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Zorza polarna i Chena Hot Springs Tour z Fairbanks

Odkryj eteryczne piękno słynnego niebiańskiego pokazu Alaski, imponujących rzeźb lodowych i starożytnych wód leczniczych stanu podczas wieczornej wycieczki z Fairbanks. Przez całą noc podziwiaj dzieła sztuki w Aurora Ice Museum i zanurz się w odkrytych kąpielach z wodą mineralną Chena Hot Spring Resort przed pogonią za światłami. Twój przewodnik poprowadzi twoją małą grupę do idealnych miejsc do oglądania zorzy polarnej, gdzie będziesz czekać z ciepłymi napojami na szansę dostrzeżenia wielokolorowego wyświetlacza na niebie. W cenę wliczony jest transport w obie strony z hoteli Fairbanks lub North Pole.
Miasto: Fairbanksa
Thu 26 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $195.00
Thu 26 Sep
Zaczynać od $195.00
co jest zawarte
Odbiór i dowóz do hotelu
Lokalny przewodnik
Dostęp do gorących źródeł Chena Hot Springs Resort, wanien z hydromasażem i basenu
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa w niskich temperaturach; prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
  • Prosimy nie zapomnieć o zabraniu strojów kąpielowych, ręczników kąpielowych, co najmniej 2 ćwiartek na każdą szafkę oraz dokumentu tożsamości ze zdjęciem na koktajl w muzeum lodu. (należy zakupić osobno)
  • Zewnętrzny basen skalny jest dozwolony tylko dla osób dorosłych w wieku od 18 lat. Dzieci mogą jednak korzystać z wewnętrznego basenu.
  • Podróżne w ciąży nie mają wstępu do zewnętrznego basenu skalnego.
  • Mamy wystarczająco dużo miejsca na składany wózek inwalidzki. Gorące źródła są dostępne dla wózków inwalidzkich.
  • Możemy odebrać tylko z granic miasta Fairbanks lub Bieguna Północnego. W przypadku innych lokalizacji konieczne będzie udanie się do uzgodnionej lokalizacji (np. Walmart). Skontaktuj się z naszym biurem, aby omówić, czy przebywasz poza granicami miasta.
  • Maseczki zapewnione dla podróżnych
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Regularnie odkażane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt odkażany między użyciami
  • Pojazdy transportowe regularnie odkażane
  • Aby zachować zgodność z CDC i stanem Alaska: Goście nie muszą nosić masek na twarz, ale mogą, jeśli sobie tego życzą. Zachęcamy również do przejrzenia zaktualizowanej porady zdrowotnej nr 2 na stronie
Czego oczekiwać
Ośrodek Chena Hot Springs
Po wędrówce po fajnym muzeum załóż kostium kąpielowy i ciesz się legendarnym imiennikiem kurortu. Rewitalizująca woda mineralna koi mięśnie dzięki swojej ciepłej temperaturze 106 stopni F (41 stopni C) przez cały rok. Możesz także zanurzyć się pod gwiazdami w wannie z hydromasażem na świeżym powietrzu lub w krytym basenie z podgrzewaną wodą. W międzyczasie wymknij się do Aurora Café lub zabytkowej Restauracji Resort, gdzie możesz kupić posiłki, przekąski lub napoje. Gdy będziesz gotowy, dołącz do swojego przewodnika eksperta na wycieczkę w małej grupie, aby zobaczyć Aurora Borealis. Twój przewodnik poprowadzi Cię przez jedno z najlepszych miejsc na ziemi, aby zobaczyć zielone i fioletowe iluminacje wędrujące po nocnym niebie. Poczekaj i zobacz niebiański cud z gorącymi napojami późnym wieczorem, kiedy możliwości oglądania są największe. Światła są również widoczne w kawiarni Aurora Room, która służy jako wygodne i ciepłe miejsce do oglądania. Uwaga: Nigdy nie możemy zagwarantować obserwacji zorzy polarnej.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (460)
Nov 2021
What an amazing tour i reccomend it for anyone who visits Fairbanks in the winter, our guide Jacob was incredible from start to end took us to places until he successfully found the Lights. Thanks was an incredible experience.
Nov 2021
We were really excited about this tour when we booked it but it DIDN’T meet ANY of our expectations. We wanted to do a tour that included transportation since one of the main things we wanted to see were the Northern Lights and trying to drive back at 3am not knowing the area we decided to not drive ourselves and book this tour. The tour included pick-up in Fairbanks, transportation, entrance to the Ice Museum, entrance to the Chena Hot Springs and Northern Lights all for the price of $175 per person. Transportation-We were called the morning of the tour for our hotel pick-up time which was 4:30pm. We were the second of 5 stops. The van held 14 passengers and was full. Our driver, Jake, was fine as a driver but we were really hoping for more of a tour with some information as we drove about the area and the Hot Springs. Most tours we have been on you don’t sit in silence for an hour and a half. We feel this was a missed opportunity for this tour. The drive for us (earliest pick up) took about 90 minutes. Once we arrived at Chena Hot Springs we walked to a building where we assembled for the Ice Museum Tour. We sat around for the 7pm tour(about an hour) and then followed our guide over to the museum. Ice Museum-Our tour guide explained that the couple who make the ice sculptures are world famous so we were really excited to go inside. The museum was smaller inside than it looked from the outside. There were a few large sculptures and quite a few smaller ones. There is the main room and then 4 smaller rooms off of the main(one room was closed). The centerpiece of the museum is the ice bar and you can buy a Appletini for $15(the tour guide is the bartender and he really pushes the drinks) they are served in an ice glass. Once the tour guide does his speech he turns you loose to guide yourself through the museum. You can take your time looking but it only took us about 15 minutes. The pictures make it seem cooler than it really was(see photos). Dinner(on your own)-After the ice tour you basically have 2 hours to eat dinner. The restaurant is small and had very poor reviews so we brought dinner with us. We went back to the building we started in where there were tables and had our dinner. Hot Springs-At 10pm, Jake our driver, met us so we could go back to the van to get our stuff for the Hot Springs. We were told in the email confirmation to bring a towel but they provided one for us at no charge. You need a bathing suit, flip flops, .50 for a locker. The floor in the locker room is wet so some type of sandals are needed. There are showers to rinse off after you get out. There is a walkway leading out to the hot springs. You will pass by the indoor pool and indoor jacuzzis on you way. There are hooks to put your towels on before entering. There is a ramp you can walk out on to enter the hot springs. The springs are quite large and have two different areas. There is a sandy bottom and no where to sit once you are out. Many people were sitting on the ramp. It is very dark and hard to see with the steam. They weren’t to crowded the night we were there. We sat in the outdoor jacuzzi after we left the springs. We couldn’t stay too long in the springs without getting a little light headed. The springs were great but I think they would have been better in day light so you could see where you were. The cost is $15 for someone driving up and wanting to go in. We talked to several people who live in the area and come out on their own. Then we waited until midnight for the lights portion of the tour. Northern Lights-The website said we would be driven up the mountain to a yurt to wait/watch for the lights with hot drinks and snacks. That is not what we got. We were loaded back onto the van and started driving back to Fairbanks and our driver stopped along the road and let us get out of the van a few times. It took 3 hours to get back. The van was cold and uncomfortable and we were miserable the entire drive back. How we would do it differently- We would drive out during the day to the Hot Springs on our own(for $15). Do the Ice Museum if you are interested and skip the Northern Lights portion and go to the Aurora Borealis Lodge for $30/65 which is way better(you can self drive for $30 and they will pick up for $65). You will have a better time for much less money. We felt the tour wasn’t worth $175, there was a lot of sitting around and waiting for the next part to happen.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Nov 2021
Hello there, we are very sorry that you did not enjoy your tour with us. However, we would like to set a few things straight and explain ourselves. First, our tour guide is not doing the cocktails in the ice museum. This is the guide from the Chena Hot Springs Resort directly and we do not have anything to do with the ice museum, other than that we purchase the tickets for our guests. Second, the restaurant and the pool are a part of the resort as well and we are the only company in town who is allowed to make reservations for our guests and we are always trying our best to cut down the waiting time as much as we can. However, due to employee issues, like so many businesses have lately, it can sometimes take longer. Same thing with the towels, we tell our customers to bring everything, because sometimes it does not work out and we won't be getting the free towels. So we think it is better to be safe than having no towel at all in the end. Third, unfortunately, there is not much of daylight during the Alaskan winter and we agree, that you would be able to see more in daylight. We are unfortunately not sure where you paid 15 Dollar, since our complete tour is more than this price, including transportation. A rental car or a taxi is a whole lot more than this. But of course, if someone would prefer to drive on their own, we do not mind at all. Fourth, the drive up to the yurt is not a part of our tour and also not stated in the description. We think that you got something mixed up, because this tour can be purchased separately at the Hot Springs Resort. The guide was also only trying to do everyone a favor with the long drive back to town to give everyone extra chances to catch the Northern Lights, but we do apologize for the cold van, which is something what broke that night and we are getting it fixed now in this moment. We always appreciate if our guests speak up during the tour, where we still can try to make it more comfortable and fix things as much as we . Our guides are all wonderful people and do not like anyone being uncomfortable. We hope you enjoyed your overall visit to Fairbanks and Happy Thanksgiving.
Nov 2021
Chena Hot Springs tour was good. The guide drove well but the van windows were all frosted and icy. We could not see outside. The van was not in good shape. The front windshield was broken. I could hear the bad wheel shocks making noise. The guide and most of the passengers were not wearing face mask which was also a concern. The website requires face mask but even their driver was not wearing it. It was not worth the money.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Nov 2021
Hello there, we are sorry that you had a bad experience on your tour. However, this was definitely not a tour with us. We do not have a mask requirement note on our webpage nor on any of our partner pages, because we do not have a current health mandate in our state. This is also the reason why we cannot make our guests to wear masks. Even without the health mandates, we make sure to always consider all of our guest's wishes and require our vans to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after every single use and we carry extra masks and hand sanitizers for everyone to use if needed. However, our guide's first question is always if our guests would like them to wear a mask, and if this is the case, they will do so, without any hesitation. We hope that you still enjoyed your visit to Fairbanks.

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