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Przejażdżka konna i bryczką w Central Parku

We have been in the business for more than 10 years offering various types of rides in Central Park. We have served more than 10,000 people and all remained satisfied with us. We guarantee satisfaction and best price in the market. Comparing to other Horse & Carriage companies our horse carriage drivers guide you around by telling the information needed and showing the hotspots of Central Park.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Tue 01 Apr
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $189.00
Tue 01 Apr
Zaczynać od $189.00
co jest zawarte
Koce (tylko w okresie zimowym)
Blankets (Winter Time Only)
Blankets (Winter Time Only)
Blankets (Winter Time Only)
Blankets (Winter Time Only)
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Czego oczekiwać
Karuzela w Central Parku
Zobacz jedną z najstarszych karuzeli w Nowym Jorku (filmy: Big Daddy, Now You See Me).
Zoo w Central Parku
Przejdź obok zoo, z którego Alex i jego kumple uciekli na Madagaskar.
Posąg Balto
Pies amerykańskiego bohatera narodowego, Balto.
Upper East Side
Zobacz najlepsze i najdroższe apartamenty w Nowym Jorku. (Program telewizyjny: Plotkara, Seks w wielkim mieście. (Gwiazdy: JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Woody Allen).
Fontanna Bethesda
Największa i najstarsza fontanna w Central Parku, najbardziej charakterystyczna część Central Parku. Zrób sobie tam zdjęcia i obejrzyj spoty filmowe (Film: Zaczarowana, Seks w wielkim mieście, Okup, John Wick 2 i wiele innych).
Spacer Literacki w Central Parku
Przejdź obok miejsca, w którym amerykańskie wiązy są ustawione w szeregu, tworząc łuki (Filmy: Pokojówka na Manhattanie, Zaczarowana, Jesień w Nowym Jorku).
Most Łukowy
Zatrzymaj się i zrób sobie zdjęcia przy najstarszym i najsłynniejszym moście w Central Parku. (Kiedy Harry poznał Sally, P.S. Kocham Cię, Spider-Man 3).
Truskawkowe Pola, Memoriał Johna Lennona
Zobacz budynek Dakota, w którym mieszkali razem John Lennon i Yoko Ono oraz miejsce, w którym został zamordowany. Następnie odwiedź pamiątkową mozaikę (Imagine) w Strawberry Fields.
Central Park Carousel
Get to see one of the oldest carousels in New York (movies: Big Daddy, Now You See Me).
Central Park Zoo
Pass by the Zoo where Alex and his buddies escaped to Madagascar.
Balto Statue
American National Hero Dog, Balto.
Upper East Side
Get to see the prime and most expensive apartments of New York. (TV Show: Gossip Girl, Sex & City. (Celebrities: JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Woody Allen).
Bethesda Fountain
The biggest and the oldest fountain in Central Park, the most iconic part of Central Park. Get your pictures taken there and see the movie spots (Movie: Enchanted, Sex and the City, Ransom, John Wick 2, & many more).
Central Park's Literary Walk
Pass by the spot where the American Elm trees are lined up, forming arches (Movies: Maid in Manhattan, Enchanted, Autumn in New York).
Bow Bridge
Stop and get your pictures taken by the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. (When Harry Met Sally, P.S. I Love You, Spider Man 3).
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota Building, where John Lennon & Yoko Ono lived together & the place where he was assassinated. Then visit the memorial mosaic (Imagine) at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park Carousel
Get to see one of the oldest carousels in New York (movies: Big Daddy, Now You See Me).
Central Park Zoo
Pass by the Zoo where Alex and his buddies escaped to Madagascar.
Balto Statue
American National Hero Dog, Balto.
Upper East Side
Get to see the prime and most expensive apartments of New York. (TV Show: Gossip Girl, Sex & City. (Celebrities: JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Woody Allen).
Bethesda Fountain
The biggest and the oldest fountain in Central Park, the most iconic part of Central Park. Get your pictures taken there and see the movie spots (Movie: Enchanted, Sex and the City, Ransom, John Wick 2, & many more).
Central Park's Literary Walk
Pass by the spot where the American Elm trees are lined up, forming arches (Movies: Maid in Manhattan, Enchanted, Autumn in New York).
Bow Bridge
Stop and get your pictures taken by the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. (When Harry Met Sally, P.S. I Love You, Spider Man 3).
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota Building, where John Lennon & Yoko Ono lived together & the place where he was assassinated. Then visit the memorial mosaic (Imagine) at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park Carousel
Get to see one of the oldest carousels in New York (movies: Big Daddy, Now You See Me).
Central Park Zoo
Pass by the Zoo where Alex and his buddies escaped to Madagascar.
Balto Statue
American National Hero Dog, Balto.
Upper East Side
Get to see the prime and most expensive apartments of New York. (TV Show: Gossip Girl, Sex & City. (Celebrities: JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Woody Allen).
Bethesda Fountain
The biggest and the oldest fountain in Central Park, the most iconic part of Central Park. Get your pictures taken there and see the movie spots (Movie: Enchanted, Sex and the City, Ransom, John Wick 2, & many more).
Central Park's Literary Walk
Pass by the spot where the American Elm trees are lined up, forming arches (Movies: Maid in Manhattan, Enchanted, Autumn in New York).
Bow Bridge
Stop and get your pictures taken by the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. (When Harry Met Sally, P.S. I Love You, Spider Man 3).
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota Building, where John Lennon & Yoko Ono lived together & the place where he was assassinated. Then visit the memorial mosaic (Imagine) at Strawberry Fields.
Central Park Carousel
Get to see one of the oldest carousels in New York (movies: Big Daddy, Now You See Me).
Central Park Zoo
Pass by the Zoo where Alex and his buddies escaped to Madagascar.
Balto Statue
American National Hero Dog, Balto.
Upper East Side
Get to see the prime and most expensive apartments of New York. (TV Show: Gossip Girl, Sex & City. (Celebrities: JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Woody Allen).
Bethesda Fountain
The biggest and the oldest fountain in Central Park, the most iconic part of Central Park. Get your pictures taken there and see the movie spots (Movie: Enchanted, Sex and the City, Ransom, John Wick 2, & many more).
Central Park's Literary Walk
Pass by the spot where the American Elm trees are lined up, forming arches (Movies: Maid in Manhattan, Enchanted, Autumn in New York).
Bow Bridge
Stop and get your pictures taken by the oldest and most famous bridge in Central Park. (When Harry Met Sally, P.S. I Love You, Spider Man 3).
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
See the Dakota Building, where John Lennon & Yoko Ono lived together & the place where he was assassinated. Then visit the memorial mosaic (Imagine) at Strawberry Fields.
Show 37 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (15)
Nov 2024
Although t we Could not have picked a better day to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery in the ride, we were quite disappointed that our guide seemed very rushed and spent at least 10 minutes if the 45 minute ride talking on his cell phone. It didn’t seem as though he pointed out all what the tour stated it would. We also made only 1 five minute stop to take pictures. I’m sure he is a good tour guide, but unfortunately we didn’t get to experience it that day.
Oct 2024
We had a fantastic time on this Horse and Carriage Ride in Central Park. Our driver, Troy, was full of knowledge, was friendly, and staged the carriage and took some wonderful pictures of us during the tour! We even got to take pictures with the horse, “Handsome Jack!” We saw lots of famous sites from some of our beloved movies. We truly enjoyed the tour, made lots of great memories, worth every penny!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2024
Thank you for your fantastic review! We’re very glad that you had such a memorable experience with Troy and "Handsome Jack." It’s great to hear you enjoyed the movie sites and got some wonderful photos. Hope to see you again for more Central Park adventures!
Oct 2024
The ride was very nice in Central Park. The driver was very kind. They will call you within a half hour of your pick up time to set up the meeting time. Highly recommend.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2024
Thank you so much for a great review Denise! We are very glad to hear that you had a great time in Central Park with us. We are looking forward to see you again soon!

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