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Памятники округа Колумбия и тур по Капитолийскому холму на электрической тележке

Посетите основные достопримечательности Вашингтона, округ Колумбия, в увлекательной и уникальной форме — на электромобиле! Исследуя Капитолийский холм, вы увидите известные памятники и достопримечательности, включая Белый дом, здание Капитолия США, мемориал Джефферсона, мемориал Линкольна, монумент Вашингтона, мемориал ветеранов Вьетнама, Смитсоновский институт и многое другое. Эти экологически чистые, полностью электрические транспортные средства позволяют вам наслаждаться свежим воздухом, любуясь великолепными видами основных достопримечательностей округа Колумбия и отдаленных районов. Вы также соскочите с тележки, чтобы исследовать некоторые районы пешком.

Это небольшая групповая гонка, каждая электрическая тележка рассчитана не более чем на 7 человек. Хотя мы делаем все возможное, чтобы группы сидели вместе, мы не можем гарантировать, что они будут сидеть вместе, и иногда группы могут попросить сесть на отдельные тележки.

Город: Вашингтон
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $62.40
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $62.40
Что включено
Feel like royalty in all-electric Red Roadsters (Transport by electric cart Included)
Join Local English-speaking driver/guide
Be amazed by the White House and Capitol Hill
Get tips on what else to see, do and eat during your stay
Learn the stories behind the Smithsonian Museums and the monuments
Stroll through the FDR, MLK, and Lincoln memorials
Feel like royalty in all-electric Red Roadsters (Transport by electric cart Included)
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Это небольшая групповая поездка, при этом каждая электрическая тележка ограничена максимум 7 людьми. Хотя мы делаем все возможное, чтобы группы размещались вместе, мы не можем этого гарантировать, и иногда группы могут попросить сесть на отдельные тележки.
  • Этот тур проводится круглый год и будет проходить под дождем или светить, если такая погода не представляет собой опасную ситуацию. Окончательное решение об отмене тура будет принято не менее чем за 1 час до отправления, и со всеми возможными гостями свяжутся.
  • Тележки подходят для большинства типов детских сидений, и мы рекомендуем родителям привозить свои собственные. Мы можем предоставить детское кресло, если гость позвонит нам не менее чем за 48 часов до тура и сообщит нам возраст и вес младенца.
  • Инвалидные коляски могут быть размещены, но мы должны знать заранее.
  • Маршрут и порядок остановок могут быть изменены в любое время. Посещаемые памятники могут измениться из-за закрытия местной дороги или памятника, что находится вне нашего контроля.
  • Все туры следуют последним рекомендациям местных органов здравоохранения, включая использование масок и социальное дистанцирование. Компания Urban Adventures получила от Всемирного совета по путешествиям и туризму знак Safe Travels, которым награждаются компании, принявшие глобальные стандартизированные протоколы в области здравоохранения и гигиены.
Что ожидать
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
L'Enfant Plaza
Arrive 15 minutes early to join our small group tour of the National Mall on board our all-electric 7 person vehicle — a sustainable option that is perfect for covering the huge area and many monuments in DC.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Your tour starts at the Smithsonian complex and proceeds through the major monument areas.
Jefferson Memorial
Marvel at the Jefferson Memorial
Washington Monument
See the Washington Monument
Lincoln Memorial
See the Lincoln Memorial
National World War II Memorial
Vsit the World War I Memorial, World War II Memorial
Korean War Veterans Memorial
See the Korean War Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
White House
Continue past DC’s most famous icon: the White House. Be sure to have your camera ready for this portion of the ride!
U.S. Capitol
Finally, feast your eyes on the buildings of Capitol Hill and learn the history behind them. End your tour on a high note by asking your guide for an amazing spot for lunch before exploring the rest of DC on your own.
National Mall
Our RedRoadsters are the personal and comfortable way to tour the National Mall. Equipped with roll-down clear siding they’re the perfect way to sightsee in the rain or wind. Our vehicles are also equipped with warm blankets in the winter for your comfort.
Л'Энфан Плаза
Приезжайте на 15 минут раньше, чтобы присоединиться к нашей небольшой групповой экскурсии по Национальной аллее на борту нашего полностью электрического автомобиля на 7 человек — устойчивый вариант, который идеально подходит для осмотра огромной территории и множества памятников в Вашингтоне.
Смитсоновский национальный музей естественной истории
Ваш тур начинается в Смитсоновском комплексе и продолжается через основные памятники.
Мемориал Джефферсона
Поразитесь мемориалу Джефферсона
Монумент Вашингтона
Увидеть памятник Вашингтону
мемориал Линкольна
Увидеть Мемориал Линкольна
Национальный мемориал Второй мировой войны
Посетите Мемориал Первой мировой войны, Мемориал Второй мировой войны
Мемориал ветеранов Корейской войны
См. Мемориал ветеранов Корейской войны
Мемориал ветеранов Вьетнама
См. Мемориал ветеранов Вьетнама
белый дом
Продолжайте движение мимо самой известной иконы округа Колумбия: Белого дома. Убедитесь, что ваша камера готова к этой части поездки!
Капитолий США
Наконец, полюбуйтесь зданиями Капитолийского холма и узнайте их историю. Завершите свой тур на высокой ноте, попросив у гида прекрасное место для обеда, прежде чем исследовать остальную часть округа Колумбия самостоятельно.
Национальная аллея
Наши RedRoadsters — это персональный и удобный способ совершить поездку по Национальной аллее. Оснащенные откидным прозрачным сайдингом, они идеально подходят для осмотра достопримечательностей в дождь или ветер. Наши автомобили также оснащены теплыми одеялами зимой для вашего комфорта.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Sep 2019
My partner and I recently did the Washington DC unveiled tour with Steve B. He promised the quickest 2 hours, and he delivered. Steve had so much knowledge about the sights he was showing us and was able to answer every one of our questions in depth. In addition he was more than happy to give recommendations on places to eat! Steve tried to personalise the tour as much as possible for our needs and at the end of the tour Steve dropped us right outside a museum we had expressed interest in visiting, instead of the standard tour end point. Would highly recommend this tour to anyone who only has a short time to spent in DC (like we did) but wants to get the maximum number of sights/monuments in in that time. Thanks Steve!
Sep 2019
My husband and I along with our two daughters, ages 6 and 4, had a wonderful time on this tour! Our guide was Natalia and she was friendly, knowledgeable and awesome with our kids. The tour is an excellent overview of many of the main sights. The area is so large that we would not have been able to walk it all, especially with young kids. We drove by the Capitol, White House, Washington Monument, among many others. We had time to get out and walk around at the FDR memorial, MLK memorial and Lincoln memorial. Natalia was also kind enough to drop us off at our next location, which we really appreciated! We will have to make another trip to DC just to revisit all of these sights again in detail, as this was a great overview. We all had a great time but the kids especially, keep talking about the “little red car” being their favorite part of our time in DC. Highly recommend!
Sep 2019
Three of us took the tour with Montie and thoroughly enjoyed our time with him. This is an excellent way to see a lot in 2 hours. Montie’s knowledge and enthusiastic personality made the tour both informative and entertaining. Highly recommend to first-time DC visitors.

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