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Rejs po lodowcu Portage i wycieczka po Wildlife Explorer

Weź wahadłowiec Turnagain Arm i zanurz się w naturalnym pięknie Alaski podczas wycieczki, która prezentuje uderzające cechy geograficzne tego stanu i bogatą rodzimą przyrodę. Wypatruj wiszących lodowców i owiec Dall podczas jazdy wzdłuż Turnagain Arm, a następnie wybierz się w niezapomniany rejs aż do lodowca Portage.
• Wycieczka z przewodnikiem po Turnagain Arm, jednej z największych tras widokowych na świecie.
• Godzinny rejs do lodowca Portage z Park Service Ranger.
• Wizyta w Alaska Wildlife Conversation Center w celu zobacz z bliska najbardziej spektakularne zwierzęta Alaski.
• Przygotuj się na spacer przez Wildlife Center i transport z Wildlife Center na lodowiec.
• Transfer odbierze Cię z łodzi o 17:30. na powrót do Anchorage z malowniczymi przystankami na zdjęcia.
Miasto: Zamocowanie
Sat 19 Oct
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $229.00
Sat 19 Oct
Zaczynać od $229.00
co jest zawarte
Odbiór i dowóz z wyznaczonych miejsc spotkań
Dodatkowe informacje
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Odpowiednie dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór
  • Proszę podać informacje o hotelu przy rezerwacji
  • Zalecane wygodne buty do chodzenia
Czego oczekiwać
Lodowiec Portage
Zobacz niesamowite oblicze potężnego lodowca Alaski podczas godzinnego rejsu na pokładzie mv Ptarmigan. Stojąc zaledwie 300 metrów od reliktu epoki lodowcowej i obserwując, czy góry lodowe odrywają się od lodowca i uderzają w wodę poniżej. Dowiesz się, dlaczego lodowiec Portage jest drugą najczęściej odwiedzaną atrakcją Alaski.
Centrum Ochrony Przyrody Alaski
W 140-akrowym Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center szczęki opadają z podziwu - nawet długoletni mieszkańcy Alaski. Misją AWCC jest zapewnienie schronienia osieroconym, rannym i chorym zwierzętom, które nie mogą przetrwać na wolności. Centrum kształci również odwiedzających na temat dzikiej przyrody Alaski. Niektóre zwierzęta, które zobaczysz, to niedźwiedzie brunatne, niedźwiedzie czarne, wataha wilków, żubry leśne, łosie itp.
Las Narodowy Chugach
Wybierz się na zapierającą dech w piersiach przejażdżkę autostradą Seward Highway, która została uznana za najlepsze malownicze drogi w Ameryce, gdzie zobaczysz budzące podziw przystanki wzdłuż Turnagain Arm. Seward Highway na Alasce prowadzi przez górskie przełęcze, gdzie otaczają Cię zapierające dech w piersiach widoki postrzępionych szczytów, lasów deszczowych, krystalicznie czystych jezior i Oceanu Spokojnego. Ta autostrada jest prawdziwym marzeniem fotografa. Potter Marsh oznacza koniec miejskich widoków i początek dzikiej przyrody - to absolutnie raj dla „ptaków”! Jadąc tą drogą, zatrzymujemy się przy wielu okazjach, aby mieć wystarczająco dużo czasu, aby podziwiać zapierające dech w piersiach widoki, które sprawią, że twoja dusza zaśpiewa.
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (174)
Laurie L
Sep 2018
I booked this tour via Groupon. The information on the meeting location was different than what was sent to me afterwards as my confirmation so I contacted them to clarify. The meeting location was supposed to be the Visitor's center and NOT the Sheraton. You're asked to arrive 20 minutes early but some people didn't so we left a little later and had to stop by the Sheraton to pick up those that had been confused by the different locations. This late departure / extra stop felt like it had repercussions for the entire tour (other than the Portage Glacier boat tour) it felt very rushed. The first stop is either the glacier tour or the Wildlife Conservation Center. It appears to vary & I'm guessing it's because of the boat departures for the glacier tour. We went to the conservation center first. On the way, we quickly stopped (about 1/2 hour) at the Potter Marsh just outside of town. There were 2 more people added to the tour at that location & it sounded like their flight had arrived late. It's good to know that the tour company is flexible if issues happened with travel arrangements but it felt like another slight delay added for the day. At the March you get to see some salmon swimming & general marsh wildlife (geese & other birds). I believe at some point you would normally stop at an art gallery on the way but since we were short on time we didn't do that. I was ok with not stopping but others might have felt they missed something. The Wildlife Conservation Center is mostly a drive through place from what I was able to see. Your drive past some large fenced in fields with animals & pull over for a closer look, then can stop at a central visitors center. We didn't stop at the visitors center or gift shop due to time constraints. It kept feeling rushed because we were told we "only had xx minutes and had to go to.." and the stops within the conservation center. It was still worth it to see the different local wildlife and know it's a non-profit to help injured or abandoned animals. After the Wildlife Conversation Center we quickly stopped at the restaurant near the Portage Glacier (we had 9 minutes to get something to eat) and then it was back on the shuttle & off to the glacier. The driver dropped the group off at the glacier tour company. There is only one that operates on the lake & has a specially made boat for the lake/area. Portage Glacier is definitely worth seeing - especially since it's so close to Anchorage. It's amazing to know that it's receded so much in the last few decades too. The tour is really more of a shuttle taking you to the two different places with some local information on the way. Since I didn't have a car, this was the only way I was going to see these places so it was worth it. If you have a car you can easily drive to these attractions on your own.
Sep 2018
This tour was ok, but I was disappointed in several things. The tour was supposed to start at 1:00pm and the night before I got a text saying it was moved to 11:00am. I was getting my car worked on at the dealership and was unsure it would be finished in time. I ended up taking the shuttle to the meeting point and asked when the tour would finish and was told 5:00pm. The dealership closed at 6:00pm so I thought it would be fine. There was a woman who joined last minute and paid $60 cash. I asked the driver why it was so cheap as I had paid $150. He said she was only doing the wild life tour and not the glacier cruise and they’re trying to fill up seats as it’s the end of the season. There was 6 of us and we picked up someone in Girdwood on the way. We made extra stops to take pictures along the drive so we wouldn’t be too early picking her up. Since we left at 11:00am, we stopped at the Day lodge before the glacier cruise and had 20 minutes to buy and eat some lunch. The glacier cruise was great. Then we headed to the wildlife place and were dropped off to explore on our own. We had about 1-1/2 hours there and were told it’s more than normal because the driver had to pick up other people and come back. Once we were picked up, I told the driver I was concerned because I had to be at the dealership by 6:00pm and it was looking like we’d get back to Anchorage at 6:00pm. He dropped me off at the dealership on the way back because it was 5:45pm. That was nice because otherwise I wouldn’t have made it. Overall, this tour was supposed to be 5-1/2 hours and ended up being 7 hours. The extra 1-1/2 hour wasn’t really extra as we spent a lot of time wasted on drop offs and pick ups. The driver was a nice guy but he’s not a tour guide. He even mentioned that. During the driving, he’ll talk about AK, but there is no microphone and again, he’s not a tour guide so the information is just ok. If you have a car, drive to the portage glacier and pay for the cruise there. It’s a great 1 hour cruise. For the wild life park, it’s close by and is only $15. Since this package is basically covering transportation and the schedule might change, you’re better off doing it on your own if you have a car.
Jun 2018
Portage glacier is not a drive up glacier. It requires a boat ride. So worth it. Excellent ranger guided tour provides hands on learning opportunity.

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