Well, our experience was a little different from the other people in our group. This trip was paid for by another member in our group so I can't really comment on price. We had a large group so we were split into two balloons; however, on the day of our trip, 3 balloons actually went up. Now, two of the balloons lifted off from the winery grounds that we all met at, but our van and balloon had to go off site and we ended up driving around for about 20 minutes, getting yelled at by an irrate land owner and lifting off at the back of this guy's property almost 45 minutes after we saw the other balloons in the air. Needless to say, we completely missed the sunrise, and were only in the air for about 45 minutes. Once in the air, we actually ran into a few orange trees because we were travelling so low. By the time we got up, the trip was smooth sailing and the view was incredible. We had never done this before so I definitely would recommend this, I just don't know if I would go through this company again. The guys were all very nice, but I definitely wouldn't use the term "professional" that some people have used in their reviews. We also had a very hard landing that was not really expected. Once back at the winery, the breakfast was small but nice and the food was fresh and pretty good. Overall, it was an awesome ride in the balloon, but all of the drama leading up to it was a little much and pretty disappointing.