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Деревенские гастрономические туры Обед и исторический тур

Village Food Tours — компания гастрономических туров №1 на космическом побережье.

Мы семейная компания. Поддерживается местными ассоциациями производителей продуктов питания и напитков, торговыми ассоциациями и другими ресторанами сообщества.
Город: Какао-Бич
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $100.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $100.00
Что включено
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
ужин из 3 блюд
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
Food equaling more than a full meal will be sampled of the course of 3 hours at several different restaurants
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохое сердечно-сосудистое здоровье
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с тяжелой пищевой аллергией.
Что ожидать
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Cocoa Village
Village Food Tours travels to 4 restaurants and several historic sites within Historic Cocoa Village.
The Porcher House
We visit the Porcher House and talk about the history briefly. If available we take a quick walk-through of the inside.
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse
We stop and discuss the history of this amazing building.
Cocoa Riverfront Park
We stroll through this beautiful park during our Cocoa Village Tour
Florida's Space Coast
Learn this history of Florida's Historic Space Coast.
Lee Wenner Park
This historic riverfront park faces the Indian river which has over 30k boaters pass through a year. The India River is part of the Intracoastal waterway that was dredged during the war.
Taylor Park
We will discuss the history of the area that includes a massive cattle herding from Merritt Island to central Florida.
Village Food Tours посещает 4 ресторана и несколько исторических мест в исторической деревне какао.
Дом Порчера
Мы посещаем Porcher House и кратко рассказываем об истории. Если возможно, мы быстро пройдемся по внутренней части.
Исторический театр Какао-Виллидж
Мы останавливаемся и обсуждаем историю этого удивительного здания.
Мы прогуляемся по этому прекрасному парку во время нашего тура по деревне Какао.
Космическое побережье Флориды
Изучите эту историю исторического космического побережья Флориды.
Ли Веннер Парк
Этот исторический прибрежный парк выходит на Индийскую реку, по которой ежегодно проходит более 30 000 яхтсменов. Река Индия является частью прибрежного водного пути, который был углублен во время войны.
Тейлор Парк
Мы обсудим историю области, которая включает в себя массовый выпас крупного рогатого скота от острова Мерритт до центральной Флориды.
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Чтобы получить полный возврат средств, отмените бронирование как минимум за 24 часа до запланированного времени вылета.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (26)
Jul 2022
Best part of the tour? Hard choice between the food and our guide. Guide was very personable and informative and made wonderful choices for food selection.
May 2022
Halim was a fantastic tour guide! He provided a running history of the area as we walked to our five tasting sites. The restaurants provided a variety of food and it was all delicious. He is very careful about food allergies or preferences. Halim has the perfect job - he is definitely a people person and knows the food business. The tour is apt to go over the two hours slightly but he asks if that would present a problem for anyone.
Apr 2022
Halim was very courteous. Very helpful. Very gracious. It was a small group and strolled mom in her chair. It was perfect! Even got a history lesson or two!

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