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Wstęp na kolonialny Williamsburg

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Miasto: Williamsburg
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
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101 Visitor Centre Drive
Proszę WYDRUKOWAĆ kupon i wymienić go w Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Centre, 101 Visitor Centre Dr., Williamsburg, VA 23185.

Poziom odkupienia: 104

Numer księgi miasta: 34290
Punkt końcowy
Ta aktywność kończy się z powrotem w miejscu spotkania.
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku dziecięcym lub spacerowym
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  • Środki transportu są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich
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  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
  • Wieczorne programy obejmują wycieczki, przedstawienia, tańce, koncerty i rekonstrukcje.
  • Wieczorne posiłki w kolonialnych tawernach obejmują spacerujących muzyków i XVIII-wieczne taryfa
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane miejsca o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Środki transportu regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Instrukcje dotyczące regularnego mycia rąk
  • Wymagane szczepienie na COVID-19 dla przewodników
Czego oczekiwać
Kolonialny Williamsburg
Wycieczki z przewodnikiem po Pałacu Gubernatora, Kapitolu i Gmachu Sądu z przewodnikiem tłumacza kostiumowego Wstęp do miejsc handlowych, aby zobaczyć i porozmawiać z doświadczonymi mistrzami, czeladnikami i uczniami zajmującymi się XVIII-wiecznymi rzemiosłami Wstęp na codzienne przedstawienia na scenie Charlton i w Hennage Auditorium Wstęp do naszych dwóch światowej klasy muzeów sztuki Bezpłatny parking w Visitor Center Bezpłatny transfer
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (237)
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Denise A
Nov 2021
We have visited Colonial Williamsburg several times over the last 10 years and have enjoyed ourselves. The latest visit (11-9-21) was a disappointment. We called and got information and also checked the website. There was no mention of the fact that MANY of the sites were closed and all of the restaurants were closed. Considering those facts shouldn't the price of admission be reduced?? No, the price of admission for a one day ticket is still $45. That is outrageous. We were also disappointed in several (not all) of the sites speakers. Questions were asked but the person skated around the question and never answered the question. This was not what we were expecting. I realize that due to COVID there had to be adjustments but that doesn't change the fact that the admission has not changed and the website and information given by your representatives did not indicated all of the closures.
Oct 2021
We returned yesterday from multi-day visit to Williamsburg. We have been there many times before although it's been a while. We were with friends who had never been there and, because we had highly recommended Williamsburg, I was embarrassed and disappointed in our experience. You would have thought that we were still in the worst of the Covid era. Many of us have been vaccinated so having so much closed, was very disappointing. Masks must be worn everywhere inside - that's OK, even though we have been vaccinated, but too many things are closed, there is not enough activity going on to warrant the price of the ticket. The reenactments are so limited and they had been our favorite things to do in the past. The witch trial had always been fun and educational - and felt real - but now it's outside?? Previously, we had been able to go into one of the slave quarters where we were flies on the wall as we watched an evening among the slaves being reenacted. Couldn't find that this time. Visiting the Wythe House and the Governor's Palace were disappointing in that we were only allowed downstairs. We took the Haunted walking tour but everything was outside. Previously you would go into the houses and buildings. Again, very limited. No Fife and Drum corps, very few people in costume wandering the streets. We were unable to get a reservation at the restaurants and it appears that only the Kings Arms is actually open. All in all, I cannot recommend Williamsburg after our recent visit. It is just not worth the price of the ticket.
Oct 2021
We've had a day now to digest some of our thoughts from Colonial Williamsburg and after a pretty lackluster and disappointing experience. We drove from the West coast as a homeschooling family with hopes that this would be the highlight of our trip but honestly it was probably the least favorite thing we've done so far. It wasn't horrible but we all left pretty bummed out so we've been trying to come to a conclusion as to why. I think it can all be summed up in that the entire thing is poorly managed. 1. They really need to go all in on the theme. Take it up a notch and give us something to do here. Our kids were bored about 5 minutes into our walk and barely remembered going here once we were back home. “It was just a bunch of walking” was their reply when asked if they liked it. And they were kind of right. It's really just a bunch of old houses with people milling about in colonial costumes. Why not go all in on the theme and liven things up a little? Everyone looked bored. Some of the ads will show actors drumming, horses roaming about, photo ops with your kids' heads in the stocks. In reality, none of that was available. The stocks were roped off and you weren't allowed to use them for photos. Seriously, why were the stocks roped off?! Covid? Can you catch covid outdoors from the stocks?? We didn't see a single horse all day. No one was drumming. It all felt like a big bait-and-switch. The entire time you are there you're wondering “What are we supposed to be doing here?” “Why are we here?” Give us a reason to be here. (We actually left earlier than we had planned and went to the Mariners' Museum in Newport News where we had an amazing time). 2. Maybe some of our above complaints are due to the fact that this place is going WAY OVERBOARD on the covid restrictions. We've driven across the country through over a dozen states and this was the most locked down place we've been to by far. Maybe it felt like there was nothing to do there because 2/3 of the things weren't running because they were blaming everything on covid. I saw multiple times people being told that things were shut down or not running because of covid. The restaurant that was still actually open forced everyone to sit outside (when the entire rest of the country is now eating indoors) on picnic tables eating some terrible uninspired menu of hot dogs, bad pulled pork, Lays potato chips (and a few other items, as their normal “authentic” indoor menu wasn't available for whatever reason). Once again, it's time to move on from the covid restrictions. And for what it's worth, I'm pro vax and my wife and I are vaccinated and we wear masks whenever asked, but this was way over the top, even for us. Everywhere else we've gone to in this region hasn't been nearly this uptight. Move on. It's time. The website is advertising “Totally Touchless ticketing!”. Who cares! How about offer something to actually do here? Also the little shops right next to the historic area don't give a rip about masks or covid which made the covid restrictions in the historic area more annoying. 3. Probably one of our biggest complaints was that, despite being shut down tighter than a drum because of covid, they were still charging astronomical prices to get in for the day. They want $45 for adults and $25 for kids. If they are going to neuter 2/3 of the park for covid reasons then they should charge you 1/3 of the admission fees, right? Normally I don't get bothered by these things enough to leave a big negative review but I think we were particularly disappointed by this because it could have been so much more and so much better and we left really disappointed. They are also still advertising this place as having things that they no longer have. And when you look online for videos of Colonial Williamsburg you'll see what looks like a pretty awesome park! Soldiers showing your kids how the guns work, marching bands, horses, carriages, etc. NONE of that is there in reality. Again, this is nothing more than a shopping area adjacent to a bunch of old buildings (lots of them lived in by the general public and off-limits), with bored workers milling outside of them telling you that you can't go inside many of the buildings because of covid. I just did some searching online to see what was going on to maybe shed some light on what the story is and it sounds like there's new management in recent years and they have done some cost cutting in the face of huge drops in attendance over the years and they are moving a lot of the stuff online (terrible idea for what could basically be a fun “theme park” for lack of a better term), and are going to focus more on “making it relevant for the 21'st century” and talk about more slavery issues, lgbt issues, women's rights etc. (you can look it up for yourself on the Washington Post and other websites). I'm not going to discuss the politics of this and you may love or hate that change so your miles may vary there. Make of it what you will. Tip: Don't pay to get in. You can ride the shuttle for free. You can see most of the place without paying their crazy high prices and in reality it's just a shopping area connected to some old houses anyway. No one is going to stop you from going to the adjacent Lululemon (why do they allow this in the historical area?) or candy store if you haven't purchased admission tickets. Most of what they advertise isn't even available. Maybe if they ever make this place fun or exciting to be at again it might be worth paying for. But if you want to eat a bad pulled pork sandwich on a bench outside you don't have to pay the $45 admission fee to have the privilege. I was tempted to give it an extra star simply because it really is pretty here and the buildings are really great but I'm pretty upset about the bait-and-switch and misleading advertising about what this place really is. I wish I could have seen it in it's glory days 5-20 years ago.

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