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Wycieczka na Ellis Island i Statuę Wolności z wejściem bez kolejki

Ellis Island była bramą do Ameryki, a podczas tej wycieczki dowiesz się więcej o podróży i walce o nową przyszłość i lepsze jutro. Miejsce Statuy Wolności przyniosło nadzieję na wolność i pokój.
Miasto: Nowy Jork
Tue 04 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $79.99
Tue 04 Mar
Zaczynać od $79.99
co jest zawarte
Lokalny przewodnik
Gwarantowane ominięcie długich kolejek (nadal istnieje ochrona przypominająca lotnisko, przez którą każdy musi przejść)
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowaną sprawność fizyczną
  • Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Zwroty kosztów nie będą być wydany, jeśli wycieczka/akcja zostanie pominięta z powodu spóźnienia lub braku przyjazdu
  • Wymagana jest co najmniej 1 osoba na rezerwację
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
Czego oczekiwać
Statua Wolności
Odwiedź Liberty Island i Statuę Wolności
Wyspa Ellisa
Odwiedź Ellis Island i tereny
Muzeum Imigracji Ellis Island
Wejdź do muzeum i zwiedzaj eksponaty
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Recenzje (4)
Mar 2022
The description of the tour was unclear. The guide stated he was giving “private” tours but it was unclear who within our group was supposed to be in that select bunch. We signed up for the tour of both islands with skip-the-line access, which we thought was guided — the “private” tour. Our tour included walking from the meeting point to the ferry port where we did have to wait in line. There was no apparent skip the line access. Additionally, the guide smoked a joint just prior to departing for our tour in front of guests. Finally, the guide made inappropriate (for kids) comments on the tour. He gave “fun facts” about states, one of which was that 3 still allow incest, in the context of making fun of NJ. He also referred to non-native New Yorkers as “imports” which is inappropriate especially in the context of our Ellis Island tour. I wish I had just purchased ferry tickets (at a third of the cost) and skipped the “tour” portion.
Dec 2019
Bought the tickets with these guys via Expedia advertised as tour. But it is not a tour only a guy take you to the ferry then you are on your own unless you buy another guide tkt for 20$. So who are these guys they are just sell thev18$ tkt to 60$ bcos you didn't book 1 month early on the real website.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jan 2020
I have reviewed your reservations and you purchased the pre ferry tour with Pedestal access. Dec 29 has been sold out for months for the reserve fast tract access and access to the pedestal which is located inside Lady Liberty and allowed you to climb up 193 to the observation deck. The adult tickets are $19.25 not $18 but impossible to get same day or same week. We pre buy these tickets months in advance to secure a special experience to our passengers. Your experience only included a 30 minuted orientation tour and self guided audio in 9 languages. The $20 additional cost would be an upgrade to have a fully guided experience with an expert NYC tour guide. We hope to see you again.
Philip D
Sep 2019
Our tour guide was mrs.leanne for our statue of liberty and Ellis island tour. She made the tour so much better and exciting. It was a thrill having her guiding us throughout the tour. So much knowledge with excitement explaining what we were seeing. We were lucky to have her that's for sure. Thank you Leanne for your professionalism and doing your job with care. Will defiantly recommended your tour to others. Your guests from chicago this past weekend Friday 9/20. Take care
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Sep 2019
Thank you for taking the time to writing the review

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