Don't waste your money or time with this company! ALMOST NOTE NO REFUND very disorganized, if your going to pay the price and customer service sucks.
We got the guy who has no experience his 1st trip and kept saying " I don't know, it's my 1st time" ask the company. Very annoying.
He asked to be rated and given a review, stated even how his driving is. Seriously!
We didn't see anything and he had no idea when should we leave. So we took charge
saying its been 3hrs, no info ( again it'shis 1st time), no activity, we are ready to be taken back.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Nov 2022
We recommend staying until the tour is over since we can never know when the Northern Lights will come out even on a cloudy day if there is a brake in the clouds you have a chance to see them. Our guides always recommend for customers to call the office when it comes to refunds as they are the guide. All our guides are locals with lots of knowledge about Alaska and do their best to insure you have a good time.