the lull, I asked Captain Craig, "Don't you find it more interesting to fly lower." He replied with a simple, "Yes" and said nothing more. I just knew he had something up his sleeve. And he did. I will describe what that was in the rest of this review, but hang in with me because this is good. Really GOOD! We slowly descended and caught a wind going in a more southwesterly direction. This had us moving towards at a sizeable mountain which lay directly ahead. You could feel a little tension begin to build in the basket as we drew ever closer. Captain Craig, indicated that we had no need to worry, because the wind would rise as it approached the mountain and carry us up (and over) with it. Once we passed the summit, we began to descend. Ahead lay a large housing development of single family homes stretching about a mile ahead. We flew over these homes at a height above their rooftops that we never more than twenty feet, and frequently less than ten feet.It was a total BLAST, especially as all the neighborhood dogs were going nuts, and the families all came out to wave at us. But... the best was yet to come. We climbed once more to scale the next mountain skimming over its peak by all of five feet. Superb judgement by El Capitan Craig once again. And in one final feat of skill, the Captain pointed out that we were going to land in a flat area (The Landing Zone or LZ) the size of a housing lot. The lot had been prepared for a new home and was about 140 feet square). Between us and the LZ, there was a flagpole which we sailed by (missed it by 30 feet and there was never a doubt that we would, but ahead, between us and the wall was a block wall five or six feet high. We rose slowly (aided by the wind again) to clear the wall by a foot or so, and touched down a few seconds later, not more that 30 feet the other side of the wall. It was a superb piece of precision flying by an obvious expert who was rightly proud of his ability to pilot our balloon and bring us safely back to Mother Earth. As if that were not enough, the chase crew arrived a few minutes later with champagne dinner under the Super-Moon lit sky (the sun having set a few minutes earlier). Jason drove us all back to our cars and a SPLENDID time was had by all. You have to do this trip and do it with Captain Craig.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Mar 2019
Greetings Steve C, In reading your review, I felt like I was there with all of you! We are just thrilled that you and your wife enjoyed your hot air balloon flight with the marvelous Captain Craig, Jason and the crew. We feel that the only way to celebrate such an experience is with champagne and under that moon, it must have been just beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to write such a thoughtful review and flying with Hot Air Expeditions. From all of us, we wish your wife another year of adventure and happiness. Cheers!

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