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Przygoda kolejowa w kanionie Verde

Wskocz na pokład Verde Canyon Railroad na 3,5-godzinną podróż koleją przez nietkniętą i dziewiczą dolinę Verde. Z luksusowymi miejscami siedzącymi będziesz cieszyć się przekąskami, szampanem i niezakłóconym widokiem na geologiczne cuda Arizony, dziką przyrodę i znaleziska archeologiczne starożytnego ludu Sinagua, który kiedyś mieszkał w okolicy.
Miasto: Sedona
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
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  • Dostępny dla wózków inwalidzkich
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • Niemowlęta muszą siedzieć na kolanach osoby dorosłej
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  • Uwaga: specjalne opcje dietetyczne nie są dostępne
  • Dziecko w wieku 0-1 rok. Każdy gość w wieku powyżej 1 roku życia zostanie obciążony stawką dla osoby dorosłej. Goście nie mogą wsiąść do pociągu bez opłaconego biletu
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane środki transportu
  • Wszystkie bezpłatne przekąski pierwszej klasy będą indywidualnie- pakowane dla klientów.
Czego oczekiwać
Kolej Verde Canyon
To nie cel, to podróż! Ciesz się luksusową przejażdżką pociągiem przez 20-kilometrowy obszar dzikiej przyrody, wzdłuż dzikiej i malowniczej rzeki, dostępnej tylko koleją. Przez 3,5 godziny ciesz się komfortem i stylem, wyjątkowymi udogodnieniami i wyjątkową obsługą w zabytkowych wagonach na stuletniej trasie. Utoruj sobie drogę przez czerwony raj skalny z trasami, które otaczają zakręty rzeki Verde. Każda pora roku oferuje inny powód do jazdy! Zadziwiające widoki dzikiej i tętniącej życiem granicy, historyczne estakady, mosty i 7000-metrowy tunel to tylko niektóre z atrakcji ukrytych w niezwykłych formacjach skalnych, czerwonych szczytach skalnych i wysokich szkarłatnych klifach. Majestatyczne bieliki i jastrzębie unoszą się bez wysiłku na wietrze nad Javeliną, dzikimi osłami, królikami i wieloma innymi stworzeniami z Kanionu, pokojowo współistniejąc z tą zabytkową koleją od ponad 100 lat.
Muzeum Kolei Johna Bella
W zajezdni koniecznie odwiedź John Bell Museum, w którym znajduje się historia kolei i artefakty z jej początków, a także bogactwo informacji o Clarkdale, Jerome i narodzie Yavapai-Apache.
Rzeka Verda
Pociąg kursuje po tych samych torach, które zostały utworzone wzdłuż rzeki Verde w 1911 roku. Rzeka jest widoczna przez większą część podróży.
Miasto duchów Perkinsville
Odkryj historię Perkinsville Ghost Town dzięki komentarzowi na pokładzie podczas podróży pociągiem. To punkt zwrotny Twojej podróży.
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Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (1000)
Jul 2019
Nice little area to walk around before getting on the train. Good parking,has a nice gift shop, a small museum, and a food area to get some small bites to have before or bring on the train.Walking out to our boarding area for our car, was a bit hot on a very hot sunny AZ day, we were told get there at 12:30, we stood out in the sun/heat for 20 more minutes as they drove the train away to perform bathroom maintenance on the Kaboose. Suggest you put some covers in the standing area by each train car boarding to give some shade.We all boarded quickly, and mostly because it was not as crowded. Once on, it was pleasant, had the First Class seating as this was a special birthday surprise for my husband. Offered a champange toast and chips and some appetizers.And all the bottled water you want. And a bartender. My advice, eat a little something like the panini at the train depot before you go on the train. Appetizers were some wings, fruit,veggies and some cookies. Only 1 tray of each. Only about 25 people on our First Class car, but too many people were taking way too much of everything on their small plates and not enough for others. Had the seating for 2 which was a table and comfortable chairs right by the window, as everyone had window seating. Also had love seat sofa type seating for parties of 4 or more. We took off a bit after 1 p.m. All going well and a recorder narration and train music tunes as we went along. Beautiful scenery. Canyons, river,tunnel, worker bunk house area from way back . But then 30 minutes into our ride all power went off, train stopped. Looked out on the overlook people have at each train car not just to get some air because all a/c was also off, but to try to see what the conductor/engineers were doing. They climbed in and took care of it and we then moved along 15 minutes later. All going well and enjoying the scenery,then 30 minutes later the power went out again and the train stopped. And again, fixed 10 minutes and moved on. And yes, again 30 minutes later. At that point the narration was not timed properly with the journey. And most of us just decided to end up staying outside on the overlook for the rest of the ride. All we heard was that this has never happened in all the years of the railroad. It did not come to the 4 hour train ride they said everywhere in the informational website. We left the depot at 1:05 and arrived back at 4:30 with 30 minutes of delays. Although we did make it up to the point of switching the locomotive to return back. Not to mention ,not as plesant a ride as expected. No apology, no nothing. This was embarrassing for me and my husband who I surprised. Would we do this again, for the price of VIP, no way. The VIP was a bit more comfortable, and higher price, but sitting in "coach" probably would be just fine. And after experiencing this , no way ever again. Once was enough. I guess that is the chance you take, however, for the scenery and experience , it was different and it is a tourist thing. Would have given it a higher rating, average was being nice, but sorry, can't go higher after this journey.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
We do apologize that our power system was having fits that day. It was unfortunate that it happened on your trip. If you have not already requested a refund for your experience, please do call in and one of our reservation agents will assist you. We hope you will consider riding with us again as this was a fluke for us.
Kathy B
Jul 2019
We took the first class train ride with free appetizers and full service bar. The good points: the train was clean and in excellent condition; service was quite good as there was one server devoted to our train car; the appetizers weren't excellent, but were good (sliced fresh fruit, chicken wings, egg rolls and chocolate chip cookies); the train traveled through some very pretty countryside; the open but covered outside cars were easily accessible. Now for the not so good points: the four hour train ride is way too long. At least a third of the passengers in our train car slept on the return portion off the trip. If the train could go faster and decrease the duration of the trip to make it two hours, it would be much better. I think everyone was totally bored on the return trip. The other point that was not so good is that the sound system is poor. It is very difficult to hear. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this trip.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
We are sorry that the experience did not fulfill your expectations. Your time is valuable to you and we respect that four hours is a may be too long for some people. Our hope is that, while onboard the train, guests are able to unwind, relax, and take in the scenery. You might think we could "go faster" but in reality that's not what we are about, nor would it be safe inside that Canyon. Thank you for taking the trip.
Jul 2019
We were on a group trip in the First Class Car. They had Sparking wine, fruit and chicken wings along with a cash bar. The seating is for 2 with a table between on one side and for 4 with tables on the other. On the side with the 4 seats the cushions are very deep and it is difficult to sit back and enjoy the trip as your feet will be off the floor. It works if you are 7 feet tall. They need thicker cushions for your back for comfort. That was the only complaint I had with the trip. There was music and comentary on the sound system. Between the closed cars (with air conditioning) there are open cars so you can enjoy fresh air and the sights. The depot has hot snacks, hot dogs and hambergers, chips and drinks. They also have a large gift shop. The train trip is well worth the cost.
Odpowiedź od gospodarza
Jul 2019
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

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