This wasn’t quite what I was expecting. We did the extended version and I was so excited to look at the tunnels. Well, that ended up being us looking through a grate in the sidewalk at the college. Not what I pictured at all. I thought maybe it would be exclusive access, but no.
You cannot walk up near any of the museum buildings or even walk up to the wall to look in the cemetery at the church. You can’t even walk on the sidewalk near the buildings. You have to stay on the road or the grass between the road and sidewalk. For the extended tour you can at least walk up to the buildings because that is public property and run in the sunken garden. The blue light in Wren Hall really seems to be something electrical.
There was about 30 of us in our tour group. As we were walking, it was difficult to hear the guide. We could hear her at the stops themselves, though. We would cross paths with other tour guide once in awhile and he seemed pretty awesome. At times he was louder than ours. He also carried a flashlight to point out the areas he was talking about. Our tour guide wasn’t bad, she was friendly and knowledgeable. The other guide just seemed better an presenting.
The only place that gave me the creeps a little was the Peyton Randall house. Maybe that is because we are also staying in the Peyton Randall suite at our hotel. We will go back to that during the day. It is included in the museum tour. The only questionable photo I got was at the church. My husband says it is just a reflection, but I included it for fun anyway. Check the lower left corner of the window. Then the rest are of the Peyton Randall house. There is the mist the tour guide talks about. There are a lot of reflections in the windows that can mess up your perceptions.
Do expect a lot of walking. That was easy for us, but if you have any physical limitations it could be difficult. Also, a few people on the tour got the EMF detectors and there weren’t any hits.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2018
Mindy, thank you for your review. The tour's FAQ on our website makes clear we cannot go into the buildings as we do not the properties. We're glad you enjoyed your guide! And yes, the Peyton Randolph House s definitely one of the creepiest buildings we've ever seen!