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Экскурсия по побережью Орегона на целый день из Портленда

Посетите волшебный государственный парк Экола и полюбуйтесь потрясающим видом на бурное и пышное побережье Орегона. Наслаждайтесь туманными прибрежными тропическими лесами, изобилующими дикими ягодами, древними ситхинскими елями, десятками видов папоротников и лишайников и множеством других экзотических видов!

Прогуляйтесь по причудливому прибрежному городу Кэннон-Бич, известному своим длинным участок песчаного пляжа, скала Хейстек, художественные галереи и бутики.

Путешествуйте по живописному шоссе 101, останавливаясь по пути на уединенных пляжах, и наслаждайтесь сердечными серферами из Орегона, которые бросают вызов могучему Тихому океану!

Ищите серых китов, морских львов, тюленей, редких морских птиц (хохлатых тупиков!), белоголовых орланов, скоп, величественные стада лосей Рузвельта и бесчисленное множество других красивых представителей захватывающей фауны (и флоры) в течение всего дня с продуваемых ветрами базальтовых утесов.

Этот тур включает в себя закуски, напитки, транспорт в роскошном фургоне и гида-натуралиста.
Город: Портленд
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $129.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $129.00
Что включено
Guests will be treated to cold bottled water, refreshing flavored seltzer waters and light snacks (granola bars/or other)
Air-conditioned vehicle
Guests will be treated to cold bottled water, refreshing flavored seltzer waters and light snacks (granola bars/or other)
Air-conditioned vehicle
Guests will be treated to cold bottled water, refreshing flavored seltzer waters and light snacks (granola bars/or other)
Air-conditioned vehicle
Guests will be treated to cold bottled water, refreshing flavored seltzer waters and light snacks (granola bars/or other)
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярно проводится дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства.
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Платный режим пребывания дома для персонала с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и доп. -ons
  • Мы соблюдаем все местные, государственные и CDC рекомендации, связанные с Covid-19. Путешественники и гиды, прошедшие вакцинацию, не обязаны носить маски, но гости могут носить их, если им так удобнее. Мы проверяем, чтобы все гости чувствовали себя комфортно с протоколом.
Что ожидать
Ecola State Park
After driving through the lush Coast Range Mountains, our first stop will be at one of our coastline's most breathtaking vistas which inspired William Clark (of the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition) to write in poetic fashion when his party first arrived in 1805, “… I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects my eyes had ever surveyed in front of a boundless ocean!”. That same sense of wonder still rings true for all who stand at Ecola Point, feel the salty sea air upon their face and cast their gaze out over the swirling blue-green waters of the mighty Pacific. The striking shoreline is dotted with dozens of dramatic basalt islands and arches, complimented by windswept rolling hills decorated with gnarled, ancient Sitka Spruce trees. Ecola has many beautiful locations of interest to explore and we may take a deeper dive into the park to search for wild herds of Roosevelt Elk, black bear, bald eagles, osprey, raccoons and even the mythical Sasquatch who roam these very forests!
Indian Beach
If the flow of the day and time allow, sometimes your guide will choose to visit Indian Beach and stroll along the vast stretch of this exceedingly picturesque surfing beach peppered with rocky islands. As another fun option, sometimes we enjoy a short hike to a stunning viewpoint while walking through lush temperate rainforest filled with huckleberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, ferns, lichens and liverworts which grow prolifically upon the colorful tapestry of the forest floor. Stroll through this unique forest surrounded by towering old-growth Spruce, majestic Hemlock and sacred Western Red Cedar arboreal giants! Your guide will unravel the myriad fascinating Native American uses of many of these forest treasures and we'll discuss some of the cinematic fame these forests and beaches have garnered throughout the years!
Cannon Beach
After our adventure in Ecola State Park, guests will enjoy an hour or so to wander through the streets of the charming seaside town of Cannon Beach, take in the many art galleries and eccentric culture, pick up a souvenir if desired and eat lunch at one of the many tasty bistros, restaurants, charcuteries, coffee shops and cafes. Of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu everywhere and fresh Pacific Coast salmon, steelhead, halibut, mussels, clams, chowder, crab and other tasty Northwest delicacies are always sure to please the palate! There are several top notch local micro-breweries, a micro distillery and multiple wine shops (often featuring our world-class Pinot Noir) if you care to imbibe in style! For those with a sweet tooth looking to indulge your cravings, Cannon Beach features a mouth-watering bakery, chocolate truffle stands, a very popular creperie and several salt water taffy and ice cream cone shops, which are sure to bring a smile to every traveler's face.
Haystack Rock
After lunch we often visit the world-famous Haystack Rock and learn about its fascinating geological history while observing the dozens of rare and beautiful nesting sea birds which make this dramatic 235-foot-tall basalt island their home! The lovable and iconic Tufted Puffin (think of a parrot crossed with a penguin) chooses to nest here by burrowing up to 6-feet deep into the grassy northern slope of the rock tower and raises its young within easy binocular range of the prolific tide pools below. These remarkable birds spend their winters on the open ocean, chasing fish and invertebrates by "flying" over 100 feet below the waves! If we happen to arrive at low tide, travelers always delight in wandering through the tide pools which reveal themselves between the shore and this beloved intertidal sea stack. Purple sea urchins, green anemones, red sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, mussels, chiton, limpets, various crabs and colorful sea stars abound in this fragile and delicate ecosystem!
Hug Point State Park
The next adventure often includes a stop at Hug Point (tides permitting) which stuns travelers with its many caves, colorful sandstone cliff features, sweeping vistas, charming short hikes and even a waterfall which pours right down onto the beach during some portions of the year! Learn about the pioneers' and early settlers' use of the area and revel in the majesty of the mighty Pacific. Many tales of buried treasure, pirate smugglers, native American legends and ship-wrecked Spanish galleons from the 1600’s abound! This location is sometimes in place of Oswald-West State Park (or vice-versa) depending on the flow of the day, lunch time, previous hikes, stops and travelers' interests. Hug Point boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the whole coast line with many hidden perches and lookouts which offer up jaw-dropping photograph opportunities!
Oswald West State Park
Your guide has access to many different hidden gems along the coast and depending on time may choose to take you into the 2,484-acre Oswald West State Park to explore the beloved Short Sands beach which involves a beautiful ½-mile stroll through gigantic old-growth temperate rainforest, often brimming with fresh wild berries, which can be plucked right from the forest depending on the season. We follow the meandering path of Short Sands Creek which eventually makes its way out onto what the local surfers lovingly refer to as, “Shorty’s”! This iconic surfing beach also has a small waterfall at the far end, dramatic examples of geologic uplifting and tilting of the marine floor sediments, beautiful densely forested lava cliffs, sea birds galore and an endless supply of perfect waves rolling in. The park was named after Oregon’s 14th governor, Os West, who battled tirelessly to pass the famous “beaches bill” which ensured that all 363 miles of Oregon coastline are public!
Ecola State Park
After driving through the lush Coast Range Mountains, our first stop will be at one of our coastline's most breathtaking vistas which inspired William Clark (of the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition) to write in poetic fashion when his party first arrived in 1805, “… I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects my eyes had ever surveyed in front of a boundless ocean!”. That same sense of wonder still rings true for all who stand at Ecola Point, feel the salty sea air upon their face and cast their gaze out over the swirling blue-green waters of the mighty Pacific. The striking shoreline is dotted with dozens of dramatic basalt islands and arches, complimented by windswept rolling hills decorated with gnarled, ancient Sitka Spruce trees. Ecola has many beautiful locations of interest to explore and we may take a deeper dive into the park to search for wild herds of Roosevelt Elk, black bear, bald eagles, osprey, raccoons and even the mythical Sasquatch who roam these very forests!
Indian Beach
If the flow of the day and time allow, sometimes your guide will choose to visit Indian Beach and stroll along the vast stretch of this exceedingly picturesque surfing beach peppered with rocky islands. As another fun option, sometimes we enjoy a short hike to a stunning viewpoint while walking through lush temperate rainforest filled with huckleberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, ferns, lichens and liverworts which grow prolifically upon the colorful tapestry of the forest floor. Stroll through this unique forest surrounded by towering old-growth Spruce, majestic Hemlock and sacred Western Red Cedar arboreal giants! Your guide will unravel the myriad fascinating Native American uses of many of these forest treasures and we'll discuss some of the cinematic fame these forests and beaches have garnered throughout the years!
Cannon Beach
After our adventure in Ecola State Park, guests will enjoy an hour or so to wander through the streets of the charming seaside town of Cannon Beach, take in the many art galleries and eccentric culture, pick up a souvenir if desired and eat lunch at one of the many tasty bistros, restaurants, charcuteries, coffee shops and cafes. Of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu everywhere and fresh Pacific Coast salmon, steelhead, halibut, mussels, clams, chowder, crab and other tasty Northwest delicacies are always sure to please the palate! There are several top notch local micro-breweries, a micro distillery and multiple wine shops (often featuring our world-class Pinot Noir) if you care to imbibe in style! For those with a sweet tooth looking to indulge your cravings, Cannon Beach features a mouth-watering bakery, chocolate truffle stands, a very popular creperie and several salt water taffy and ice cream cone shops, which are sure to bring a smile to every traveler's face.
Haystack Rock
After lunch we often visit the world-famous Haystack Rock and learn about its fascinating geological history while observing the dozens of rare and beautiful nesting sea birds which make this dramatic 235-foot-tall basalt island their home! The lovable and iconic Tufted Puffin (think of a parrot crossed with a penguin) chooses to nest here by burrowing up to 6-feet deep into the grassy northern slope of the rock tower and raises its young within easy binocular range of the prolific tide pools below. These remarkable birds spend their winters on the open ocean, chasing fish and invertebrates by "flying" over 100 feet below the waves! If we happen to arrive at low tide, travelers always delight in wandering through the tide pools which reveal themselves between the shore and this beloved intertidal sea stack. Purple sea urchins, green anemones, red sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, mussels, chiton, limpets, various crabs and colorful sea stars abound in this fragile and delicate ecosystem!
Hug Point State Park
The next adventure often includes a stop at Hug Point (tides permitting) which stuns travelers with its many caves, colorful sandstone cliff features, sweeping vistas, charming short hikes and even a waterfall which pours right down onto the beach during some portions of the year! Learn about the pioneers' and early settlers' use of the area and revel in the majesty of the mighty Pacific. Many tales of buried treasure, pirate smugglers, native American legends and ship-wrecked Spanish galleons from the 1600’s abound! This location is sometimes in place of Oswald-West State Park (or vice-versa) depending on the flow of the day, lunch time, previous hikes, stops and travelers' interests. Hug Point boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the whole coast line with many hidden perches and lookouts which offer up jaw-dropping photograph opportunities!
Oswald West State Park
Your guide has access to many different hidden gems along the coast and depending on time may choose to take you into the 2,484-acre Oswald West State Park to explore the beloved Short Sands beach which involves a beautiful ½-mile stroll through gigantic old-growth temperate rainforest, often brimming with fresh wild berries, which can be plucked right from the forest depending on the season. We follow the meandering path of Short Sands Creek which eventually makes its way out onto what the local surfers lovingly refer to as, “Shorty’s”! This iconic surfing beach also has a small waterfall at the far end, dramatic examples of geologic uplifting and tilting of the marine floor sediments, beautiful densely forested lava cliffs, sea birds galore and an endless supply of perfect waves rolling in. The park was named after Oregon’s 14th governor, Os West, who battled tirelessly to pass the famous “beaches bill” which ensured that all 363 miles of Oregon coastline are public!
Ecola State Park
After driving through the lush Coast Range Mountains, our first stop will be at one of our coastline's most breathtaking vistas which inspired William Clark (of the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition) to write in poetic fashion when his party first arrived in 1805, “… I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects my eyes had ever surveyed in front of a boundless ocean!”. That same sense of wonder still rings true for all who stand at Ecola Point, feel the salty sea air upon their face and cast their gaze out over the swirling blue-green waters of the mighty Pacific. The striking shoreline is dotted with dozens of dramatic basalt islands and arches, complimented by windswept rolling hills decorated with gnarled, ancient Sitka Spruce trees. Ecola has many beautiful locations of interest to explore and we may take a deeper dive into the park to search for wild herds of Roosevelt Elk, black bear, bald eagles, osprey, raccoons and even the mythical Sasquatch who roam these very forests!
Indian Beach
If the flow of the day and time allow, sometimes your guide will choose to visit Indian Beach and stroll along the vast stretch of this exceedingly picturesque surfing beach peppered with rocky islands. As another fun option, sometimes we enjoy a short hike to a stunning viewpoint while walking through lush temperate rainforest filled with huckleberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, ferns, lichens and liverworts which grow prolifically upon the colorful tapestry of the forest floor. Stroll through this unique forest surrounded by towering old-growth Spruce, majestic Hemlock and sacred Western Red Cedar arboreal giants! Your guide will unravel the myriad fascinating Native American uses of many of these forest treasures and we'll discuss some of the cinematic fame these forests and beaches have garnered throughout the years!
Cannon Beach
After our adventure in Ecola State Park, guests will enjoy an hour or so to wander through the streets of the charming seaside town of Cannon Beach, take in the many art galleries and eccentric culture, pick up a souvenir if desired and eat lunch at one of the many tasty bistros, restaurants, charcuteries, coffee shops and cafes. Of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu everywhere and fresh Pacific Coast salmon, steelhead, halibut, mussels, clams, chowder, crab and other tasty Northwest delicacies are always sure to please the palate! There are several top notch local micro-breweries, a micro distillery and multiple wine shops (often featuring our world-class Pinot Noir) if you care to imbibe in style! For those with a sweet tooth looking to indulge your cravings, Cannon Beach features a mouth-watering bakery, chocolate truffle stands, a very popular creperie and several salt water taffy and ice cream cone shops, which are sure to bring a smile to every traveler's face.
Haystack Rock
After lunch we often visit the world-famous Haystack Rock and learn about its fascinating geological history while observing the dozens of rare and beautiful nesting sea birds which make this dramatic 235-foot-tall basalt island their home! The lovable and iconic Tufted Puffin (think of a parrot crossed with a penguin) chooses to nest here by burrowing up to 6-feet deep into the grassy northern slope of the rock tower and raises its young within easy binocular range of the prolific tide pools below. These remarkable birds spend their winters on the open ocean, chasing fish and invertebrates by "flying" over 100 feet below the waves! If we happen to arrive at low tide, travelers always delight in wandering through the tide pools which reveal themselves between the shore and this beloved intertidal sea stack. Purple sea urchins, green anemones, red sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, mussels, chiton, limpets, various crabs and colorful sea stars abound in this fragile and delicate ecosystem!
Hug Point State Park
The next adventure often includes a stop at Hug Point (tides permitting) which stuns travelers with its many caves, colorful sandstone cliff features, sweeping vistas, charming short hikes and even a waterfall which pours right down onto the beach during some portions of the year! Learn about the pioneers' and early settlers' use of the area and revel in the majesty of the mighty Pacific. Many tales of buried treasure, pirate smugglers, native American legends and ship-wrecked Spanish galleons from the 1600’s abound! This location is sometimes in place of Oswald-West State Park (or vice-versa) depending on the flow of the day, lunch time, previous hikes, stops and travelers' interests. Hug Point boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the whole coast line with many hidden perches and lookouts which offer up jaw-dropping photograph opportunities!
Oswald West State Park
Your guide has access to many different hidden gems along the coast and depending on time may choose to take you into the 2,484-acre Oswald West State Park to explore the beloved Short Sands beach which involves a beautiful ½-mile stroll through gigantic old-growth temperate rainforest, often brimming with fresh wild berries, which can be plucked right from the forest depending on the season. We follow the meandering path of Short Sands Creek which eventually makes its way out onto what the local surfers lovingly refer to as, “Shorty’s”! This iconic surfing beach also has a small waterfall at the far end, dramatic examples of geologic uplifting and tilting of the marine floor sediments, beautiful densely forested lava cliffs, sea birds galore and an endless supply of perfect waves rolling in. The park was named after Oregon’s 14th governor, Os West, who battled tirelessly to pass the famous “beaches bill” which ensured that all 363 miles of Oregon coastline are public!
Ecola State Park
After driving through the lush Coast Range Mountains, our first stop will be at one of our coastline's most breathtaking vistas which inspired William Clark (of the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition) to write in poetic fashion when his party first arrived in 1805, “… I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects my eyes had ever surveyed in front of a boundless ocean!”. That same sense of wonder still rings true for all who stand at Ecola Point, feel the salty sea air upon their face and cast their gaze out over the swirling blue-green waters of the mighty Pacific. The striking shoreline is dotted with dozens of dramatic basalt islands and arches, complimented by windswept rolling hills decorated with gnarled, ancient Sitka Spruce trees. Ecola has many beautiful locations of interest to explore and we may take a deeper dive into the park to search for wild herds of Roosevelt Elk, black bear, bald eagles, osprey, raccoons and even the mythical Sasquatch who roam these very forests!
Indian Beach
If the flow of the day and time allow, sometimes your guide will choose to visit Indian Beach and stroll along the vast stretch of this exceedingly picturesque surfing beach peppered with rocky islands. As another fun option, sometimes we enjoy a short hike to a stunning viewpoint while walking through lush temperate rainforest filled with huckleberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, ferns, lichens and liverworts which grow prolifically upon the colorful tapestry of the forest floor. Stroll through this unique forest surrounded by towering old-growth Spruce, majestic Hemlock and sacred Western Red Cedar arboreal giants! Your guide will unravel the myriad fascinating Native American uses of many of these forest treasures and we'll discuss some of the cinematic fame these forests and beaches have garnered throughout the years!
Cannon Beach
After our adventure in Ecola State Park, guests will enjoy an hour or so to wander through the streets of the charming seaside town of Cannon Beach, take in the many art galleries and eccentric culture, pick up a souvenir if desired and eat lunch at one of the many tasty bistros, restaurants, charcuteries, coffee shops and cafes. Of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu everywhere and fresh Pacific Coast salmon, steelhead, halibut, mussels, clams, chowder, crab and other tasty Northwest delicacies are always sure to please the palate! There are several top notch local micro-breweries, a micro distillery and multiple wine shops (often featuring our world-class Pinot Noir) if you care to imbibe in style! For those with a sweet tooth looking to indulge your cravings, Cannon Beach features a mouth-watering bakery, chocolate truffle stands, a very popular creperie and several salt water taffy and ice cream cone shops, which are sure to bring a smile to every traveler's face.
Haystack Rock
After lunch we often visit the world-famous Haystack Rock and learn about its fascinating geological history while observing the dozens of rare and beautiful nesting sea birds which make this dramatic 235-foot-tall basalt island their home! The lovable and iconic Tufted Puffin (think of a parrot crossed with a penguin) chooses to nest here by burrowing up to 6-feet deep into the grassy northern slope of the rock tower and raises its young within easy binocular range of the prolific tide pools below. These remarkable birds spend their winters on the open ocean, chasing fish and invertebrates by "flying" over 100 feet below the waves! If we happen to arrive at low tide, travelers always delight in wandering through the tide pools which reveal themselves between the shore and this beloved intertidal sea stack. Purple sea urchins, green anemones, red sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, mussels, chiton, limpets, various crabs and colorful sea stars abound in this fragile and delicate ecosystem!
Hug Point State Park
The next adventure often includes a stop at Hug Point (tides permitting) which stuns travelers with its many caves, colorful sandstone cliff features, sweeping vistas, charming short hikes and even a waterfall which pours right down onto the beach during some portions of the year! Learn about the pioneers' and early settlers' use of the area and revel in the majesty of the mighty Pacific. Many tales of buried treasure, pirate smugglers, native American legends and ship-wrecked Spanish galleons from the 1600’s abound! This location is sometimes in place of Oswald-West State Park (or vice-versa) depending on the flow of the day, lunch time, previous hikes, stops and travelers' interests. Hug Point boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the whole coast line with many hidden perches and lookouts which offer up jaw-dropping photograph opportunities!
Oswald West State Park
Your guide has access to many different hidden gems along the coast and depending on time may choose to take you into the 2,484-acre Oswald West State Park to explore the beloved Short Sands beach which involves a beautiful ½-mile stroll through gigantic old-growth temperate rainforest, often brimming with fresh wild berries, which can be plucked right from the forest depending on the season. We follow the meandering path of Short Sands Creek which eventually makes its way out onto what the local surfers lovingly refer to as, “Shorty’s”! This iconic surfing beach also has a small waterfall at the far end, dramatic examples of geologic uplifting and tilting of the marine floor sediments, beautiful densely forested lava cliffs, sea birds galore and an endless supply of perfect waves rolling in. The park was named after Oregon’s 14th governor, Os West, who battled tirelessly to pass the famous “beaches bill” which ensured that all 363 miles of Oregon coastline are public!
Ecola State Park
After driving through the lush Coast Range Mountains, our first stop will be at one of our coastline's most breathtaking vistas which inspired William Clark (of the famous Lewis & Clark Expedition) to write in poetic fashion when his party first arrived in 1805, “… I beheld the grandest and most pleasing prospects my eyes had ever surveyed in front of a boundless ocean!”. That same sense of wonder still rings true for all who stand at Ecola Point, feel the salty sea air upon their face and cast their gaze out over the swirling blue-green waters of the mighty Pacific. The striking shoreline is dotted with dozens of dramatic basalt islands and arches, complimented by windswept rolling hills decorated with gnarled, ancient Sitka Spruce trees. Ecola has many beautiful locations of interest to explore and we may take a deeper dive into the park to search for wild herds of Roosevelt Elk, black bear, bald eagles, osprey, raccoons and even the mythical Sasquatch who roam these very forests!
Indian Beach
If the flow of the day and time allow, sometimes your guide will choose to visit Indian Beach and stroll along the vast stretch of this exceedingly picturesque surfing beach peppered with rocky islands. As another fun option, sometimes we enjoy a short hike to a stunning viewpoint while walking through lush temperate rainforest filled with huckleberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, ferns, lichens and liverworts which grow prolifically upon the colorful tapestry of the forest floor. Stroll through this unique forest surrounded by towering old-growth Spruce, majestic Hemlock and sacred Western Red Cedar arboreal giants! Your guide will unravel the myriad fascinating Native American uses of many of these forest treasures and we'll discuss some of the cinematic fame these forests and beaches have garnered throughout the years!
Cannon Beach
After our adventure in Ecola State Park, guests will enjoy an hour or so to wander through the streets of the charming seaside town of Cannon Beach, take in the many art galleries and eccentric culture, pick up a souvenir if desired and eat lunch at one of the many tasty bistros, restaurants, charcuteries, coffee shops and cafes. Of course, fresh seafood is always on the menu everywhere and fresh Pacific Coast salmon, steelhead, halibut, mussels, clams, chowder, crab and other tasty Northwest delicacies are always sure to please the palate! There are several top notch local micro-breweries, a micro distillery and multiple wine shops (often featuring our world-class Pinot Noir) if you care to imbibe in style! For those with a sweet tooth looking to indulge your cravings, Cannon Beach features a mouth-watering bakery, chocolate truffle stands, a very popular creperie and several salt water taffy and ice cream cone shops, which are sure to bring a smile to every traveler's face.
Haystack Rock
After lunch we often visit the world-famous Haystack Rock and learn about its fascinating geological history while observing the dozens of rare and beautiful nesting sea birds which make this dramatic 235-foot-tall basalt island their home! The lovable and iconic Tufted Puffin (think of a parrot crossed with a penguin) chooses to nest here by burrowing up to 6-feet deep into the grassy northern slope of the rock tower and raises its young within easy binocular range of the prolific tide pools below. These remarkable birds spend their winters on the open ocean, chasing fish and invertebrates by "flying" over 100 feet below the waves! If we happen to arrive at low tide, travelers always delight in wandering through the tide pools which reveal themselves between the shore and this beloved intertidal sea stack. Purple sea urchins, green anemones, red sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, mussels, chiton, limpets, various crabs and colorful sea stars abound in this fragile and delicate ecosystem!
Hug Point State Park
The next adventure often includes a stop at Hug Point (tides permitting) which stuns travelers with its many caves, colorful sandstone cliff features, sweeping vistas, charming short hikes and even a waterfall which pours right down onto the beach during some portions of the year! Learn about the pioneers' and early settlers' use of the area and revel in the majesty of the mighty Pacific. Many tales of buried treasure, pirate smugglers, native American legends and ship-wrecked Spanish galleons from the 1600’s abound! This location is sometimes in place of Oswald-West State Park (or vice-versa) depending on the flow of the day, lunch time, previous hikes, stops and travelers' interests. Hug Point boasts some of the most incredible vistas of the whole coast line with many hidden perches and lookouts which offer up jaw-dropping photograph opportunities!
Oswald West State Park
Your guide has access to many different hidden gems along the coast and depending on time may choose to take you into the 2,484-acre Oswald West State Park to explore the beloved Short Sands beach which involves a beautiful ½-mile stroll through gigantic old-growth temperate rainforest, often brimming with fresh wild berries, which can be plucked right from the forest depending on the season. We follow the meandering path of Short Sands Creek which eventually makes its way out onto what the local surfers lovingly refer to as, “Shorty’s”! This iconic surfing beach also has a small waterfall at the far end, dramatic examples of geologic uplifting and tilting of the marine floor sediments, beautiful densely forested lava cliffs, sea birds galore and an endless supply of perfect waves rolling in. The park was named after Oregon’s 14th governor, Os West, who battled tirelessly to pass the famous “beaches bill” which ensured that all 363 miles of Oregon coastline are public!
Государственный парк Экола
Проехав через пышные горные массивы Берегового хребта, наша первая остановка будет на одном из самых захватывающих видов нашего побережья, который вдохновил Уильяма Кларка (из знаменитой экспедиции Льюиса и Кларка) написать в поэтической манере, когда его группа впервые прибыла в 1805 году: «… Я увидел самые грандиозные и самые приятные перспективы, которые когда-либо открывались моим глазам перед бескрайним океаном!». То же самое чувство удивления до сих пор ощущается всеми, кто стоит на Экола-Пойнт, ощущает на лице соленый морской воздух и бросает взгляд на бурлящие сине-зеленые воды могучего Тихого океана. Поразительная береговая линия усеяна десятками эффектных базальтовых островов и арок, дополненных продуваемыми всеми ветрами холмами, украшенными корявыми древними ситхинскими елями. В Эколе есть много красивых мест, интересных для изучения, и мы можем углубиться в парк, чтобы найти дикие стада лосей Рузвельта, черных медведей, белоголовых орланов, скоп, енотов и даже мифического снежного человека, которые бродят по этим самым лесам!
Индийский пляж
Если позволяет течение дня и время, иногда ваш гид решит посетить Индиан-Бич и прогуляться по обширному участку этого чрезвычайно живописного пляжа для серфинга, усеянного скалистыми островами. В качестве еще одного забавного варианта иногда мы наслаждаемся короткой прогулкой к потрясающей смотровой площадке, прогуливаясь по пышным тропическим лесам умеренного пояса, наполненным черникой, лососем, наперстком, папоротниками, лишайниками и печеночниками, которые в изобилии растут на красочном гобелене лесной подстилки. Прогуляйтесь по этому уникальному лесу, окруженному возвышающимися старовозрастными елями, величественным болиголовом и священными древесными великанами западного красного кедра! Ваш гид расскажет о бесчисленных захватывающих способах использования многих из этих лесных сокровищ коренными американцами, и мы обсудим некоторые из кинематографической славы, которые эти леса и пляжи снискали на протяжении многих лет!
Кэннон Бич
После нашего приключения в государственном парке Экола у гостей будет час или около того, чтобы побродить по улицам очаровательного приморского городка Кэннон-Бич, посетить многочисленные художественные галереи и эксцентричную культуру, при желании выбрать сувенир и пообедать в час. из множества вкусных бистро, ресторанов, мясных закусок, кафе и кафе. Конечно, свежие морепродукты всегда присутствуют в меню повсюду, а свежий тихоокеанский лосось, стальноголовый лосось, палтус, мидии, моллюски, похлебка, крабы и другие вкусные северо-западные деликатесы всегда обязательно придутся по вкусу! Есть несколько первоклассных местных мини-пивоварен, микро-ликеро-водочный завод и несколько винных магазинов (часто с нашим Пино Нуар мирового класса), если вы хотите впитать стиль! Для сладкоежек, желающих побаловать себя, Кэннон-Бич предлагает аппетитную пекарню, стенды с шоколадными трюфелями, очень популярную блинную и несколько магазинов ирисок с соленой водой и рожков мороженого, которые обязательно вызовут улыбку у каждого путешественника. лицо.
Хейстек Рок
После обеда мы часто посещаем всемирно известную скалу Хейстек и узнаем об ее увлекательной геологической истории, наблюдая за десятками редких и красивых гнездящихся морских птиц, которые делают этот впечатляющий базальтовый остров высотой 235 футов своим домом! Привлекательный и культовый хохлатый тупик (подумайте о попугае, скрещенном с пингвином) предпочитает гнездиться здесь, зарываясь на глубину до 6 футов в травянистый северный склон каменной башни, и выращивает своих детенышей в пределах бинокулярного диапазона плодовитых приливных водоемов. ниже. Эти замечательные птицы проводят зиму в открытом океане, гоняясь за рыбой и беспозвоночными, «пролетая» на глубине более 100 футов! Если нам случается прибывать во время отлива, путешественники всегда с удовольствием бродят по приливным лужам, которые открываются между берегом и этим любимым приливным морским скоплением. Эта хрупкая и нежная экосистема изобилует фиолетовыми морскими ежами, зелеными анемонами, красными морскими огурцами, голожаберными моллюсками, мидиями, хитонами, блюдцами, различными крабами и разноцветными морскими звездами!
Государственный парк Хаг-Пойнт
Следующее приключение часто включает остановку в Hug Point (если позволяют приливы), которая ошеломляет путешественников своими многочисленными пещерами, красочными скалами из песчаника, потрясающими видами, очаровательными короткими походами и даже водопадом, который в некоторые периоды года льется прямо на пляж. ! Узнайте об использовании этого района пионерами и первыми поселенцами и насладитесь величием могучего Тихого океана. Существует множество историй о зарытых сокровищах, пиратах-контрабандистах, легендах коренных американцев и потерпевших кораблекрушение испанских галеонах 1600-х годов! Это место иногда находится вместо государственного парка Освальд-Уэст (или наоборот) в зависимости от течения дня, времени обеда, предыдущих походов, остановок и интересов путешественников. Hug Point может похвастаться одними из самых невероятных видов на всю береговую линию со множеством скрытых окуней и смотровых площадок, которые предлагают потрясающие возможности для фотографирования!
Государственный парк Освальда Веста
У вашего гида есть доступ ко многим различным скрытым жемчужинам вдоль побережья, и, в зависимости от времени, он может отвезти вас в государственный парк Освальда Вест-Стейт площадью 2484 акра, чтобы исследовать любимый пляж Шорт-Сэндс, который включает в себя красивую прогулку на полмили через гигантский старый рост. тропический лес умеренного пояса, часто изобилующий свежими дикими ягодами, которые можно собирать прямо из леса в зависимости от сезона. Мы следуем по извилистой тропинке Шорт-Сэндс-Крик, которая в конечном итоге выходит на то, что местные серферы с любовью называют «Коротышкой»! Этот культовый пляж для серфинга также имеет небольшой водопад в дальнем конце, впечатляющие примеры геологического поднятия и наклона отложений морского дна, красивые покрытые густым лесом лавовые скалы, изобилие морских птиц и бесконечный запас идеальных волн. Парк был назван так. после 14-го губернатора Орегона Оса Уэста, который неустанно боролся за принятие знаменитого «законопроекта о пляжах», гарантировавшего, что все 363 мили береговой линии Орегона станут общедоступными!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (44)
Dec 2022
This was the experience of a lifetime! My first time in Oregon I wanted to see the coast and Haystack Rock. The tour guide TJ was wonderful!! A professional with a wealth of knowledge he shared. A true professional whom was constantly aware of weather since it was December. He made sure we were safe. We hiked the temperate rain forest and walked to several sites to get the best view. We had lunch and shopped in Cannon Beach. A wonderful trip that I highly recommend to anyone visiting Oregon.
Dec 2022
Amazing tour! TJ was delightful and informative, and the views were spectacular. Highly recommend this experience!
Dec 2022
What a fun and entertaining trip with TJ! If you want an extroverted tour guide, he is the one you want lol If you want someone who is prepared to survive for 2 weeks, TJ is your Survivor! He had snacks, rain jackets, umbrellas all ready to go. He’s such a fun and caring guy. My favorite part was TJ telling us we were driving on the same road they filmed Goonies(where the kids rode their bikes up to the Fratelli’s 😳-I love that movie!). Mahalo nui TJ!

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