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Wycieczka po kaczkach Ketchikan

To autobus i łódź, które kwaczą i unoszą się!

Tylko zabawni ludzie mają wstęp na tę 90-minutową wycieczkę, która poprowadzi Cię przez rustykalne ulice Ketchikan, a następnie wpłynie do portu, by podziwiać spektakularne widoki na Alaskę Pierwsze miasto. Przygotuj się na rozrywkę, ciekawostki i narrację na żywo, które z pewnością „podniosą cię na duchu”.

Podróż na pokładzie tej amfibii certyfikowanej i sprawdzonej przez Straż Przybrzeżną.

Jedyna wycieczka amfibią na Alasce.
Miasto: Ketchikan
Fri 25 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $69.00
Fri 25 Oct
Zaczynać od $69.00
co jest zawarte
Rejs statkiem widokowym
Wycieczka autobusowa
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Obowiązują minimalne liczby. Istnieje możliwość anulowania po potwierdzeniu, jeśli nie ma wystarczającej liczby pasażerów, aby spełnić wymagania. W takim przypadku otrzymasz alternatywę lub pełny zwrot pieniędzy.
  • Jeśli obawiasz się choroby morskiej, pamiętaj, że ta wycieczka odbywa się na spokojnych, chronionych wodach wewnętrznego przejścia i nie wyjść na otwarty ocean; duże fale i wzburzone morze nie będą napotkane
  • Goście muszą być w stanie poruszać się po 9-stopniowej drabince wejściowej, aby wejść na statek. Każdy stopień ma około 6 cali wysokości. Goście siedzą podczas całej wycieczki.
  • Wózki inwalidzkie, spacerowicze i spacerowicze nie są zabierani na pokład łodzi, zamiast tego są zabierani na dole drabinki wejściowej i zabierani do suchy, bezpieczny teren podczas wycieczki i powrót po zakończeniu wycieczki
Czego oczekiwać
Wyspa Revillagigedo, jezioro Orchard
Zwiedzanie historycznego miasta i portu
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
mike s
Apr 2018
We booked this tour through NCL. for Monday June12th @ 10:00am. We waited on the dock in a cold wind for at least ten minutes before we were allowed to climb on board while several crew members stood around and B.S. We sat on the duck boat for least 12 to 14 minutes until captain Eric and Caitlyn got on He started to tell these horrible jokes and I said jokingly "Is this your first tour." He for some reason took offense and asked me where I was from. I answered Philadelphia. He said " well philadelphia I am going to make you my "personal Pinyata" He continued his terrible standup comic routine with derogatory remarks about my appearance, age, etc. My wife kept elbowing me to not say anything in retaliation. This waste of time was followed by Caitlyn spending several minutes hawking duck boat noise makers as she walked up and down the isle with a huge bag of the noise makers. The ride in the downtown area consisted of stops in front of two jewelry stores they were pushing. Several blocks later just outside of the port area the highlights were bear proofed trash cans, a supermarket where bears learned to open the automatic doors and where the fish hatchery used to be located.. Never saw any of the advertised totem poles. Caitlyn told us she had only been doing this a couple of weeks and it was apparent. We rode back past the dock and just north of the cruise ships we entered the water. We then sailed back toward the cruise ships but never got close. Caitlyn ran out of things to say after 40 minutes after leaving the starting point and there was silence. We saw a couple of seals on an old dock that a passenger spotted. Caitlyn made several mistakes which other passengers corrected. At this point, fifty minutes into a advertised one hour and thirty minute tour Capt Eric started sailing around in a circle to kill time. We arrived back of the dock well short of the scheduled time. Capt Eric got off the duck boat and hurried away as Caitlyn blocked our exit to again push the sale of the duck noise makers. I didn't have an opportunity to confront him. We went to the 12 noon lumberjack show. and then went into the Duck Boat pier side office. I related the problem and the people there responded with a gee that's to bad. I told them I was going to complain on the ship, to NCL, and on Trip advisor. They should have returned our money and apologized. I complained on the cruise ship and received an insulting $9.80 cents back for each ticket.(20%). I called the Duck Boat company several times to talk to Stephanie Smith the owner and never got the courtesy of a return call. I also wrote a letter to Stephanie Smith which she never responded to. Based on our experience DON'T BOOK THIS WASTE OF TIME EXCURSION
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
May 2018
So sorry you had a bad experience, we strive to have a fun-filled informative tour. Hope you will come back and give us another try.
Mar 2018
Kudos to Gil for being such an engaging commentator and Caption Bruce as well. We took this tour in May, 2017 and the weather was terrible. They tried very hard to make the tour as pleasurable as possible for us. There are portholes you can open to look through and take pictures. The vehicle does keep you dry. No washrooms so be forewarned! Unfortunately, because of the wind, we basically went out in the harbour and had to turn around and head back quickly because of the waves. I felt very safe at all times in Caption Bruce's hands. Thanks so much.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
thanks for the review,
Jan 2018
Great ride through the city. Both land and sea tour in the same bus!! Great waterfront views, also had the pleasure of several eagles resting nearly! Captain Bruce and Gil were great. Well worth it. Take your camera.

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