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Входной билет в зоопарк Центрального парка

От снежных обезьян до морских львов, от тупиков до пингвинов — откройте для себя множество диких животных, которые считают Манхэттен своим домом. Запланируйте поездку, чтобы увидеть своего любимого представителя животного мира и познакомиться с новыми по пути! В стоимость входного билета входит посещение главного зоопарка, детского зоопарка Тиш и одно посещение 4-D театра.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 12 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $19.95
Wed 12 Mar
Начинается с $19.95
Что включено
One visit to the 4-D Theater
Admission to Tisch Children's Zoo
Admission to the Main Zoo
One visit to the 4-D Theater
Admission to Tisch Children's Zoo
Admission to the Main Zoo
One visit to the 4-D Theater
Маршрут и карта
Место встречи
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830 5th Ave,
Заявление об отказе от ответственности: проверяйте текущую операционную информацию на сайте centralparkzoo.com. Ваучер необходимо предъявить по прибытии для входа. Этот штрих-код можно использовать только один раз за сканирование. Первое действительное сканирование аннулирует ваучер. Несанкционированное копирование или продажа этого ваучера может помешать входу в зоопарк Центрального парка. Доступность экспонатов и аттракционов зависит от погодных условий, вместимости, технических проблем и/или проблем, связанных с животными.
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Последний вход — за 30 минут до закрытия.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Регулярно продезинфицировать места с интенсивным движением
Что ожидать
Central Park Zoo
The zoo is open every day of the year and features three major biomes: the Tropic Zone, Temperate Territory, and the Polar Circle. From tropical birds, to snow leopards, grizzly bears, and one of the nation’s largest colonies of Antarctic penguins, there are animals to enjoy in every season. We also feature the Tisch Children’s Zoo, a playful adventure for our youngest guests who’ll encounter goats, sheep, some of the world’s most unique ducks, and the only cow who calls Manhattan home. Our goal is to inspire our visitors and connect them to the plight of animals in the wild and the conservation work we’re doing to protect them.
Central Park Zoo
The zoo is open every day of the year and features three major biomes: the Tropic Zone, Temperate Territory, and the Polar Circle. From tropical birds, to snow leopards, grizzly bears, and one of the nation’s largest colonies of Antarctic penguins, there are animals to enjoy in every season. We also feature the Tisch Children’s Zoo, a playful adventure for our youngest guests who’ll encounter goats, sheep, some of the world’s most unique ducks, and the only cow who calls Manhattan home. Our goal is to inspire our visitors and connect them to the plight of animals in the wild and the conservation work we’re doing to protect them.
Central Park Zoo
The zoo is open every day of the year and features three major biomes: the Tropic Zone, Temperate Territory, and the Polar Circle. From tropical birds, to snow leopards, grizzly bears, and one of the nation’s largest colonies of Antarctic penguins, there are animals to enjoy in every season. We also feature the Tisch Children’s Zoo, a playful adventure for our youngest guests who’ll encounter goats, sheep, some of the world’s most unique ducks, and the only cow who calls Manhattan home. Our goal is to inspire our visitors and connect them to the plight of animals in the wild and the conservation work we’re doing to protect them.
Central Park Zoo
The zoo is open every day of the year and features three major biomes: the Tropic Zone, Temperate Territory, and the Polar Circle. From tropical birds, to snow leopards, grizzly bears, and one of the nation’s largest colonies of Antarctic penguins, there are animals to enjoy in every season. We also feature the Tisch Children’s Zoo, a playful adventure for our youngest guests who’ll encounter goats, sheep, some of the world’s most unique ducks, and the only cow who calls Manhattan home. Our goal is to inspire our visitors and connect them to the plight of animals in the wild and the conservation work we’re doing to protect them.
Central Park Zoo
The zoo is open every day of the year and features three major biomes: the Tropic Zone, Temperate Territory, and the Polar Circle. From tropical birds, to snow leopards, grizzly bears, and one of the nation’s largest colonies of Antarctic penguins, there are animals to enjoy in every season. We also feature the Tisch Children’s Zoo, a playful adventure for our youngest guests who’ll encounter goats, sheep, some of the world’s most unique ducks, and the only cow who calls Manhattan home. Our goal is to inspire our visitors and connect them to the plight of animals in the wild and the conservation work we’re doing to protect them.
Зоопарк Центрального парка
Зоопарк открыт каждый день в году и включает в себя три основных биома: тропическую зону, умеренную территорию и полярный круг. От тропических птиц до снежных барсов, медведей гризли и одной из крупнейших в стране колоний антарктических пингвинов — здесь есть животные, которыми можно наслаждаться в любое время года. Мы также представляем Детский зоопарк Тиш, игровое приключение для наших самых маленьких гостей, которые встретят коз, овец, некоторых из самых уникальных в мире уток и единственную корову, которая называет Манхэттен своим домом. Наша цель — вдохновить наших посетителей и познакомить их с бедственным положением животных в дикой природе и природоохранной работой, которую мы проводим для их защиты.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (118)
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Jan 2020
Not knowing what to expect, this was a very pleasant surprise for us all. Ms 21, 19 & 17 thoroughly enjoyed it. Educational fun visit including the Kids Zoo. Was fun watching our otherwise grown up children being kids again.
Jan 2020
There were only small animals like birds, seals, penguins, red pandas, and monkeys for adults. Children side only has farm animals. We were very disappointed hoping to see giraffes, elephants, lions, hippos, and such.
Jan 2020
A friend and I visited the zoo on New Years Day as it was one of the few places open. It wasn’t hugely busy so we were able to walk around to each enclosure freely, however all the animals just looked sad. Their enclosures where way too small for them and looked very old and run down. There was no toys or entertainment for them (especially the bears), the swans water in their enclosure looked almost stagnant it was that filthy and looked more like a small pond than any place for them to swim. The owl that was in a cage next to the penguin enclosure was horrendous! That beautiful creature looked so sad and depressed, in a tiny cage, less than 4/5 measures high and 2 metres wide, just looking up at the sky. It was really heartbreaking! The sea lions seemed to to having a run time in their enclosure, however I question whether they were having fun or if they were keeping the boredom at bay as they only had a small circle to swim around in. The only positive I can really say for the zoo was the tropical area in doors. As this allowed several birds to roam free and at least get a little room to fly. Over all, my friend and I were very disappointed with the experience we had and heart broken for all of the animals. The zoo was one of the things on my NY list if things to do I was most excited about, but now all I can think about his the looks on their faces (I’m not even being over dramatic, I love zoo’s but this upset me). I hope with the money the zoo receives on a daily basis, they put it to good use and expand and update the enclosures before they consider doing anything else.

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