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Wycieczka piesza po Dzielnicy Francuskiej z wstępem do Muzeum Domu 1850

Ta piesza wycieczka po Dzielnicy Francuskiej jest prowadzona przez licencjonowanych przewodników miejskich i podkreśla historię, architekturę i folklor tego fascynującego miasta. Dochody z wycieczek i sklepów wspierają Friends of the Cabildo, grupę wolontariuszy non-profit wspierającą Muzeum Stanowe Luizjany. Zakup biletu na pieszą wycieczkę zapewnia również wstęp do Muzeum Domu 1850, znajdującego się nad sklepem, które pokazuje, jak wyglądało życie w typowym apartamencie Pontalba w latach pięćdziesiątych XIX wieku. Toaleta jest również dostępna dla gości pieszych wycieczek.
Miasto: Nowy Orlean
Sun 16 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $25.00
Sun 16 Mar
Zaczynać od $25.00
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  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
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  • Środki do dezynfekcji rąk dostępne dla podróżnych i personelu
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  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
  • Korzystamy z Systemu Whisper VOX. Personel jest odpowiedzialny za czyszczenie każdej maszyny. Słuchawki douszne i mikrofonowe są jednorazowego użytku. Jednostki będą używane tylko raz w tygodniu, aby umożliwić rotację czystej jednostki gościom i przewodnikom. Goście mogą zdjąć maskę na zewnątrz podczas wycieczki, wewnątrz stanowe prawo wymaga maski.
Czego oczekiwać
1850 Dom Muzeum i sklep
Bilet obejmuje wstęp do muzeum
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (473)
Sep 2013
Walking tours provide a personal view of a city that can’t be gained from a car, bike, or carriage. Finding a good walking tour isn’t easy, but the volunteer guides for the Friends of Cabildo offer two French Quarter Walking Tours a day. My guide was exceptional. His passion to share the history of the French Quarter means he leads multiple tours a week. The best news reservations aren’t required and tickets run $15 each for the two hour walk. Our group had an added bonus as our group met a fellow guide near the end of our tour and we were given an inside peak of the courtyard area where he lives. This meant our tour ran over two hours in length, but oh, what a wonderful walk it was. Tours leave from the 1850 House Museum Store at 523 St. Ann Street across from Jackson Square. Bring bottled water – or buy it at the 1850 House Museum Store. This tour was a great personal way to learn about the French Quarter. My guide was so good that I found that I forgot about the heat and humidity of the city as I discovered what group was the largest ethnic population in NOLA in 1870, the difference between a gallery and a balcony, how citizens learned that Yellow Fever had broken out among residents, etc. PS Don’t ignore the items in the 1850 House Museum shop. I found several holiday gifts from among the stylish, locally produced jewelry pieces. It’s wonderful to be able to help a worthy nonprofit while finding distinctive gifts for people you love!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Sep 2013
We are glad you enjoyed your tour and we thank you for your support of the Louisiana State Museum and Friends of the Cabildo!
Jul 2013
I've been on other tours of the French Quarter over the years and while they may be titillating, they are often filled with fabrications for visitors' pure enjoyment. This one, however, is run by Cabildo museum volunteers who have an incredible wealth of historical and architectural information about the French Quarter and pride themselves on factual accuracy. It was truly an enriching experience that left us even more entranced with this NOLA treasure. Don't hesitate to repeat this tour another time or two as each guide has a different emphasis, depending on their area of expertise and interest. Remember to allow at least an extra 30 minutes to an hour before or after the tour time to visit the Cabildo House museum, which is included in the price of the tour. Wear comfortable shoes, bring water and rain gear (just in case).
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jan 2014
Glad you Enjoyed!
Frank R
Jun 2013
Fantastic tour! Our tour guide, Grey, was very knowledgeable and really brought the French Quarter to life. I should mention that it was raining the entire time, and she was very skillful in finding places to stop out of the rain. We got a thorough and entertaining review of history, architecture, and important figures. We went into a part of the neighborhood that was more residential and off the beaten path, which we enjoyed. She was very passionate about New Orleans and we ended our tour more enthusiastic about this city than we had ever been. I can't recommend the Friends of the Cabildo tour highly enough - these guides are all volunteers and 100% of what you pay (a very reasonable $15/pp) goes to support the museums. Living in New York, we're used to people trying to scam us, so finding a museum sponsored tour made the choice an easy one for us. I just wish we had done this at the beginning of our trip instead of at the end.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jun 2013
We are glad you enjoyed your visit and thank you for supporting the Friends of the Cabildo and the Louisiana State Museum!

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