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Oryginalna wycieczka autobusem duchów Chicago Hauntings

Często naśladowana, ale nigdy nie dopasowana, ta 2,5-godzinna do 3-godzinna wycieczka autobusem-widmem z przystankami pozostaje „Best of Chicago” od czasu jej założenia 18 lat temu przez miejskiego ducha, Ursulę Bielski. Ursula i jej zespół doświadczonych badaczy zjawisk paranormalnych i historyków zachwycili tysiące gości doświadczeniami z pierwszej ręki w tym jednym z najbardziej legendarnych miast na świecie. Zabierzemy Cię tam, gdzie inne wycieczki piesze po prostu nie mogą — do wielu zacienionych zakątków, gdzie zaczęły się fatalne opowieści. Od masakry w Fort Dearborn do masakry w Walentynki. Od wielkiego pożaru w Chicago do katastrofy w Eastland. Od statków-widm pływających po jeziorze Michigan po chicagowskie początki „Pogromców duchów” i legowisko Diabelskiego Dziecka z Hull House.
Miasto: Chicago
Mon 24 Feb
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Zaczynać od $49.00
Mon 24 Feb
Zaczynać od $49.00
co jest zawarte
Eskorta/gospodarz wycieczki
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Dzieci muszą być w towarzystwie osoby dorosłej
  • Niektóre spacery i liczne przystanki autobusu
  • Autobus może pomieścić do 50 pasażerów
  • Maseczki wymagane dla podróżujących w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki na twarz wymagane od przewodników w miejscach publicznych
  • Pojazdy transportowe są regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Maseczki na twarz wymagane w autobusach zgodnie z zarządzeniem miasta Chicago dotyczącym zdrowia publicznego.
Czego oczekiwać
Chicagowskie nawiedzenia
Podróżni wsiadają do autobusu duchów Chicago Hauntings, aby odbyć słynną na całym świecie wycieczkę po legendarnych, nawiedzonych miejscach Chicago, od miejsca katastrofy na rzece Eastland w 1915 r. po Hull House. . gdzie Diabelskie Dziecko przybyło, by siać postrach w sercach mieszkańców. Od opuszczonych grobów 10 tys. na Starym Cmentarzu Miejskim po miejsce masakry walentynkowej. Od statków-widm z jeziora Michigan po Resurrection Mary. Jesteśmy jedyną wycieczką autobusem-widmem w Chicago, prowadzoną przez rdzennych mieszkańców Chicago i prawdziwych badaczy zjawisk paranormalnych. Dołącz do nas w naszym autobusie-widmo na prawdziwą nadprzyrodzoną wycieczkę po Wietrznym Mieście.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie ma możliwości zwrotu pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (114)
Jul 2009
My wife and I have made it a hobby over the years to take ghost tours where ever we vacation. This year was Chicago. Compared to other is was average. We truly enjoyed the ones we took in New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Saint Augustine. It was definitely better than the one we took in Savannah among a few other places. The small bus is a bit uncomfortable, but the tour has plenty of stops where you can get out and stretch your legs. The tour had some interesting stories in relation to the fire at the Iroquois Theater in relation to ghosts, but other stops got a bit extreme. Stories about the devil baby at Hull House are a bit out there. They have had similar stories elsewhere in history and legend including New Orleans. Jane Addams even dedicated around 40 pages in her book denying this story. Real history doesn't support this one, but the tour guide sure seemed believe it. Overall, the guide was very good, but it did not seem to be that many ghost stories. We did enjoy the history stories though about gangster, the fire, and political figures though. I don't know if I would call this a true ghost tour, but it was an overall entertaining one. Even you have never been on a ghost tour, I believe you would truly enjoy this. If you have, please be prepared that this might not be the best you have ever had, but it is still a fun evening with a friendly and professional staff.
Apr 2008
I took this tour last weekend with my fiance. The tour only stops for adult beverages if you rent them for a private tour. I took the public tour and there are no adult drinks allowed on the bus during these tours. All of this is stated on their web site. I enjoyed the tour! The guides were very funny - 1 drove the bus, the other stood at the front and told tales. We had a full house on our bus. We called to make reservations and were told to just meet them at the meeting spot and if we could pay in cash they would most appreciated it. We stopped at 4-5 stops and actually got off the bus to walk around and take pics. Every place we stopped at had an interesting story. There are no ghost men running around behind you to scare you on this tour - it's all educational for the most part. I do recommend it. It was a great way for us to see Chicago in a different light. We went to places we wouldn't have gone to or had time to drive around too on our own. I don't think I'd do the tour again but for a first timer, it's a must-do if you're looking for something different to do! It was fun playing ghost hunter for a couple of hours! Tour lasts approx 2 hrs, we took the 10pm one and was done a little after midnight. Oh, people not on the tour but who saw the bus or drove past us honked their horns at us and waved to us throughout the tour. It was pretty funny. You don't go unnoticed in Chicago driving around in a black bus with ghosts painted on it!!
Aug 2007
This tour was so much fun! From the kitschy school bus with "Ghost Tours" painted on the side to the little skulls hanging from the ceiling. These people really know their ghost stories and Chicago history! It was great to be able to not have to worry about driving and just look out the windows and listen to the stories. We stopped and got out several times to get close up looks at the sites. It seems that the tours are different every time, so you never know what you're going to see. We had a great time! Thanks to David, our guide, especially for not letting anything "latch on" to us. ;-)

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