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Rafting w Jackson Hole Whitewater: podniecenie małą łódką

8-kilometrowy odcinek Whitewater przez Snake River Canyon prowadzi przez mieszankę spokojnych odcinków, gdzie będziesz mógł podziwiać krajobrazy i dziką przyrodę oraz ekscytujące bystrza. Na tej mniejszej 8-osobowej tratwie Twoje umiejętności wiosłowania zostaną wystawione na próbę, gdy przewodnik poprowadzi Cię na duże fale Kahuna i Lunch Counter, więc przygotuj się na mocne wiosłowanie i przemoknij!
Miasto: Jacksona
Sun 27 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $120.00
Sun 27 Oct
Zaczynać od $120.00
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Dodatkowe informacje
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Nie obejmuje żadnego jedzenia
  • Podczas rozmowy personel naszego biura zapozna się z procedurami odprawy w ciągu dnia aby pomóc ograniczyć czas spędzany w naszym biurze. Może to obejmować podpisanie e-zwolnień dla wszystkich i opłacenie z góry wszelkich wypożyczeń pianek.
  • Przemokniesz podczas tej podróży. Więc noś ubrania, które nie są wykonane z bawełny, ubrania syntetyczne są najlepsze!
Czego oczekiwać
Dave Hansen Whitewater i wycieczki po malowniczych rzekach
Jesteśmy prawie pewni, że ten 8-milowy odcinek Whitewater ma najwyższą koncentrację śmiechu w stanie Wyoming. Dzięki bystrzom klasy II i III, takim jak The Lunch counter i The Big Kahuna, a nawet podwodnemu wodospadowi o trafnej nazwie Champagne, ta rzeka zachwyci Cię i zachwyci. A dzięki inspirującym wapiennym klifom, wzgórzom Lodge Pole Pine i horyzontowi szczytów górskich Grey's National Forest krajobraz z pewnością zrobi na Tobie wrażenie. To jest ten moment na wakacjach, o którym napiszesz do domu do babci - to znaczy, jeśli nie jest już z tobą na łodzi!
Kanion rzeki Snake
Uderz w bystrza, takie jak Big Kahuna, Lunch Counter i Rope!
Hol Jacksona
Jedyny odcinek raftingu w Jackson Hole!
Wycieczki rozpoczynają się w naszym sklepie w centrum Jackson!
Show 1 więcej przystanków
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (279)
Scott G
Jul 2018
Great Trip with Dave Hansen yesterday. Our guide Alex was great, office staff was super friendly and helpful. Even the bus driver was entertaining. Thanks Bud and everyone who made it a great day on the river.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2018
Thank you Scott!!
Kara B
Jul 2018
I squeezed in last minute as a single on a boat with another family. Wasn't sure how much fun I'd have alone but felt welcomed instantly. All the rafts were full and the morning was busy. The owner Bud was there happily helping customers with their wetsuits and getting everyone excited for their trip. He was down to earth and passionate about his company and even gave out some tips of hikes nearby. It was about a 30 minute bus ride to put sunscreen on and eat a snack and then we were at the river. Our guide Roger was great about scoping out the wildlife. We even saw a Golden Eagle which he told us was pretty rare. He kept the energy up the whole trip and made our trip through the whitewater seem easy. One woman in the boat was very nervous about even the smallest rapids to start the day but by the end of the run everyone took a turn "riding the bull" balancing on the front of the raft and no one fell off. It was a fun day even as a solo rider, recommending to my friends who are visiting next month!
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2018
Thank you Kara for joining us this summer and for sharing your great experience! We seriously appreciate you recommending us to your friends and hope to see you again! Raft on
Jul 2018
Here's the low-down. We pulled into Jackson LATE Monday night (like 10:30 p.m.) hoping to squeeze in a rafting trip the next morning. I called the phone number listed and left a voice mail and was in the process of telling my kids I wasn't sure it was going to work out when all of the sudden my phone rang. It was Bud from Dave Hanson's. Honestly I was shockedI got a call back so late and was extremely impressed at how friendly and accommodating he was. Bud was EXTREMELY understanding of our situation including my broken foot (in one of those stupid boots) and my own prior poor planning. Within minutes we were booked for a trip the next day and not once did Bud make me feel like anything less than an appreciated customer. That evening we received a confirmation email with instructions on where to be, when, and how to make the most of our trip. The next morning when we arrived at the appointed hour (at their downtown location), we were immediately met with a small army of of smiling and equally accommodating employees. You could tell that every employee enjoyed his/her job and that each shared the same philosophy--make the customer comfortable and make sure they feel valued and have a great (and safe) time. Shortly after getting outfitted in our wetsuits (a requirement imposed by my wife . . . keep reading) Bud walked in the door and called me by name (I think he recognized my boot!). After a 30 min ride or so by bus (felt very safe!), we were off on an adventure of a lifetime. We were assigned "Alex" as our guide. We LOVED him and I highly recommend him (seconded by my entire family. . . . including my teenagers!). I'm note sure how he did it but Alex made sure my wife stayed as dry as possible (hint: wetsuit is a must if you "hate being cold" like she does. Also, sitting in the BACK of the raft) while at the same time making sure we hit EVERY rapid square on such that my two boys (who chose to sit in the front of the raft) got absolutely soaked! There was NEVER a moment I felt like Alex was not in complete control or that he was not aware of the fun and safety of my family! Amongst the fun and rapids, Alex pointed out TONS of wild-life including 6 or so Bald Eagles, several Ospray, a Marmot, and a deer. We floated down the river with 2 other Dave Hansen rafts but obviously saw rafts from other companies as well. From my very honest perspective, it looked like the Dave Hansen rafts were having more fun and were more engaged with the guides--ours certainly was! Kudos to Bud, Alex and the entire gang at Dave Hansen's. We couldn't leave without snapping a photo! That's Bud! (We're sad we didn't have a GoPro or we would have taken a photo of Alex as well).

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