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Мистическое приключение в морском порту

Выйдите на улицу и насладитесь свежим морским бризом на территории главного американского музея морской истории. Гости могут подняться на борт высоких кораблей, посетить консервационную верфь, где корабелы восстанавливают исторические деревянные суда, прогуляться по садам семейных реликвий, поучаствовать в одной или двух морских историях, представленных дружелюбным персоналом и волонтерами. Все внутренние экспонаты открыты для посетителей, чтобы они могли глубже погрузиться в морскую жизнь в золотой век парусного спорта и многое другое. Летние выходные часто включают специальные мероприятия.

Город: мистика
Mon 23 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $27.00
Mon 23 Sep
Начинается с $27.00
Что включено
3 tall ships
Entire 19-acre indoor/outdoor museum experience
Parking Fees
3 tall ships
Entire 19-acre indoor/outdoor museum experience
Parking Fees
3 tall ships
Маршрут и карта
Место встречи
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Гринманвилл Авеню, 75,
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Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Действительно до одного года год с даты покупки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • Ограниченное количество инвалидных колясок предоставляется в порядке живой очереди
  • Историческое расположение. Корабли и некоторые выставочные здания имеют ограниченный доступ для инвалидов.
  • Если они закрыты из-за экстремальных погодных условий, вам будет предложена альтернативная дата.
  • Собаки на поводке разрешены на территории. Не допускается на кораблях или в экспонатах. Не оставляйте без присмотра.
  • В закрытых помещениях необходимо носить маски.
  • Для путешественников и персонала доступны дезинфицирующие средства для рук.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • li>
  • Платная политика пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами
  • Прививка от COVID-19 требуется для гидов
  • В закрытых помещениях рекомендуется носить маски.
Что ожидать
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Mystic Seaport Museum
Immerse yourself in 19 acres of America's maritime history. Mystic Seaport encompasses a world-renowned preservation shipyard, a 19th-century seafaring village, and formal galleries where you'll find assorted permanent and rotating exhibits that explore America's relationship with the sea.  
Charles W. Morgan
Visit the actively working preservation shipyard where ships and boats of all sizes are restored and maintained.  Docked alongside a 19th Century recreated working waterfront seaport village, three tall ships beckon to be explored. Among them - the last wooden whaleship the world - the Charles W. Morgan is considered the “crown jewel” of the Mystic Seaport collection, she has outlived all others of her kind. Climb aboard and go below decks to learn about the men and women who lived aboard!
Мистический музей морского порта
Погрузитесь в 19 акров морской истории Америки. Mystic Seaport включает в себя известную во всем мире верфь для сохранения, мореходную деревню 19-го века и формальные галереи, где вы найдете разнообразные постоянные и меняющиеся экспонаты, исследующие отношения Америки с морем.
Чарльз В. Морган
Посетите активно работающую консервационную верфь, где восстанавливают и обслуживают корабли и лодки всех размеров. Три высоких корабля, пришвартованные рядом с воссозданной в 19 веке действующей прибрежной портовой деревней, манят к себе на исследование. Среди них — последний деревянный китобойный корабль в мире — Charles W. Morgan считается «жемчужиной» коллекции Mystic Seaport, она пережила все остальные в своем роде. Поднимитесь на борт и спуститесь под палубу, чтобы узнать о мужчинах и женщинах, которые жили на борту!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (167)
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Mark K
Mar 2020
W went to see the Turner exhibit and ran into the Chowder festival. Of course the weather was glorious and it wasn't crowded. Mystic is a treasure and should be on everyone's bucket list times 10.
Feb 2020
Two grandparents with two grandchildren. No signage, but apparently some areas were closed. We hold a grandparent membership, one I am not likely to renew. The art museum was packed, so overflow could go to the whaling museum. We did. It was a lovely day, and we started walking with our kids to see the restoration of the Mayflower. They were excited. NO signage appears saying we couldn't do this, and the docent in the museum even suggested it. We knew we wouldn't be able to go into buildings that day, but were consoled by the alternative to just take the walk. Wearing no badge or Mystic ID, we were yelled at by Diane Alley who said there were active work sites and that they were closed. We understood the closure, but the only work site was the one by the museum for overflow. My youngest grandchild was actually scared by her demeanor and rudeness. This person has no idea about member/visitor relations and asked how we got in as if we had jumped a gate! We found the experience upsetting and Alley's abrupt demeanor inappropriate! She actually told us "JUST LEAVE NOW!"
Ответ от хоста
Feb 2020
Dear Judith, I am sorry to hear about your negative experience at Mystic Seaport Museum. During the winter we close 2/3rds of our campus Monday through Wednesday to complete maintenance projects and close these areas for public safety. This past Wednesday we decided to open an additional building to assist with an overflow of guests wanting to visit the very popular Turner exhibit. Unfortunately, our response to communicate and execute this change was not adequate. We will certainly look into how to better communicate these changes in the future as well as look into the conduct of our staff member that you interacted with. If you have any other information you would like to share, you can call me at 860 572-0711 ext. 5004. Again, on behalf of the museum, please accept our apology and we hope you would give us another chance to show you that our Members matter at Mystic Seaport Museum.
Katherine F
Feb 2020
We planned an excursion to see the JWM Turner show at Mystic Seaport Museum. It was truly amazing and well worth going to see this astounding collection of Turner paintings. The museum building itself is beautiful too and perfect for this exhibition. The locals even those working at the museum seem a bit astounded at the attention this is getting and the local tourist information had zero about it, not even listing the museum on local maps.

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