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Подземный Бруклинский пешеходный тур по пивоварне

Посетите три пивоварни мирового класса во время этого 3,5-часового крафтового пива по системе «все включено» в Бруклине. Он считается одним из лучших пивных городов страны. Побалуйте свои вкусовые рецепторы, поскольку мы даем вам пропуск за кулисы некоторых из самых модных пивоварен и районов Нью-Йорка. В стоимость включены бесплатные закуски и проезд на метро до пивоварен.
Город: Бруклин
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Beer-flavored pretzel snacks
Metro Card for the subway portion of the tour
Up to 12 delicious craft beers to try!
Local expert beer guide
Beer-flavored pretzel snacks
Metro Card for the subway portion of the tour
Up to 12 delicious craft beers to try!
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для беременных путешественников.
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Пожалуйста, прибудьте на место встречи как минимум за 10 минут до начала мероприятия.
  • Предварительные игры строго запрещены. Любой, кто явно находился в состоянии алкогольного опьянения перед туром, не будет допущен к участию, и возмещение не будет предоставлено.
  • Для граждан США, пожалуйста, принесите удостоверение личности штата с неистекшим сроком действия. Если вы не из США, возьмите с собой паспорт.
  • Обувь с открытым носком запрещена из соображений безопасности, особенно на пивоварне. Вы должны носить обувь с закрытыми носками.
  • Минимальный возраст — 21 год, без исключений.
  • Применяются минимальные числа. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований или в случае ненастной погоды. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Работает при любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом.
  • Доступны вегетарианские блюда, сообщите об этом вовремя бронирования, если требуется.
  • Гиды должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Wild East Brewing Co
This is a sample itinerary, all schedules are subject to change. The Underground Brooklyn Brew Tours kicks off at Wild East Brewing Company, a brewery that specializes in farmhouse ales, hazy IPAs, and barrel-aged sours.
Five Boroughs Brewing
Down in Sunset Park a group of like-minded individuals converges every day from each of the five boroughs. Led by Blake Tomnitz and Kevin O’Donnell, the team is here to make great beer and to get that beer into your hands (and mouths). With four core beers being brewed year-round – IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager – Five Boroughs focuses on quality above all else. When you join City Brew Tours at Five Boroughs you’ll get backstage access to see not one but three different brewhouses from their production scale down to their 1 BBL pilot. You’ll also get a glimpse into their state-of-the-art quality lab and spend the rest of your time in their sprawling taproom which can seat 150 people, has multiple draft lines, special events and a stage, and a retail shop.
Пивоваренная компания Дикого Востока
Это примерный маршрут, все расписания могут быть изменены. Подземные бруклинские пивные туры начинаются в пивоварне Wild East Brewing Company, которая специализируется на фермерских элях, мутных IPA и кислых напитках, выдержанных в бочках.
Пивоварение в пяти районах
Внизу, в Сансет-парке, каждый день собирается группа единомышленников из каждого из пяти районов. Команда под руководством Блейка Томница и Кевина О’Доннелла создана для того, чтобы делать отличное пиво и доставлять это пиво вам в руки (и в рот). Четыре основных сорта пива, которые варятся круглый год — IPA, Pilsner, Gose, Hoppy Lager — Five Boroughs уделяют особое внимание качеству прежде всего. Когда вы присоединитесь к City Brew Tours в Five Boroughs, вы получите доступ за кулисы, чтобы увидеть не одну, а три разные пивоварни, начиная с их производственного масштаба и заканчивая пилотным проектом на 1 BBL. Вы также заглянете в их современную лабораторию качества и проведете остаток своего времени в их обширном таверне, который может вместить 150 человек, имеет несколько разливных линий, специальные мероприятия и сцену, а также розничный магазин. .
Показать 11 больше остановок
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (9)
Nov 2022
This was awesome, a must for a beer lover visiting NYC. We were looked after by Cam and he made us feel at home right from the off. A great selection of beers followed, great beer chat with Cam and the rest of the group and a few behind the scenes extras at the three breweries. Did I mention that the beer was nice? Nice beer.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Thank you for your great review! I'm so happy to hear that you had a great time with Cam. If you join us on a tour in any one of our great cities, please take advantage of our loyalty program to get 10% off your next experience. Cheers!
Oct 2022
Camden was a fantastic tour guide - very knowledgeable about the brewing process and curated a great experience where we tried many different beers. Thanks again!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
I'm so glad Camden showed you a fun afternoon out! He definitely knows a thing or two about brewing and picking the right beers. Hope to see you out on another tour soon. Cheers!
Jul 2022
Awesome tour with Max Walker. Knowledge, friendly. Learned lots and had great beer. 100% must do for visitors to nyc.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
Hello! Thanks for the wonderful response. Max is a super star and it's good to hear you learned a thing or two during your experience! Hope to see you out in one of our other 17 cities. Cheers!

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