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Wózek na wino Sonoma Valley z lunchem

Poznaj region winiarski Sonoma w wyjątkowy sposób – na wózku do wina Sonoma Valley. Wskocz na pokład tej historycznej repliki kolejki linowej San Francisco i usiądź na specjalnej degustacji wina, której nigdy nie zapomnisz. Ten wózek na świeżym powietrzu pozwoli Ci doświadczyć malowniczych winnic jak żadna inna wycieczka. Podczas tej wycieczki Twój przyjazny i kompetentny przewodnik zabierze Cię do trzech winnic na degustacje. Odwiedzisz najważniejsze zabytki Sonoma i zjesz lunch podczas jednego z malowniczych przystanków. Wycieczka zaczyna się o 10:00 i kończy około 16:30.

Aby wziąć udział w tej wycieczce, musisz mieć co najmniej 21 lat.
Miasto: Napa & Sonoma
Thu 26 Sep
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $125.00
Thu 26 Sep
Zaczynać od $125.00
co jest zawarte
Opłata czarterowa i podatki (bez napiwku)
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Niezalecane dla podróżujących w ciąży
  • Odpowiedni dla wszystkich poziomów sprawności fizycznej
  • Działa w każdych warunkach pogodowych, prosimy o odpowiedni ubiór. W miesiącach zimowych zalecane są kurtki i ochrona przeciwdeszczowa.
  • Minimalny wiek to 21 lat
  • OBOWIĄZKOWO poinformuje o wszelkich szczególnych wymaganiach żywieniowych w momencie rezerwacji
  • Zakaz spożywania napoje alkoholowe są dozwolone na wózku
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane miejsca o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Pojazdy transportowe regularnie dezynfekowane
  • Przewodnicy zobowiązani do regularnego mycia rąk
Czego oczekiwać
Dolina Sonoma
Twój dzień w kalifornijskim kraju winiarskim zaczyna się od wskoczenia na pokład wózka Sonoma Wine Trolley, wzorowanego na słynnych historycznych kolejkach linowych z San Francisco. Ciesz się powiewem wiatru, gdy Twój kompetentny przewodnik zabierze Cię do czterech znakomitych winnic w rejonie Sonoma, znanych zarówno z win, jak i gościnności. Każda degustacja wina odbywa się w winnicy, a przedstawiciele każdej winnicy wyjaśnią różne odmiany, z których będziesz skosztować, oraz tło winnic (opłaty za degustację wina nie są wliczone w cenę i możesz spodziewać się opłat w wysokości od 30 do 40 USD). Podczas tej wycieczki będą wspaniałe okazje do robienia zdjęć, a Twój przyjazny przewodnik z przyjemnością zrobi zdjęcie lub dwa Twojej grupie, abyś mógł udokumentować swój niezapomniany dzień w kraju winiarskim.
Zasady anulowania
Wszystkie wyprzedaże się skończyły. W przypadku anulowania nie ma możliwości zwrotu pieniędzy.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (614)
Phil R
Oct 2015
We took the wine trolley to tour 4 wineries in Sonoma County. We visited Imagery, Benziger, Chateau St. Jean and VJB. The $99 per person price includes the guide (ours was great) and a picnic lunch at Benziger (it was great as well) from Girl and a Fig. All the tastings together cost $50 but VJB did not charge for their tasting if you bought a bottle which we did. Guy our guide was knowledgeable and attentive. He served us our lunch and cleaned up afterwards. We offered to help but he refused. It was a really special day and we enjoyed it very much. We highly recommend it for anyone who wants to geek out and get all touristy! We are experienced travelers and wine drinkers and we were pleasantly surprised! Thank you Guy!
Peter S
Oct 2015
The trolley is the gimmick for this tour. Sitting outside and facing the vineyards adds character to what could otherwise be accomplished in a closed bus. There were only ten of us on the tour so there was no crowding issue. The padding on the benches doesn't quite absorb the bouncing and sometimes jarring bumps. Sounds a bit negative, but it is just the way it is. Guy, our driver provided very good commentary as we arrived at the various wineries and played awesome classic rock as we travelled between the wineries. He is the type of driver/tour guide you want for an all day tour. Now for the real reason to take this tour - the wineries. I suggest the Monday, Wednesday and Friday itinerary which has the better wineries. Our Wednesday tour visited Ravenswood, Buena Vista, Imagery and Mayo. All of the wineries have minimally good tasting wines. As wine palette differs among individuals I leave the reader to their own likes and dislikes. Ravenswood - we toured a small area of the vineyard while tasting five different wines. Only the Zin can be found in stores. The others we tasted are for wine club members or restaurants. In my opinion the wines were between 85 and 93 points on my scale. Buena Vista - This was my favorite of the four. I found the wines to be extraordinary and in the 90 to 97 point range. The buildings are tastefully appointed and the outside patio provides a great venue for relaxing with a bottle. The only negative was the lack of foodstuffs to compliment the wines. As part of this tour we ate a prepared lunch from one of the local restaurants, The Lady and the Fig. Imagery - I wasn't a big fan of the wines here, but that is my opinion and taste. I found them to be less full bodied. Low 80s at best. Mayo - a pleasant surprise for a small family owned winery. The whites were a bit too acidic for me but the reds had body and good bouquet. My ratings are in the mid to upper 80s. Overall the tour was a great way to sample a few of the wineries and see the countryside. The hotel pickup was an added bonus. Five Stars
Oct 2015
The winery's were very good, but the trip as advertised was misleading. The wine tasting fees were quoted on the booking as costing $5 to $10. We had one fee as $5 but the other three were $15 to $20 per person at each location. Also, the advertisement indicated we would be shown numerous historic landmarks and discussion on history of Sonoma. We were not shown any landmarks whatsoever and no narration by "George Webber". The Trolley Driver, we had Joe, simply played pop music between stops. We chose this Trolley trip in order to experience the history and landmarks as well as the wine tastings, but feel that this in no way lived up to that. We were simply just driven from winery to winery and we could have ultimately done this ourselves. Very disappointed and felt mislead by the trip description.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Oct 2015
Thank you for your review. Our collateral marketing information states that tasting fees are generally $20 or less per guest tasting; we cannot control what a winery charges but we have worked very hard with the wineries to keep the wine tasting fees "affordable." Some wineries are charging $75 or more! Our driving tour does include seeing historic buildings such as General Vallejo's home, army barracks, different neighborhoods, and other sights along Highway 12. Unfortunately during your particular tour the microphone suddenly stopped working and with a crowded trolley, it is virtually impossible for the driver to give a commentary (with or without George Webber's narration) to the guests sitting behind him while driving; and we wish that had been the case. As a result of your comments, we have updated our audio systems so as to avoid this embarrassment in the future. Thank you! Although you were justifiably disappointed by the mic not working, we do hope that the winery visitations, the wine tastings and the scenery were spectacular. Come back and we'll ready for your full experience.

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