It's a far different experience if you are a annual pass-holder because you get free parking, it rains and you can come back another time without too much expense, although they don't have a preferred parking section- that would be awesome. Coming early to the park will give you a closer parking spot. Discounts on food and retail are worth it for exclusive lego sets and delicious apple fries, living in NY, coming to the park several times a year is easy. That said, we've seen everything: the good, the bad and the ugly since this park opened May 2021 but they have gotten so much better since my trip on August 18. The food is still overpriced but I was willing to try some burgers at the castle but they said i cannot order like a regular person, i had to mobile order. I'm always logged into my Lego-land app and it turns out you have to scan a QR code that's in front of the restaurant and log in on the web, I forgot my password, tried to reset it but the email never went thorough. After an hour I gave up and went out to burger king a mile away. If you're going to do mobile ordering have your password updated before you arrive at the park (the reset email never went through even as I write this review at home) also be prepared to wait 45 mins for mobile order at lunchtime. At Disney it was easier because you could mobile order via app and see everything they offer without even being at the park and even choose your time slot; also if you didn't want to mobile order, you could do so in person. I was not happy about being turned away because "they are mobile order only". Some places still do accept an in person order but everyone eats at the same time so you could be waiting an hour easy to get your food. You can bring in bottle water and small snacks so do pack some protein bars. Still no shady places to eat or sit, a fake grassy picnic spot that's covered would be awesome. The pirate playing with the kids on the playground ship - he was so fun! The kids were annoyed the mini-figure trading was awful, the mini-figures they had were all missing a hat or hair, so they were all bald at all of the trading spots, the cashier said this is how they trade them and they cannot say no to the kids even though it's not a complete mini-figure, pretty unfair if you trade a complete fig only to get a partial one .This was our last trip with the season pass and we will not renew because it gets boring after a while, same rides, same 4D movies (you will get sprayed and chairs are soaking wet, I didn't see anyone wiping them down between shows) also they didn't have a schedule of what was being shown on the app, they need this info because you don't want to see the same thing twice. I've never stayed at the resort, 500 a night is too much for a NY resident since I can get back home in 2 hours plus the reviews are not good. If the season pass was the same price we bought it for before the park opened -maybe have a NY resident discount like Florida does, I would renew (mostly just to go to the Florida Legoland- just more stuff to do there). But I do see more building and updating so maybe one day, it'll be Awesome.