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Wycieczka po Wielkim Kanionie z Flagstaff

Wyrusz na wszechstronną wycieczkę po południowej krawędzi Wielkiego Kanionu z naszymi doświadczonymi przewodnikami oferującymi wnikliwy wgląd w geologię, ekologię i historię najsłynniejszego naturalnego zabytku Ameryki. Przeszukuj niebo w poszukiwaniu największego ptaka w Stanach Zjednoczonych, kondora kalifornijskiego, poznaj starożytne kultury i ślad, jaki pozostawiły one na Wielkim Kanionie, i poznaj miliardy lat historii Ziemi uchwycone w skałach i ścianach! Obiad wliczony w cenę.
Miasto: Maszt
Tue 07 Jan
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $215.00
Tue 07 Jan
Zaczynać od $215.00
co jest zawarte
Woda butelkowana
Opowiadana wycieczka do Grand Canyon South Rim
Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu tylko w hotelach Williams, Flagstaff lub Grand Canyon /Tusayan
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niemowlęta i małe dzieci mogą jeździć w wózku lub spacerówce
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Minimum Wymagane są 2 osoby na rezerwację
  • Dzieciom musi towarzyszyć osoba dorosła
  • Przewodnicy muszą mieć maski na twarz w miejscach publicznych
  • Maseczki są zapewnione dla podróżnych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Przez cały czas zachowywania dystansu społecznego
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Pojazdy transportowe są regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodnicy zobowiązani do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Regularne kontrole temperatury personelu
  • Serwis Parku ogranicza liczebność grup do 9, podczas gdy nie umieszczamy wielu grup w furgonetce, co może oznaczać, że mamy ograniczoną dostępność. Zachęcamy wszystkich do noszenia masek i zostało to nakazane naszym przewodnikom przez hrabstwo Coconino.
Czego oczekiwać
Południowa krawędź Wielkiego Kanionu
Twoja wycieczka rozpoczyna się w hotelu Flagstaff z porannym odbiorem przez kompetentnego, dobrze poinformowanego lokalnego przewodnika. Po spotkaniu z grupą zostaniesz zachwycony opowieściami o geologii i wyjaśnieniach historii naturalnej, jak powstał Wielki Kanion.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (314)
Oct 2014
We did the full-day tour with Jake over Spring Break. We were staying in Sedona, so we met him in Flagstaff. He was a very nice guy and a great guide. We definitely learned more about the Grand Canyon and surrounding areas than we ever would have learned on our own, and I would highly recommend the company to anyone who wants to do more than just drive up, look at the canyon, and then check it off your list of places to see. A couple of caveats though. First, I would not recommend the full day tour for young children. My daughters have pretty good attention spans, but it was just too long as a captive audience in a car for them. Although the tour of the Grand Canyon itself was very informative and awe-inspiring, we didn't think the tour was as worthwhile in the surrounding areas (which comprised about half of this tour). One of the major problems with the full-day tour is that you stop at the Navajo reservation for lunch - but for us, that wasn't until about 2:30. Although Jake had an impressive selection of snacks that we devoured, we (and especially the girls) were sorely in need of a real meal by then. Even though we were starving, none of us liked the food at the restaurant. My younger daughter still refers to it as "that place with the really bad lunch." I think it would have been much more enjoyable if we'd had a picnic lunch somewhere by the canyon closer to noon. So, if I had it to do over again, I'd spend the night closer to the canyon and then do a half-day tour with Canyon Dave's that just covers the canyon.
Jim C
Jul 2014
We took the 2.5-3 hour day bus trip along the Canyon Rim. We made several stops along the way, walking sections of the rim trail and listening to our guide Dora (yes that's her real name!) discuss the flora, fauna, history, and geology of the canyon. Her knowledge was vast and far more than I would have ever expected. I went with my kids 9 and 10, and my parents. I have to admit I was at first concerned if it would hold the interest of my kids - but they were fascinated with the methods Dora used to explain the geology which included involving them in a little skit, breaking out examples of all the rock layers in the canyon and having the kids (and adults) build the canyon in historical order, and even showing us some fossils in the rocks. Along on our tour was a woman in her 80's as well - so this is really one of those tours that is good from young to old and everyone in between. Dora brought drinks and snacks along, and was very gracious picking us up at one of the RV parks inside the park, and even doing us a favor by dropping us off at the airport for a helicopter ride after our tour. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TOUR!!
Jeanne L
Apr 2014
We had a great time on the morning tour with Dora. We learned so much about the canyon, forest and wildlife. Dora is a wealth of knowledge. The geology lesson was especially enjoyable and my 10 year old and 8 year old acted out the formation of the canyon with Dora. Education and fun all in one! Without Dora we would have just waked right by 100s of fossils. We immediately recommended the tour to a couple we met right after and they booked the full day tour for the next day. Dora taught us so much in an engaging manner and her enthusiasm for the canyon and life really shines through. Definitely a great way to get the most out of your time at the Grand Canyon!

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