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Каньон Антилопы и Излучина Подковы

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Город: Лас Вегас
Sat 08 Mar
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Начинается с $199.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $199.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Bottled water
Bottled water
Профессиональный водитель/гид
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  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
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  • Подходит для любой физической подготовки уровни
Что ожидать
Horseshoe Bend
1 mile hike trail, which is both uphill and downhill. After that you'll get close enough from the edge, if you can Lol - that is about 1,000 feet down - to a rock formation in the Colorado River. Horseshoe Bend is the top attraction in both the Lake Powell and Page-AZ areas.  5$ entrance fee
Antelope Canyon
90min tour through the Antelope Canyon with a certified Navajo guide to see red sandstone walls with corkscrew formations, illuminated by sunlight coming down into the slots, which are simply breathtaking.  This colorful canyon is famously long and narrow with a walkable corridor at the bottom of the canyon floor. It was formed by flash floods flowing into the cracks of the Navajo sandstone which was then eroded by wind. Daylight penetrating through the narrow opening at the top creates different kinds of reflected light and colors. Antelope is the most visited slot canyon in the Southwest, partly because it is easily accessible and by far the most publicized, and also since it is so gorgeous and stunning, with just the right combination of depth, width, length, rock color and ambient light that makes this area a popular location for photographers and tourists from all the world.  Entrance fee between 40.00 and 60.00
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Wonderful and Gorgeous Dam in Page. Nice view of the Canyon and Lake Powell.
Horseshoe Bend
1 mile hike trail, which is both uphill and downhill. After that you'll get close enough from the edge, if you can Lol - that is about 1,000 feet down - to a rock formation in the Colorado River. Horseshoe Bend is the top attraction in both the Lake Powell and Page-AZ areas.  5$ entrance fee
Antelope Canyon
90min tour through the Antelope Canyon with a certified Navajo guide to see red sandstone walls with corkscrew formations, illuminated by sunlight coming down into the slots, which are simply breathtaking.  This colorful canyon is famously long and narrow with a walkable corridor at the bottom of the canyon floor. It was formed by flash floods flowing into the cracks of the Navajo sandstone which was then eroded by wind. Daylight penetrating through the narrow opening at the top creates different kinds of reflected light and colors. Antelope is the most visited slot canyon in the Southwest, partly because it is easily accessible and by far the most publicized, and also since it is so gorgeous and stunning, with just the right combination of depth, width, length, rock color and ambient light that makes this area a popular location for photographers and tourists from all the world.  Entrance fee between 40.00 and 60.00
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Wonderful and Gorgeous Dam in Page. Nice view of the Canyon and Lake Powell.
Horseshoe Bend
1 mile hike trail, which is both uphill and downhill. After that you'll get close enough from the edge, if you can Lol - that is about 1,000 feet down - to a rock formation in the Colorado River. Horseshoe Bend is the top attraction in both the Lake Powell and Page-AZ areas.  5$ entrance fee
Antelope Canyon
90min tour through the Antelope Canyon with a certified Navajo guide to see red sandstone walls with corkscrew formations, illuminated by sunlight coming down into the slots, which are simply breathtaking.  This colorful canyon is famously long and narrow with a walkable corridor at the bottom of the canyon floor. It was formed by flash floods flowing into the cracks of the Navajo sandstone which was then eroded by wind. Daylight penetrating through the narrow opening at the top creates different kinds of reflected light and colors. Antelope is the most visited slot canyon in the Southwest, partly because it is easily accessible and by far the most publicized, and also since it is so gorgeous and stunning, with just the right combination of depth, width, length, rock color and ambient light that makes this area a popular location for photographers and tourists from all the world.  Entrance fee between 40.00 and 60.00
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Wonderful and Gorgeous Dam in Page. Nice view of the Canyon and Lake Powell.
Изгиб подковы
Пешеходная тропа протяженностью 1,6 км с подъемом и спуском. После этого вы подойдете достаточно близко от края, если сможете, лол — это примерно 1000 футов вниз — до скалы в реке Колорадо. Хорсшу-Бенд - главная достопримечательность как в районе озера Пауэлл, так и в районе Пейдж-Аризона. 5$ вступительный взнос
Каньон Антилопы
90-минутный тур по Каньону Антилопы с сертифицированным гидом навахо, чтобы увидеть стены из красного песчаника с штопорообразными образованиями, освещенными солнечным светом, проникающим в щели, которые просто захватывают дух. Этот красочный каньон известен своим длинным и узким коридором на дне каньона. Он образовался в результате внезапных наводнений, стекающих в трещины песчаника навахо, которые затем были разрушены ветром. Дневной свет, проникающий через узкое отверстие наверху, создает различные виды отраженного света и цветов. Антилопа — самый посещаемый слот-каньон на юго-западе, отчасти потому, что он легко доступен и, безусловно, наиболее известен, а также потому, что он такой великолепный и потрясающий, с правильным сочетанием глубины, ширины, длины, цвета скалы и окружающей среды. света, что делает этот район популярным местом для фотографов и туристов со всего мира. Входная плата с 40.00 до 60.00
Вид на плотину Глен-Каньон
Замечательная и великолепная плотина в Пейдж. Красивый вид на каньон и озеро Пауэлл.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (87)
Dec 2021
Antelope was simply breathtaking! Josh, our guide was such an excellent photographer too. Mark, our driver is great. Have been using Viator for 7 yrs now and never been disappointed.
Sep 2021
This tour was a fantastic ! I can't say I had a favorite part because the entire tour was great. The scenery was beautiful and so the long trip is worth it. The guide, Danny, was also fantastic, he was very sociable, knowledgeable, and fun! I would schedule another tour with pearl tours if I could, they were very punctual and I had no inconveniences.
Sep 2021
Antelope Canyon was an out of the world experience and worth the long drive from Las Vegas and back in 15 hours. Danny, the driver, broke up the drive with well timed restroom breaks and he made the long drive as bearable as possible. He also had plenty of water and a box of snacks for each passenger. Jordan, the Navajo guide at the canyon was outstanding as he explained the mysteries of the colors and geologic formations of the the place. The demerits of this tour are as follows: (1) Our tour confirmation instructed that we were to be at the pickup point 15 minutes before 5 AM. After wandering around Harrah's/Linq and seeing no one, we received a text message that we would be pickup at our hotel. Fortunately, we kept our car and were able to go back and wait for the driver, who came around 5:30 PM. (2) We were a total of 7 passengers squeezed into a SUV which meant 3 of us had to crawl over the second row seat to get into the third row of seats with barely room for three average sized bodies. The choice of vehicle added greatly to the discomfort of the excursion. Being seniors, my wife and I were slow walkers and could not have walked down the viewpoints of the Horseshoe Bend within the allotted time.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2021
If a Luxury SUV (Lincoln Navigator 2021) is a small car, what is big enough for you?
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