Went whale watching on the raft boat with Bethany, a marine biologist, Jill the pilot and Emma. My group was prone to seasickness, and with a little help from Bonine, and some advice from Jill, had the time of our lives! The crew was fun, genuine, highly educated and professional. Bethany has a stellar reputation as a whale expert both in Hawaii and Washington state. Not only is she is a walking talking encyclopedia, she is absolutely engaging and adorable. Jill is a very experienced pilot with a wealth of knowledge as well. The crew was just as excited as we were at all the amazing whale experiences we witnessed. We had whales everywhere up close and personal. March being breeding season, one time, we had a female whale with 4 males competing for her attention all around and under our boat. It was an unforgettable experience. We got amazing pictures and videos. This tour was a bit more expensive than the bigger boats, but we all agreed, worth every penny, and much much more.