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Дорожный тур восьми флагов

Остров Амелия полон богатой истории и является единственным местом в Америке, над которым развеваются 8 независимых флагов. Его богатая история отправляет нас в путешествие во времени, включая индейцев Тимукуана, которые были нашими первыми жителями еще в 2000 году до нашей эры. Флаги рассказывают историю религиозной борьбы и преследований, последствия христианства, запрещающего поклонение любому другому Богу. Разрушительное влияние Революционной войны на остров и повстанцев, действующих от имени высшей власти. Контрабандисты, работорговцы и пираты сыграли свою роль в развитии этого острова. Этот увлекательный тур отправит вас в путешествие во времени и покажет вам, как такой небольшой барьерный остров оказал большое и малоизвестное влияние на историю Америки. Присоединяйтесь к нам в невероятном путешествии через сотни лет невероятных исторических фактов.
Город: Джексонвилл
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $45.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $45.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Air-conditioned vehicle
Bottled water
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть остановки общественного транспорта
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Путешественникам предоставляются маски для лица
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Amelia Island
The eight flags tour takes you on a historical journey through all of the locations that those flags have flown over the islands incredible history. The only location in America to have had this number of independent flags. You will travel through the historic downtown district and out to the original Fernandina. On our journey we will cover each of the flags, the period from which they flew and the historical significance behind all of those dates from a historical perspective.
Остров Амелия
Тур «Восемь флагов» отправит вас в историческое путешествие по всем местам, где эти флаги развевались над невероятной историей острова. Единственное место в Америке, где было такое количество независимых флагов. Вы будете путешествовать по историческому центру города и выходить к оригинальной Фернандине. В нашем путешествии мы рассмотрим каждый из флагов, период, когда они развевались, и историческое значение всех этих дат с исторической точки зрения.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (165)
Dec 2022
This was a wonderful tour. Daniel is knowledgeable and very personable. We learned a great deal about Fernandina Beach and it is clear he loves what he does. Well done.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
The island is full of rich deep and incredibly interesting history. To tell the story is part of what we do and when I see the remarks that validate a job well done, I am always more than grateful for the fact that you chose us. Thank you for this 5 star review!
Dec 2022
The tour guide had an immense amount of knowledge and had a passion for teaching the historic events and significance. It was well worth it! Thank you
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Thank you for your wonderful comments. Our guides all have a passion for delivering a very comprehensive and detailed breakdown of the eight flags and the periods of history that relate to those times. We really appreciate your taking your time out to leave this 5 star review! It means everything to us to get your feedback. Hope to see you on the next occasion for one of our other tours on the island!
Dec 2022
Our tour guide was very well read and knew the history of the island inside and out! He made it very interesting on the tour. It was fun to learn things about the island that I never knew! Daniel was great!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
The island is a truly beautiful and historically rich place. It’s always a pleasure and hopefully a fun filled and enjoyable experience to go through the evolution of this amazing location and discussing all of the countries and characters that have been here over thousands of years. Thank you for taking your time to leave this 5 star review. We know you have a choice and thank you for choosing us. Look forward to seeing you again on the next visit!

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