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ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ НА ПЛОТЕ - На Пали, 1/2 дня, трубка

Во время 5,5-часового тура мы познакомим вас с высокими морскими скалами и нетронутыми пляжами побережья На Пали. Наш капитан и команда поделятся историей, легендами и знаниями о местной морской жизни. Встречайте игривых дельфинов, зеленых морских черепах и многое другое. Миграция горбатых китов (декабрь-март). Если позволят условия, мы отвезем вас в морские пещеры под водопады и займемся сноркелингом на одном из лучших рифов на Кауаи. Выберите утренний или дневной отъезд; оба включают обед, напитки и снаряжение для снорклинга. Описание деятельности

Экскурсии на рафтинге могут быть физически тяжелыми, бодрыми, ухабистыми и доставлять массу удовольствия. Участники должны быть в физической форме выше средней. Вы должны быть в состоянии подняться по прочной вертикальной лестнице, чтобы вернуться на плот после подводного плавания. Этот тур очень авантюрный, мокрый, дикий и вау! Будьте готовы к волнующему дню! Все водные виды спорта и/или Na Pali являются разрешенными условиями.
Город: Кауаи
Tue 24 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $194.60
Tue 24 Sep
Начинается с $194.60
Что включено
Licensed Captain and experienced CPR & water safety trained crew
Juice, Soda & Water
Individually packed Turkey or Vegetarian wraps (please specify your option)
Snorkel Equipment & Expert Instruction
Licensed Captain and experienced CPR & water safety trained crew
Juice, Soda & Water
Individually packed Turkey or Vegetarian wraps (please specify your option)
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Путешественники должны иметь высокий уровень физической подготовки.
  • Индейка или вегетарианское питание. При необходимости сообщите об этом при бронировании
  • li>
  • Пожалуйста, не забудьте взять с собой полотенце, солнцезащитный крем, камеру и солнцезащитные очки, надеть купальный костюм и накидку.
  • Никаких беременных женщин или серьезных проблем со здоровьем
  • ОТМЕНА ПОЛИТИКА: Чтобы изменить, перенести или отменить ЛЮБОЙ тур и получить полный возврат средств, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ ПОЗВОНИТЬ KST за 24 часа до времени регистрации тура.
  • Рафтинг-экскурсии могут быть физически сложными, бодрыми, ухабистыми и много веселья. Участники должны быть в физической форме выше средней. Вы должны быть в состоянии подняться по прочной вертикальной лестнице, чтобы вернуться на плот после подводного плавания. Этот тур очень авантюрный, мокрый, дикий и вау! Будьте готовы к волнующему дню!
  • Все водные виды спорта и/или Na Pali позволяют условия.
  • Никаких беременных, больных спиной, тех, кто перенес какие-либо недавние операции, тех, кто с какой-либо подвижностью проблемы
Политика отмены
Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (858)
Jun 2022
The NaPali coast is the most beautiful coastline in the world and our guides, CJ and Ian made this adventure one we will never forget! The day started with 2 separate spinner dolphin encounters, complete with aerial acrobatics and then surfing the wake of the boat beside us. From there we explored a few sea caves, saw a beautiful rainbow at the bottom of a waterfall, and toured the coastline for miles. Both guides would tell tales (with a curated soundtrack, no less!) of the history of the area and loads of interesting facts. For lunch, we landed on the NaPali State Beach area (they are one of only 3 groups permitted to do so), met the NaPali ohana, ate lunch, then snorkeled the reef in front of us. It was like swimming in an aquarium. From there we packed up for the ride back, with a couple extra stops along the way. They said the waves can be rough on the way back, but we had relatively calm seas. Again, the soundtrack Ian put together had everyone on the boat singing and dancing in their seats. 10/10 would recommend.
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2022
Sounds like a lot of fun! Mahalo for the review!!
Heidi A
Jun 2022
We’ve only been in Hawaii a few days, but my family has already deemed our Na Pali raft adventure the highlight of our whole vacation. The store had everything we needed to keep our gear safe (my husband, daughter, and I all had our hats blow off our heads and were thankfully caught by the $10 hat clips they sold in the store). The iPhone case was also a good investment and I was grateful they had them for sale. The staff was very welcoming when we checked in, and Captain Drake and Alejandra made sure we had everything safely stored before we departed (the company provides loaner wet bags to hold all your gear, and offered extra bags to anyone who needed.) When we got on the boat, Captain Drake gave a quick but helpful explanation of safety, to the point where my kids (9 and 12) knew exactly how to sit and be safe on the boat. We were a bit squished, which was fine since I had my younger daughter tucked into the crook of my arm, but as we rode I kept shifting onto the lap of the woman sitting next to me! The boat didn’t feel crowded by any means, but it would’ve been nice to have 6 more inches of space so I didn’t risk fondling a stranger. Drake and Alejandra were a perfect team - they worked well together and made sure we had a wonderful experience - and we did! Drake’s music choices thorough the day were not only fun to sing along with, but you could tell he put a lot of thought into his “set list” to coincide with fun parts of the tour. Alejandra made sure to check in to see how everyone was doing throughout the day - not once did I feel like the crew didn’t have our safety and comfort a priority. Both Drake and Alejandra not only gave us information as we went past some cool sites, but they knew the answers to every question we asked that was very likely not part of any of their tour guide training! Once they heard my daughter was a big Jurassic Park fan, they were sure to show her all the spots where the various movies were filmed and it made her day! The tour itself was phenomenal. We hoped to see dolphins and ended up seeing at least 25 of them right up next to our boat! While snorkeling, we saw thousands of fish and a few sea turtles! They provided lunch (my kids are picky eaters so I was glad I brought sandwiches for them), which included chips, a sandwich, and unlimited drinks (juice, water, soda). Eating on the boat was fine, as we were all tired from snorkeling and the water was nice and calm. Speaking of calm water, Drake was very quick to caution us that the ride back might be bumpy, and he checked multiple times to make sure we knew what to expect! Thankfully the ride back was one of the more tame ones, and boy was I grateful for that! It was fun to ride back over waves, but my neck and shoulders are sore from an hour of twisting and grabbing rope to stay on! My 9- and 12-year-olds had no issues holding on over the bumps, but I don’t know if that would’ve been the case on a more wild ride. We escpecially loved Drake’s song choice for the last crazy ride to the dock and he made sure to give us the thrill ride we were all hoping for, with some crazy cool boat maneuvers throughout the day. Both Drake and Alejandra frequently offered to take photos for us so we could all be in the photo together, which was greatly appreciated. At the recommendation of a friend, I did put a Scopolamine patch behind my ear to avoid seasickness, my kids both took Dramamine, and my husband had Sea Bands. None of us felt the least bit nauseated, though my husband said he wished he had used a patch since he didn’t think the Sea Bands really helped) I highly highly recommend doing this tour!! Hopefully you get the same fantastic conditions, because this was truly a memory we’ll have for the rest of our lives!
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2022
We appreciate your advice and the very kind share- aloha!
Jun 2022
By far one of the coolest things my husband and I have ever done. We both got sea sick when the boat stopped moving and was just rocking, but it was still totally worth it and amazing! We saw dolphins on the way in and out! The Na Pali coast is magical! Do the raft tour!!! You will not be disappointed!!
Ответ от хоста
Jun 2022
Thank you so much

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