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Роскошная однодневная поездка в Гранд-Каньон для небольших групп из Феникса

Испытайте живописную красоту Аризоны в этой однодневной поездке для небольшой группы из района Феникс-Скоттсдейл. Посетите одно из чудес света, Гранд-Каньон, и прокатитесь по шоссе 66, культовому американскому шоссе с богатыми традициями, в поездке на целый день. Насладитесь незабываемым видом на классические юго-западные пейзажи со своим знающим гидом. Выберите тур для небольшой группы (до 13 человек) или частный вариант.
Город: Скоттсдейл
Sun 20 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $219.00
Sun 20 Oct
Начинается с $219.00
Что включено
Hotel pickup *Select hotels - Even if your hotel is on the list, we may need you to meet.
Bottled water
Professional guide
Transport by air-conditioned van with luxury captain's chair seating
Fuel surcharge
Small-group tour (up to 13 passengers)
Hotel pickup *Select hotels - Even if your hotel is on the list, we may need you to meet.
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Закон штата Аризона требует, чтобы дети в возрасте до 8 лет имели либо детское кресло, либо бустер. Детские сиденья не предоставляются. Пожалуйста, привозите свои собственные.
  • Минимальный возраст – 3 года.
  • Допускается использование инвалидных колясок, если они складываются и их можно засунуть в автомобиль.
  • Мы не гарантируем доставку во все отели. Даже если ваш отель есть в списке, может быть шанс, что вам придется встретиться в другом месте. Любой гость, проживающий за пределами Феникса, Скоттсдейла или Темпе, должен будет встретиться в другом месте, которое будет определено поставщиком. Контактная информация поставщика тура будет указана в вашем предоплаченном ваучере.
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Регулярно дезинфицируется в высокой степени -проезжие части
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approx. three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Route 66
After departing the Phoenix metro area, our tour travels through the expansive Sonoran Desert filled with the native saguaro cactus. The scenery begins to change as we increase in elevation and views of the cactus fade into pine trees. As we continue further into Northern Arizona, we will travel the outskirts of the Route 66 town of Flagstaff and from the highway, see the San Francisco Peaks among the seemingly endless Ponderosa Pine Forest, the largest contiguous forest of ponderosa pines in the world.
Williams Depot
Williams will be our first stop along the tour for a chance to experience Route 66, the iconic American highway steeped in rich tradition. While in Williams, guests will have the opportunity to “get their kicks on Route 66” with walks along the original route, explore the local shops and capture souvenir photos highlighting a bygone era in classic American history. Also known as the Will Rodgers Highway, Route 66 is the most recognizable road in the United States and stretched 2,448 miles from Chicago to California upon completion.
Grand Canyon South Rim
You’ll experience approximately three hours within the National Park marveling at the beauty that is the Grand Canyon. You will be driven to viewpoints as well as have free time to walk to various viewpoints and points of interest. Visit the historic El Tovar Lodge, Hopi House, Mather Point or Yavapai Point, the Geology Museum and more incredible viewpoints! While at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, you will have opportunities to walk the rim, shop, capture an unlimited number of photographs, or enjoy lunch (own expense) and relax with the best seat in the house.
Маршрут 66
После выезда из района метро Феникса наш тур проходит через обширную пустыню Сонора, заполненную местным кактусом сагуаро. Пейзаж начинает меняться по мере того, как мы увеличиваем высоту, и виды кактусов исчезают в соснах. Продолжая двигаться дальше в Северную Аризону, мы будем путешествовать по окраинам города Флагстафф на трассе 66 и с шоссе увидим пики Сан-Франциско среди, казалось бы, бесконечного соснового леса Пондероза, самого большого сплошного леса из сосен пондероза в мире.
Уильямс Депо
Уильямс станет нашей первой остановкой в ​​туре, где мы сможем проехать по Route 66, культовому американскому шоссе с богатыми традициями. Находясь в Уильямсе, у гостей будет возможность «развлечься на трассе 66», прогулявшись по первоначальному маршруту, осмотреть местные магазины и сделать сувенирные фотографии, освещающие ушедшую эпоху в классической американской истории. Маршрут 66, также известный как шоссе Уилла Роджерса, является самой узнаваемой дорогой в Соединенных Штатах и ​​​​после завершения протянулся на 2448 миль от Чикаго до Калифорнии.
Южный край Гранд-Каньона
Вы проведете около трех часов в Национальном парке, любуясь красотой Гранд-Каньона. Вас отвезут к смотровым площадкам, а также у вас будет свободное время, чтобы прогуляться по различным смотровым площадкам и достопримечательностям. Посетите историческую ложу Эль-Товар, дом хопи, мыс Мазер или мыс Явапай, музей геологии и другие невероятные смотровые площадки! Находясь на южном краю национального парка Гранд-Каньон, у вас будет возможность прогуляться по краю, сделать покупки, сделать неограниченное количество фотографий или пообедать (за свой счет) и отдохнуть на лучшем месте в доме.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Rod T
Mar 2018
Our driver Dan did a great job. A long day, but right on time all the way and a well informed commentary. The helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon simply unforgettable.
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2018
Great to hear you enjoyed your Grand Canyon tour with Dan and everything was on time and informative. Thanks for sharing about the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon - it is an unforgettable experience!
Mar 2018
Our guide Mike was very informative and friendly, and a great driver! We stopped in the amazing town of Sedona for a short break, then the spectacular Grand Canyon from what has to be one of the best vantage points for an overall view. We thoroughly enjoyed our day! Great job Mike and Detour!!
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2018
So happy to hear you enjoyed your Grand Canyon tour with Mike! We agree, the views are spectacular! Thanks for letting DETOURS do the driving and spending time with us. Hope to see you again on another adventure!
Mar 2018
This company is great! We had an awesome tour guide, Billy. He was right on time and we kept right on schedule.. and he had lots of good information along the ride. The company was nice enough to call and let us know that the weather might not be good on the day we picked, so asked if we would like to go the next day. The only thing that we would change, is it would be nice to have a longer time in Sedona(say 90 minutes vs. 20), not stop in Murray in Route 66, and have only 1 stop on the south rim, so that we would have had more time to do a little hiking down the Angel Trail. But all that being said, these guys are great.
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2018
Hi There... Thank you for taking a moment to provide your feedback on our Grand Canyon & Sedona Tour. We couldn't have said it better about Billy --- he's awesome, and we're so glad you enjoyed your time with him. Regarding your comments about the time spent in Sedona & Williams, we are currently reviewing this tour to see how we may make it better, and so we thank you for your feedback. Please reach out to us when you're back in our beautiful American West, for some more great exploration of our country.

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