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Go City: San Diego Explorer Pass — выберите 2, 3, 4, 5 или 7 достопримечательностей

Откройте для себя Сан-Диего с абонементом на несколько достопримечательностей, который дает вам право бесплатного посещения 2, 3, 4, 5 или 7 достопримечательностей и туров на ваш выбор. Абонемент San Diego Explorer Pass от Go City экономит до 60% по сравнению с покупкой отдельных билетов на достопримечательности и действителен в течение 60 дней с момента первого посещения достопримечательности. Посетите главные достопримечательности, такие как зоопарк Сан-Диего, Музей естественной истории Сан-Диего, музей авианосца Мидуэй, или насладитесь популярными видами деятельности, такими как туры на скоростном катере и прокат велосипедов на целый день в Ла-Холья или на пляже Коронадо. Ваш San Diego Explorer Pass является полностью цифровым, поэтому вы сможете загрузить его на свое мобильное устройство или распечатать дома и пользоваться бесконтактным доступом к достопримечательностям по вашему выбору.

Обратите внимание: теперь вы можете воспользоваться дополнительной гибкостью в случае изменения ваших планов поездок. Все пропуска действительны в течение 2 лет с момента покупки и активируются только при первом посещении. После активации ваш пропуск будет действителен в течение 60 дней и/или оставшегося количества приобретенных аттракционов.
Город: Сан Диего
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $80.00
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $80.00
Что включено
Digital guide with useful attraction information
Free access to your selection of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 San Diego attractions
Digital guide with useful attraction information
Free access to your selection of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 San Diego attractions
Digital guide with useful attraction information
Free access to your selection of 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 San Diego attractions
Digital guide with useful attraction information
Маршрут и карта
Место встречи
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2929 Zoo Drive, Парк Бальбоа
Цифровой гид: gocity.com/san-diego/en-us/EXP-Guide

Обратите внимание: из-за Covid-19 некоторые достопримечательности или туры могут быть недоступны или требуют предварительного бронирования во время вашего посещения. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со специальными инструкциями в прилагаемом руководстве, а также на веб-сайте каждого аттракциона, чтобы получить актуальную информацию о закрытии.

Как использовать: Каждый пропуск имеет уникальный код, который будет сканироваться для доступа к каждому аттракциону. Некоторые достопримечательности могут потребовать бронирования. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с информацией о часах работы, закрытии и специальных инструкциях по приему. Посещение вашего первого аттракциона активирует ваш пропуск. Затем у вас есть 60 дней, чтобы использовать ваш пропуск. Вы можете посетить достопримечательность один раз в течение срока действия пропуска, если не указано иное.

Часто задаваемые вопросы Как активировать пропуск?

Легко: просто посетите свою первую достопримечательность!

Есть ли у моего абонемента Go City какие-либо исключения?
Да. Ваш абонемент включает более 35 главных достопримечательностей Сан-Диего, в том числе зоопарк Сан-Диего ИЛИ зоопарк-сафари-парк Сан-Диего. Например, если вы приобрели пропуск 4 Choice Explorer и решили посетить зоопарк Сан-Диего, вы можете посетить любые другие три из включенных достопримечательностей, кроме сафари-парка зоопарка Сан-Диего.

Когда истекает срок действия моего пропуска? У вас есть 2 года с даты покупки, чтобы начать использовать пропуск. После того, как вы активируете свой пропуск, посетив свою первую достопримечательность, ваш пропуск действителен в течение 60 дней.

Загрузите свой цифровой путеводитель здесь: gocity.com/san-diego/en-us/EXP-Guide
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске или коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Обратите внимание: в связи с изменением ограничений Covid-19 некоторые аттракционы могут быть закрыты. Чтобы получить самую последнюю информацию о линейке аттракционов, обратитесь к своему ваучеру после покупки, который содержит ссылку на ваш цифровой путеводитель. Актуальную информацию также можно найти в приложении и на веб-сайте Go City.
  • Детские билеты Go City доступны только для детей в возрасте от 3 до 12 лет. Для любых сопровождающих детей в возрасте до 3 лет, пожалуйста, уточните в каждом отдельном аттракционе или туре, принимаются ли младенцы и /или нужно ли платить за вход.
  • Наиболее популярные мероприятия требуют предварительного бронирования, ознакомьтесь с инструкциями на включены цифровой гид или приложение Go City, и не забудьте сделать бронирование заблаговременно, чтобы избежать разочарований.
  • Во всех местах действуют разные меры в соответствии с инструкциями местных властей. Пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайты площадок для получения более подробной информации. Для дополнительной гибкости ваш пропуск действителен в течение 2 лет с даты покупки и активируется только при первом посещении достопримечательности.
Что ожидать
San Diego Zoo
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer Pass. This massive 100-acre site boasts extensive animal exhibits and educational shows. You'll get up close to koalas as well as gorillas, elephants, crocodiles and more.
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer pass. At the Safari Park you'll discover plenty of wild and endangered creatures, and learn more about the park's breeding programs and important conservation efforts. With 13 distinct habitats and regions within the park, there’s a ton to see and do.
USS Midway Museum
Climb aboard the USS Midway Museum and explore San Diego's most famous long-serving US aircraft carrier. You'll be able to go on a self-guided tour around the 60 exhibits including the sailors' sleeping quarters, the engine room, galley, and even the ship jail.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hour guided hiking tours with an expert guide. In this stunning hike around Mission Trails Park you'll be able to choose from a variety of trails from beginner to intermediate. The park consists mostly of rugged canyons and hills, with both natural and developed areas and allows you to see all the way to the shores San Diego.
Tecolote Canyon Park Visitor Information
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hours guided hiking tours. In the Telecote Canyon Park tour you'll get to visit one of many canyons and open spaces located within the city, and see dozens of birds and other wildlife and take in views of high mesas, the river, and natural brush. There’s also a nature center with plant & animal exhibits you can visit after the hike.
Belmont Park
Enjoy unlimited rides on the rollercoasters and access laser tag, sky ropes, mini-golf, the zip line, and the 7D theater with a Belmont Park Ride and Play Pass. This beachfront San Diego amusement park lines up thrilling rollercoasters and classic fairground rides, as well as interactive games and activities to keep you busy.
San Diego Air & Space Museum
Explore all things science and aviation at the famous San Diego Air and Space Museum. Enjoy hands-on exhibits and aircraft to explore, as well asa 4D air and space-themed cinema screening.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
A must-see maritime museum, home to the oldest active ship in existence and the world’s deepest diving submarine, the USS Dolphin.
San Diego Natural History Museum
Enjoy four floors of interactive exhibits featuring everything from fossils and dinosaur bones to rare books and animals. Your San Diego Natural History Museum admission includes access to all films played on the museum’s giant 300-seat theater with daily showings of 2D and 3D films.
Fleet Science Center
Enjoy San Diego's immersive Fleet Science Center at Balboa Park, including the many hands-on exhibits. Your Explorer pass also gives you one free one free IMAX science-themed film screening.
Petco Park
Enjoy a guided interactive tour of the PETCO Park baseball stadium which gives you access to the ballpark's restricted areas that few get to see. Discover 'writer's row' in the press box, learn about the historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building, and more.
The New Children's Museum
Little ones can learn and play at this quirky downtown San Diego museum. It's all about contemporary art and imagination here, with exhibits designed to enhance creativity and critical thinking in children.
Museum of Us
San Diego Museum of Man - this cultural anthropology museum explores the human experience from multicultural perspectives to spark dialogue, self-reflection, and human connections. Nestled in the heart of San Diego's historic Balboa Park.
San Diego Museum of Art
Enjoy your culture-fix at this museum housed in a historic Spanish Renaissance building which features an impressive collection of paintings from around the world. See Spanish and Italian Old Masters, South Asian paintings, 19th- and 20th-century American paintings, sculptures, and more.
San Diego Automotive Museum
Discover a world of American automobiles at this museum dedicated to cars and transport. It was started by renowned car collector, Briggs Cunningham, back in 1988 and has since become a must-visit attraction for millions of automotive buffs.
Speed Circuit & Family Fun Center
Enjoy a Go Karts San Diego Race & Rope combo experience on the Speed Circuit track. Includes a one elements rope course San Diego challenge to enjoy.
Japanese Friendship Garden
The zen design of the Japanese Friendship Garden boasts traditional water and stone elements, two koi ponds, a bonsai collection, and unique attractions such as a cast bronze kannon bosatsu statue from 1735 AD.
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier
Enjoy a two-hour tour of San Diego’s Pier catch and release fishing, which has a beautiful ocean and plenty of fish to catch.
Show off your skating skills or get to grips with the ice at the UTC Ice Sports Center. Includes rental skate hire for children ages two and up, and adults up to size 15.
San Diego Model Railroad Museum
You don't need to be a train enthusiast to enjoy the miniature models and tiny railroading systems at this unique museum. Your Explorer Pass gives you admission to the 6 permanent train exhibitions plus featured rotating ones.
Living Coast Discovery Center
A zoo-quarium that focuses on the importance of coastal resource conservation, the Living Coast Discovery Center features a number of diverse and fascinating exhibits, set just steps from the pristine coastline of San Diego Bay. Also includes free nature walks on select days.
Plunge San Diego
The Plunge San Diego - Your day pass gives you unlimited use of the enormous pool, with its seven lap lanes and separate area that includes a huge floating obstacle course and state-of-the-art basketball hoop.
San Diego Zoo
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer Pass. This massive 100-acre site boasts extensive animal exhibits and educational shows. You'll get up close to koalas as well as gorillas, elephants, crocodiles and more.
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer pass. At the Safari Park you'll discover plenty of wild and endangered creatures, and learn more about the park's breeding programs and important conservation efforts. With 13 distinct habitats and regions within the park, there’s a ton to see and do.
USS Midway Museum
Climb aboard the USS Midway Museum and explore San Diego's most famous long-serving US aircraft carrier. You'll be able to go on a self-guided tour around the 60 exhibits including the sailors' sleeping quarters, the engine room, galley, and even the ship jail.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hour guided hiking tours with an expert guide. In this stunning hike around Mission Trails Park you'll be able to choose from a variety of trails from beginner to intermediate. The park consists mostly of rugged canyons and hills, with both natural and developed areas and allows you to see all the way to the shores San Diego.
Tecolote Canyon Park Visitor Information
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hours guided hiking tours. In the Telecote Canyon Park tour you'll get to visit one of many canyons and open spaces located within the city, and see dozens of birds and other wildlife and take in views of high mesas, the river, and natural brush. There’s also a nature center with plant & animal exhibits you can visit after the hike.
Belmont Park
Enjoy unlimited rides on the rollercoasters and access laser tag, sky ropes, mini-golf, the zip line, and the 7D theater with a Belmont Park Ride and Play Pass. This beachfront San Diego amusement park lines up thrilling rollercoasters and classic fairground rides, as well as interactive games and activities to keep you busy.
San Diego Air & Space Museum
Explore all things science and aviation at the famous San Diego Air and Space Museum. Enjoy hands-on exhibits and aircraft to explore, as well asa 4D air and space-themed cinema screening.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
A must-see maritime museum, home to the oldest active ship in existence and the world’s deepest diving submarine, the USS Dolphin.
San Diego Natural History Museum
Enjoy four floors of interactive exhibits featuring everything from fossils and dinosaur bones to rare books and animals. Your San Diego Natural History Museum admission includes access to all films played on the museum’s giant 300-seat theater with daily showings of 2D and 3D films.
Fleet Science Center
Enjoy San Diego's immersive Fleet Science Center at Balboa Park, including the many hands-on exhibits. Your Explorer pass also gives you one free one free IMAX science-themed film screening.
Petco Park
Enjoy a guided interactive tour of the PETCO Park baseball stadium which gives you access to the ballpark's restricted areas that few get to see. Discover 'writer's row' in the press box, learn about the historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building, and more.
The New Children's Museum
Little ones can learn and play at this quirky downtown San Diego museum. It's all about contemporary art and imagination here, with exhibits designed to enhance creativity and critical thinking in children.
Museum of Us
San Diego Museum of Man - this cultural anthropology museum explores the human experience from multicultural perspectives to spark dialogue, self-reflection, and human connections. Nestled in the heart of San Diego's historic Balboa Park.
San Diego Museum of Art
Enjoy your culture-fix at this museum housed in a historic Spanish Renaissance building which features an impressive collection of paintings from around the world. See Spanish and Italian Old Masters, South Asian paintings, 19th- and 20th-century American paintings, sculptures, and more.
San Diego Automotive Museum
Discover a world of American automobiles at this museum dedicated to cars and transport. It was started by renowned car collector, Briggs Cunningham, back in 1988 and has since become a must-visit attraction for millions of automotive buffs.
Speed Circuit & Family Fun Center
Enjoy a Go Karts San Diego Race & Rope combo experience on the Speed Circuit track. Includes a one elements rope course San Diego challenge to enjoy.
Japanese Friendship Garden
The zen design of the Japanese Friendship Garden boasts traditional water and stone elements, two koi ponds, a bonsai collection, and unique attractions such as a cast bronze kannon bosatsu statue from 1735 AD.
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier
Enjoy a two-hour tour of San Diego’s Pier catch and release fishing, which has a beautiful ocean and plenty of fish to catch.
Show off your skating skills or get to grips with the ice at the UTC Ice Sports Center. Includes rental skate hire for children ages two and up, and adults up to size 15.
San Diego Model Railroad Museum
You don't need to be a train enthusiast to enjoy the miniature models and tiny railroading systems at this unique museum. Your Explorer Pass gives you admission to the 6 permanent train exhibitions plus featured rotating ones.
Living Coast Discovery Center
A zoo-quarium that focuses on the importance of coastal resource conservation, the Living Coast Discovery Center features a number of diverse and fascinating exhibits, set just steps from the pristine coastline of San Diego Bay. Also includes free nature walks on select days.
Plunge San Diego
The Plunge San Diego - Your day pass gives you unlimited use of the enormous pool, with its seven lap lanes and separate area that includes a huge floating obstacle course and state-of-the-art basketball hoop.
San Diego Zoo
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer Pass. This massive 100-acre site boasts extensive animal exhibits and educational shows. You'll get up close to koalas as well as gorillas, elephants, crocodiles and more.
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer pass. At the Safari Park you'll discover plenty of wild and endangered creatures, and learn more about the park's breeding programs and important conservation efforts. With 13 distinct habitats and regions within the park, there’s a ton to see and do.
USS Midway Museum
Climb aboard the USS Midway Museum and explore San Diego's most famous long-serving US aircraft carrier. You'll be able to go on a self-guided tour around the 60 exhibits including the sailors' sleeping quarters, the engine room, galley, and even the ship jail.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hour guided hiking tours with an expert guide. In this stunning hike around Mission Trails Park you'll be able to choose from a variety of trails from beginner to intermediate. The park consists mostly of rugged canyons and hills, with both natural and developed areas and allows you to see all the way to the shores San Diego.
Tecolote Canyon Park Visitor Information
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hours guided hiking tours. In the Telecote Canyon Park tour you'll get to visit one of many canyons and open spaces located within the city, and see dozens of birds and other wildlife and take in views of high mesas, the river, and natural brush. There’s also a nature center with plant & animal exhibits you can visit after the hike.
Belmont Park
Enjoy unlimited rides on the rollercoasters and access laser tag, sky ropes, mini-golf, the zip line, and the 7D theater with a Belmont Park Ride and Play Pass. This beachfront San Diego amusement park lines up thrilling rollercoasters and classic fairground rides, as well as interactive games and activities to keep you busy.
San Diego Air & Space Museum
Explore all things science and aviation at the famous San Diego Air and Space Museum. Enjoy hands-on exhibits and aircraft to explore, as well asa 4D air and space-themed cinema screening.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
A must-see maritime museum, home to the oldest active ship in existence and the world’s deepest diving submarine, the USS Dolphin.
San Diego Natural History Museum
Enjoy four floors of interactive exhibits featuring everything from fossils and dinosaur bones to rare books and animals. Your San Diego Natural History Museum admission includes access to all films played on the museum’s giant 300-seat theater with daily showings of 2D and 3D films.
Fleet Science Center
Enjoy San Diego's immersive Fleet Science Center at Balboa Park, including the many hands-on exhibits. Your Explorer pass also gives you one free one free IMAX science-themed film screening.
Petco Park
Enjoy a guided interactive tour of the PETCO Park baseball stadium which gives you access to the ballpark's restricted areas that few get to see. Discover 'writer's row' in the press box, learn about the historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building, and more.
The New Children's Museum
Little ones can learn and play at this quirky downtown San Diego museum. It's all about contemporary art and imagination here, with exhibits designed to enhance creativity and critical thinking in children.
Museum of Us
San Diego Museum of Man - this cultural anthropology museum explores the human experience from multicultural perspectives to spark dialogue, self-reflection, and human connections. Nestled in the heart of San Diego's historic Balboa Park.
San Diego Museum of Art
Enjoy your culture-fix at this museum housed in a historic Spanish Renaissance building which features an impressive collection of paintings from around the world. See Spanish and Italian Old Masters, South Asian paintings, 19th- and 20th-century American paintings, sculptures, and more.
San Diego Automotive Museum
Discover a world of American automobiles at this museum dedicated to cars and transport. It was started by renowned car collector, Briggs Cunningham, back in 1988 and has since become a must-visit attraction for millions of automotive buffs.
Speed Circuit & Family Fun Center
Enjoy a Go Karts San Diego Race & Rope combo experience on the Speed Circuit track. Includes a one elements rope course San Diego challenge to enjoy.
Japanese Friendship Garden
The zen design of the Japanese Friendship Garden boasts traditional water and stone elements, two koi ponds, a bonsai collection, and unique attractions such as a cast bronze kannon bosatsu statue from 1735 AD.
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier
Enjoy a two-hour tour of San Diego’s Pier catch and release fishing, which has a beautiful ocean and plenty of fish to catch.
Show off your skating skills or get to grips with the ice at the UTC Ice Sports Center. Includes rental skate hire for children ages two and up, and adults up to size 15.
San Diego Model Railroad Museum
You don't need to be a train enthusiast to enjoy the miniature models and tiny railroading systems at this unique museum. Your Explorer Pass gives you admission to the 6 permanent train exhibitions plus featured rotating ones.
Living Coast Discovery Center
A zoo-quarium that focuses on the importance of coastal resource conservation, the Living Coast Discovery Center features a number of diverse and fascinating exhibits, set just steps from the pristine coastline of San Diego Bay. Also includes free nature walks on select days.
Plunge San Diego
The Plunge San Diego - Your day pass gives you unlimited use of the enormous pool, with its seven lap lanes and separate area that includes a huge floating obstacle course and state-of-the-art basketball hoop.
San Diego Zoo
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer Pass. This massive 100-acre site boasts extensive animal exhibits and educational shows. You'll get up close to koalas as well as gorillas, elephants, crocodiles and more.
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Choose between admission to San Diego Zoo or the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with your San Diego Explorer pass. At the Safari Park you'll discover plenty of wild and endangered creatures, and learn more about the park's breeding programs and important conservation efforts. With 13 distinct habitats and regions within the park, there’s a ton to see and do.
USS Midway Museum
Climb aboard the USS Midway Museum and explore San Diego's most famous long-serving US aircraft carrier. You'll be able to go on a self-guided tour around the 60 exhibits including the sailors' sleeping quarters, the engine room, galley, and even the ship jail.
Mission Trails Regional Park
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hour guided hiking tours with an expert guide. In this stunning hike around Mission Trails Park you'll be able to choose from a variety of trails from beginner to intermediate. The park consists mostly of rugged canyons and hills, with both natural and developed areas and allows you to see all the way to the shores San Diego.
Tecolote Canyon Park Visitor Information
Take to the trails in the foothills overlooking the beautiful city of San Diego with one of two 2-hours guided hiking tours. In the Telecote Canyon Park tour you'll get to visit one of many canyons and open spaces located within the city, and see dozens of birds and other wildlife and take in views of high mesas, the river, and natural brush. There’s also a nature center with plant & animal exhibits you can visit after the hike.
Belmont Park
Enjoy unlimited rides on the rollercoasters and access laser tag, sky ropes, mini-golf, the zip line, and the 7D theater with a Belmont Park Ride and Play Pass. This beachfront San Diego amusement park lines up thrilling rollercoasters and classic fairground rides, as well as interactive games and activities to keep you busy.
San Diego Air & Space Museum
Explore all things science and aviation at the famous San Diego Air and Space Museum. Enjoy hands-on exhibits and aircraft to explore, as well asa 4D air and space-themed cinema screening.
Maritime Museum of San Diego
A must-see maritime museum, home to the oldest active ship in existence and the world’s deepest diving submarine, the USS Dolphin.
San Diego Natural History Museum
Enjoy four floors of interactive exhibits featuring everything from fossils and dinosaur bones to rare books and animals. Your San Diego Natural History Museum admission includes access to all films played on the museum’s giant 300-seat theater with daily showings of 2D and 3D films.
Fleet Science Center
Enjoy San Diego's immersive Fleet Science Center at Balboa Park, including the many hands-on exhibits. Your Explorer pass also gives you one free one free IMAX science-themed film screening.
Petco Park
Enjoy a guided interactive tour of the PETCO Park baseball stadium which gives you access to the ballpark's restricted areas that few get to see. Discover 'writer's row' in the press box, learn about the historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building, and more.
The New Children's Museum
Little ones can learn and play at this quirky downtown San Diego museum. It's all about contemporary art and imagination here, with exhibits designed to enhance creativity and critical thinking in children.
Museum of Us
San Diego Museum of Man - this cultural anthropology museum explores the human experience from multicultural perspectives to spark dialogue, self-reflection, and human connections. Nestled in the heart of San Diego's historic Balboa Park.
San Diego Museum of Art
Enjoy your culture-fix at this museum housed in a historic Spanish Renaissance building which features an impressive collection of paintings from around the world. See Spanish and Italian Old Masters, South Asian paintings, 19th- and 20th-century American paintings, sculptures, and more.
San Diego Automotive Museum
Discover a world of American automobiles at this museum dedicated to cars and transport. It was started by renowned car collector, Briggs Cunningham, back in 1988 and has since become a must-visit attraction for millions of automotive buffs.
Speed Circuit & Family Fun Center
Enjoy a Go Karts San Diego Race & Rope combo experience on the Speed Circuit track. Includes a one elements rope course San Diego challenge to enjoy.
Japanese Friendship Garden
The zen design of the Japanese Friendship Garden boasts traditional water and stone elements, two koi ponds, a bonsai collection, and unique attractions such as a cast bronze kannon bosatsu statue from 1735 AD.
Ocean Beach Municipal Pier
Enjoy a two-hour tour of San Diego’s Pier catch and release fishing, which has a beautiful ocean and plenty of fish to catch.
Show off your skating skills or get to grips with the ice at the UTC Ice Sports Center. Includes rental skate hire for children ages two and up, and adults up to size 15.
San Diego Model Railroad Museum
You don't need to be a train enthusiast to enjoy the miniature models and tiny railroading systems at this unique museum. Your Explorer Pass gives you admission to the 6 permanent train exhibitions plus featured rotating ones.
Living Coast Discovery Center
A zoo-quarium that focuses on the importance of coastal resource conservation, the Living Coast Discovery Center features a number of diverse and fascinating exhibits, set just steps from the pristine coastline of San Diego Bay. Also includes free nature walks on select days.
Plunge San Diego
The Plunge San Diego - Your day pass gives you unlimited use of the enormous pool, with its seven lap lanes and separate area that includes a huge floating obstacle course and state-of-the-art basketball hoop.
Зоопарк Сан-Диего
Выберите между посещением зоопарка Сан-Диего или сафари-парка зоопарка Сан-Диего с картой San Diego Explorer Pass. Этот огромный участок площадью 100 акров может похвастаться обширными выставками животных и образовательными шоу. Вы приблизитесь к коалам, а также к гориллам, слонам, крокодилам и многим другим.
Сафари-парк зоопарка Сан-Диего
Выберите между посещением зоопарка Сан-Диего или сафари-парка зоопарка Сан-Диего с пропуском San Diego Explorer. В сафари-парке вы откроете для себя множество диких и находящихся под угрозой исчезновения существ, а также узнаете больше о программах разведения в парке и важных усилиях по сохранению. С 13 различными средами обитания и регионами в парке есть что посмотреть и чем заняться.
Музей авианосца Мидуэй
Поднимитесь на борт музея USS Midway и исследуйте самый известный американский авианосец в Сан-Диего. Вы сможете совершить самостоятельную экскурсию по 60 экспонатам, включая спальные помещения моряков, машинное отделение, камбуз и даже корабельную тюрьму.
Региональный парк Mission Trails
Отправляйтесь по тропам в предгорьях с видом на красивый город Сан-Диего с одной из двух двухчасовых пешеходных экскурсий с опытным гидом. В этом потрясающем походе по парку Mission Trails вы сможете выбирать из множества маршрутов от начального до среднего. Парк состоит в основном из скалистых каньонов и холмов, как с естественными, так и с развитыми территориями, и позволяет увидеть весь путь до берегов Сан-Диего.
Информация для посетителей парка Теколоте-Каньон
Отправляйтесь по тропам в предгорьях с видом на красивый город Сан-Диего с одной из двух двухчасовых пешеходных экскурсий с гидом. В туре по парку Телекот-Каньон вы посетите один из многих каньонов и открытых пространств, расположенных в черте города, увидите десятки птиц и других диких животных, а также полюбуетесь высокими плато, рекой и естественным кустарником. Там также есть природный центр с экспонатами растений и животных, которые вы можете посетить после похода.
Белмонт Парк
Наслаждайтесь неограниченным количеством поездок на американских горках и получите доступ к лазертагу, канатным дорогам, мини-гольфу, канатной дороге и 7D-театру с билетом Belmont Park Ride and Play Pass. В этом прибрежном парке развлечений в Сан-Диего вас ждут захватывающие американские горки и классические ярмарочные аттракционы, а также интерактивные игры и мероприятия, которые не дадут вам скучать.
Музей авиации и космонавтики Сан-Диего
Исследуйте все, что связано с наукой и авиацией, в знаменитом Музее авиации и космонавтики Сан-Диего. Наслаждайтесь практическими экспонатами и самолетами для изучения, а также кинопоказом в формате 4D с воздушной и космической тематикой.
Морской музей Сан-Диего
Обязательный к посещению морской музей, в котором находится старейший из существующих действующих кораблей и самая глубоководная подводная лодка в мире — USS Dolphin.
Музей естественной истории Сан-Диего
Наслаждайтесь четырьмя этажами интерактивных экспонатов, на которых представлено все: от окаменелостей и костей динозавров до редких книг и животных. Ваш вход в Музей естественной истории Сан-Диего включает в себя доступ ко всем фильмам, показанным в гигантском кинотеатре музея на 300 мест с ежедневными показами 2D и 3D фильмов.
Флотский научный центр
Наслаждайтесь захватывающим Центром науки флота Сан-Диего в парке Бальбоа, включая множество практических экспонатов. Ваш пропуск Explorer также дает вам один бесплатный просмотр научно-тематического фильма в формате IMAX.
Петко Парк
Наслаждайтесь интерактивным туром с гидом по бейсбольному стадиону PETCO Park, который дает вам доступ к закрытым зонам бейсбольного поля, которые мало кто может увидеть. Откройте для себя «район писателей» в ложе для прессы, узнайте об историческом здании Western Metal Supply Co. и многом другом.
Новый детский музей
Малыши могут учиться и играть в этом необычном музее в центре Сан-Диего. Здесь все о современном искусстве и воображении, с экспонатами, предназначенными для развития творчества и критического мышления у детей.
Музей нас
Музей человека в Сан-Диего — этот музей культурной антропологии исследует человеческий опыт с точки зрения мультикультурализма, чтобы зажечь диалог, саморефлексию и человеческие связи. Отель расположен в самом сердце исторического парка Бальбоа в Сан-Диего.
Художественный музей Сан-Диего
Наслаждайтесь своей культурой в этом музее, расположенном в историческом здании испанского Возрождения, в котором представлена ​​впечатляющая коллекция картин со всего мира. Посмотрите испанских и итальянских старых мастеров, картины из Южной Азии, американские картины 19-го и 20-го веков, скульптуры и многое другое.
Автомобильный музей Сан-Диего
Откройте для себя мир американских автомобилей в этом музее, посвященном автомобилям и транспорту. Он был основан известным коллекционером автомобилей Бриггсом Каннингемом еще в 1988 году и с тех пор стал обязательным местом посещения для миллионов любителей автомобилей.
Скоростная трасса и центр семейного отдыха
Наслаждайтесь комбо Go Karts San Diego Race & Rope на трассе Speed ​​Circuit. Включает в себя веревочный курс с одним элементом в Сан-Диего.
Японский сад дружбы
Дзен-дизайн Японского сада дружбы может похвастаться традиционными водными и каменными элементами, двумя прудами с карпами, коллекцией бонсай и уникальными достопримечательностями, такими как литая бронзовая статуя каннон босацу 1735 года нашей эры.
Муниципальный пирс Оушен-Бич
Наслаждайтесь двухчасовым туром по ловле рыбы на пирсе Сан-Диего, где есть прекрасный океан и много рыбы, которую можно поймать.
Продемонстрируйте свои навыки катания на коньках или поиграйте со льдом в Центре ледовых видов спорта UTC. Включает в себя прокат коньков для детей в возрасте от двух лет и взрослых до 15 размера.
Музей моделей железных дорог Сан-Диего
Вам не нужно быть энтузиастом поездов, чтобы насладиться миниатюрными моделями и крошечными железнодорожными системами в этом уникальном музее. Ваш Explorer Pass дает вам доступ к 6 постоянным выставкам поездов, а также к периодически меняющимся выставкам.
Центр открытий Живого побережья
Зоопарк-аквариум, посвященный важности сохранения прибрежных ресурсов, Центр открытий Living Coast предлагает ряд разнообразных и увлекательных экспонатов, расположенных всего в нескольких шагах от нетронутой береговой линии залива Сан-Диего. Также в стоимость входят бесплатные прогулки на природе в определенные дни.
Окунитесь в Сан-Диего
The Plunge San Diego — ваш дневной абонемент дает вам неограниченное пользование огромным бассейном с семью дорожками для круга и отдельной зоной с огромной плавающей полосой препятствий и ультрасовременным баскетбольным кольцом.
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Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
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Отзывы (23)
Открыть в Google Картах
Dec 2022
I thought I covered all of my bases when purchasing this Go City Pass for my partner and me to celebrate our anniversary and his birthday. Before purchasing, I called and spoke to a representative that assured me that, despite some reviews that said people were not able to use it in its entirety (not because of user error), I would be able to get at least a partial refund if I had ANY issues. This woman ASSURED me, so I purchased it (the seven attractions option). We were there for a whole week and wanted to go to a ton of the museums and the zoo. At the zoo, we were initially turned away because of issues with the QR code on the app. It took about an hour to get in after pushing to speak with management. We then tried the other days to visit a ton of different museums (within the hours that are stated in the file provided), and we were turned away at each one without employees even bothering to scan the QR code. We were super successful at kayaking and had a great time at that one (do La Jolla, btw), but that was the only one we had zero issues with. I let Viator customer service know of our issues, and after a few weeks of back and forth and speaking to representatives on the phone that said they would make this right, I was not even offered a partial refund when I only was able to do two of the seven activities. All of it was rejected. I still can't believe it. Listen to these reviews that say they couldn't use their passes. I am no idiot - I covered my bases before purchasing and even called museums before arriving in San Diego, only to be turned away saying they did not accept Go City anymore. 10 out of 10 do NOT recommend. If you decide to purchase, take down names, reference numbers, dates and times of your visits, and names of everyone too. Even with a good chunk of that information, they still wouldn't offer a partial refund. I paid for seven attractions and only was able to go to two (ONE without issue)...
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We're terribly sorry you had such a negative experience with us. Your feedback is extremely significant and helpful. We are constantly improving our services to offer the best customer experience. We work closely with all the Partners and will make sure your comments are passed on to Viator. Warm regards, Go City - JT
Nov 2022
We booked to sail on the San Salvatore galleon through the Maritime Museum and the Parade of Lights, both unique experiences!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Hi! It is great to hear that you enjoyed using the pass from Go City while in San Diego. We're glad to have been a part of this excellent trip. Regards, Go City - JT
Oct 2022
I was able to use 1 of the 2 items purchased. On the day I purchased my City Go tickets I researched the availability of my tour to make sure I could use my newly purchased City Go tickets and I received a response from the company that they were fully booked… And haven’t heard back from the company since. I contacted trip advisor multiple times but they never responded. I purchased my tour bus tickets with City Go a little over a month prior to my trip.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Hello Kayro, we are sorry to hear of this experience and would like to provide you additional assistance to rectify this for you, we kindly ask you to provide us with your order number at [email protected] Regards, Go City -MC

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