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Входной билет в Буш Гарденс Тампа Бэй

Busch Gardens Africa в Тампе — это идеальный семейный парк приключений, предлагающий беспрецедентное сочетание встреч с животными, живых развлечений и захватывающих аттракционов мирового класса.
Город: Тампа
Mon 03 Mar
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Начинается с $111.59
Mon 03 Mar
Начинается с $111.59
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Admission Ticket
Admission Ticket
Edge NYC – билет с указанием даты и времени
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10165 N McKinley Dr,
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Шаг 2: Предъявите электронный билет вместе с удостоверением личности с фотографией представителю парка у турникетов, расположенных у главного входа.

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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в колясках
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  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Младенцам в возрасте до 3 лет (2 года и 11 месяцев) вход не требуется. Может потребоваться подтверждение возраста, например свидетельство о рождении.
  • Инвалидные коляски можно арендовать в порядке очереди.
  • Обратите внимание: дата, выбранная во время бронирования относится к предполагаемой дате поездки. Этот билет предназначен только для жителей США. Документ, подтверждающий место жительства, можно проверить у выхода на посадку.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
Busch Gardens
One of the top zoos in North America, Busch Gardens brings you face-to-face with more exotic and endangered animals than any destination outside of Africa. Prepare yourself for heart-pounding excitement with SheiKra - America's first dive coaster. Discover a colorful village nestled among towering trees, explore a 3-story play land of climbing nets and exploration tunnels, soar above the treetops on a zip line adventure or launch into the sky from inside a 35-foot (10 meter) waterfall. Then, come face-to-face with orangutans and test your strength in a tug of war with a Bengal tiger, all in Jungala - the only jungle in the world that plays with you. For additional fun, choose from combo ticket options with SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure island Tampa and Aquatica Orlando! All-day parking and unlimited parking packages are also available.
Busch Gardens
One of the top zoos in North America, Busch Gardens brings you face-to-face with more exotic and endangered animals than any destination outside of Africa. Prepare yourself for heart-pounding excitement with SheiKra - America's first dive coaster. Discover a colorful village nestled among towering trees, explore a 3-story play land of climbing nets and exploration tunnels, soar above the treetops on a zip line adventure or launch into the sky from inside a 35-foot (10 meter) waterfall. Then, come face-to-face with orangutans and test your strength in a tug of war with a Bengal tiger, all in Jungala - the only jungle in the world that plays with you. For additional fun, choose from combo ticket options with SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure island Tampa and Aquatica Orlando! All-day parking and unlimited parking packages are also available.
Буш Гарденс
Один из лучших зоопарков в Северной Америке, Busch Gardens знакомит вас с более экзотическими и исчезающими животными, чем в любом другом месте за пределами Африки. Приготовьтесь к душераздирающим волнениям с SheiKra — первым в Америке каботажным судном для дайвинга. Откройте для себя красочную деревню, расположенную среди высоких деревьев, исследуйте трехэтажную игровую страну с сетями для лазанья и исследовательскими туннелями, парите над верхушками деревьев в приключении на зиплайне или взлетайте в небо из 35-футового (10-метрового) водопада. Затем сойдитесь лицом к лицу с орангутангами и проверьте свои силы в перетягивании каната с бенгальским тигром, и все это в Джунгале — единственных джунглях в мире, которые играют с вами. Для дополнительного удовольствия выберите один из вариантов комбинированных билетов с SeaWorld Orlando, Adventure Island Tampa и Aquatica Orlando! Также доступны парковочные пакеты на весь день и неограниченные парковочные пакеты.
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (656)
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Nov 2022
Absolutely disappointed a 5 year old traveling from Scotland traveling with his single father it was meant to be an eventful 10 days with travels to the parks. called the hotline and spoke to Susan who sold us on a ticket that would get us all into 2 parks and made what we thought to be a pass for 2 days so we could go to Tampa then Orlando tho when arriving at Busch garden wee where told the e-ticket wee purchased would only allow 1 to entering as the ticket had been scanned wee could not get a refund, purchase 2 more tickets or leave with nothing, after more than 1 and half hours trying at the reception (BY THE WAY NO CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS AT ALL) wee got through too phone where wee originally booked and where told the same, purchase more tickets which wee refused to do after much discussions wee where given 2 tickets for access, wee did go into the park but left short time later as the whole experience was disturbing and the child upset having to wait about 1hr and half wee went home very disappointed and upset with the treatment wee suffered!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about your experience with the Customer Care Center and Full Service Ticket Windows. We know that the guest service experience begins before guests even arrive at the park. We apologize that this has hindered your park experience. Feedback from guests like you is instrumental in helping us deliver a better experience for all our guests. We are committed to providing an enjoyable experience that entertains and enriches all our guests. We have forwarded your comments to our leadership team for further internal review. -MK
Nov 2022
Christmas came early and it was lovely Had a great day in the park as we always do, but the added bonus was after dark all the Christmas lights were on and it did look amazing
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for your feedback about your most recent visit. We are glad to hear you enjoyed our twinkling lights and hope to see you visit again soon! - MM
Nov 2022
Having visited its sister park Sea World a few days earlier, my expectations were really low, but I ended up having a great day. We took the free shuttle service from ICON Park which was very efficient. I was really impressed with Ed, our driver, and the tips he gave us en route. We arrived shortly after opening and because our ticket included free dining went to the Zagora Cafe for breakfast. My low expectations nearly came to bear fruit with the terrible service in there. The staff, with one exception, were all so miserable and rude. I thought this was going to be like Sea World all over again. But from there the day got a lot better. This is definitely a roller coaster and animal park with very little in between. This was great for us, but I can see people who prefer a more mixed lineup leaving disappointed. In terms of coasters, Busch Gardens' collection is stacked. Iron Gwazi is just unbelievable (despite the glacial loading times), Montu and Kumba are classics which still hold their own. Cobra's Curse was a lot of fun, as was Cheetah Hunt and Tigris probably would be if it wasn't for the horrible trains with the uncomfortable-comfort collars that bruise your neck, and everything else that bruises your legs. There were a lot of closed rides including two I really wanted to ride; Shikra and Falcon's Fury. It looked like both were down for seasonal maintenance, the latter of which has overrun due to supply chain problems. Lots of other closed rides dotted around too, and a large number of technical problems with those that were open. There doesn't seem to be much theming, but most rides are nicely presented, particularly Shikra. Latter additions just seem to be plonked there with no effort made theming-wise, particularly Tigris. The animal part of the park was really nice and exceeded expectations. Most enclosures seemed very nice and from what I could tell the animals were well looked after. Some were very creatively presented with well positioned food chutes to encourage them towards windows. The Serengeti Express railway was a great way to see the animals, although the commentary gets repetitive if you stay on for the whole loop with the same jokes between every station. Staff were mixed. Some were terrible, some were great. If I were to generalise, the ride staff seemed to be the more engaged and friendly, whereas those on food and beverage just wanted to go home. Particular shout out to the girl at the turnstile into the station on Montu who had the biggest smile I've ever seen - makes a huge difference when you see people like this. Food and drink was typical theme park fayre, but a lot better than Sea World. Plenty of options for us on the dining plan and left feeling well fed and well watered. The Christmas decorations around the park were actually incredible. Well done to the events team as they're really punching above their weight here. Love all the different styles in the different parts of the park (animal prints around Cheetah Hunt, green and purple around Iron Gwazi etc). They look great both by day and by night and afford plenty of great photo opportunities. We had a great day. Busch has a great line up of coasters and animals, but could do with some better supporting rides and maybe a dark ride or two. I feel like it's going in the wrong direction with presentation but at the moment this is a nice looking park with the potential to do better.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for taking the time to share your recent visit at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. We are thrilled to read you enjoyed the roller coasters and animals! The hospitality that we show our guests has always been the hallmark of our park. We appreciate the feedback and hope you visit us again soon! -MK

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