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3-дневни обилазак северног светла у Арктичком кругу Аљаске из Фербанкса

Откријте зиму на Арктику Аљаске! Искусите легендарно гостопримство и аутентичну интерпретацију која је прославила оригиналну авантуру вожње Арктичког круга. Путујте на север чувеним аутопутем Далтон. Погледајте изванредан Транс Аласка нафтовод. Доживите моћну реку Јукон. Истражите изблиза невероватну арктичку тундру. Пређите Арктички круг и добијте званични сертификат о авантури у Арктичком кругу.<бр>НАПОМЕНА - свака тура је јединствена са нашим стално променљивим дневним светлом. У зависности од тога када путујете, важно је да вам дан буде више „ноћ“ него дан“.<бр><бр>Проведите 2 ноћи у Колдфуту на Аљасци -- који се налази директно испод Аурора Овала.  Овде почињу светла и гранајте се одавде.  Иако вам нико не може гарантовати светла, можете помоћи да повећате своје шансе тако што ћете путовати у право доба године (када су наше ноћи мрачне), приближите се извору што је више могуће (у Цолдфооту директно испод овала) а затим остати будан целу ноћ.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $1789.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $1789.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике. Цене су базиране на двокреветној по особи. Појединачни додатак од 200 УСД је потребно додати за самце<ли>Склопива инвалидска колица са точковима који се могу уклонити могу се поставити под условом да је путник у пратњи некога ко може да им помогне да се укрцају и искрцају.<ли>Ради на хладном временске услове, обуците се прикладно<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>НАПОМЕНА избором доживљаја обиласка који се препознаје када се путовање авионом, обилазак земље 6 стопа одвајања није могућ. Од 1. јула 2021. Маске више неће бити потребне и биће опционе за оне који желе да је носе.
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Коментара (19)
Beibei D
Dec 2021
I booked the 3 days, 2 nights Aurora Overnight tour at Northern Alaska Tour Company from December 17th to December 19th. A good part of this trip is that the drivers were really nice and knowledgeable about the town. The driving to Cold Foot and back was pretty safe. The staff at Cold Foot were really nice and helpful as well. But before you book the trip there are a few things you probably want to know beforehand. (1) if you are AT&T users, you will have no phone service. (2) the flight back is super likely to get cancelled at this time of the year. It happened twice when we were there. (3) If you take the bus back, you’ll probably be back in town some time after midnight. If your drop-off place is outside of the town, they will not take you there and you need to find a taxi and pay for it yourselves. Ours costed about 130 dollars single-way. (4) They DO NOT offer refunds and the email on their website is super non-responsive. On December 19th, we were informed that the Air back to Fairbanks was cancelled and we had to take the bus back. We departed at 3:30 pmand had two stops along the way, and by the time we got back to town it was already 3am. When we were picking up our bags at the office, the driver told us that since our drop-off place is out of town (the place is called Northern Sky Lodge), he couldn’t take us to our next stop. Our plan was to go to the rental car place at the airport, pick up our rental car and drive to the lodge ourselves. From what I’ve been told when I called Hertz earlier, the office was closed at 1 am and won’t reopen until 6:30 in the morning. So the driver dropped us off at the airport and left, we had to find a cab ourselves and drive to the place, the trip costed $130. I called and emailed the company, but they gave me no answer of any kind yet. Also, I would avoid the same day tour to the Arctic circle. NOT WORTH IT. 10 hours to the Arctic Circle for some pictures then 10 hours back. NO.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Beibei Di Thank you for writing us with your request for a refund - I am the one you spoke with and as mentioned it would be received and reviewed. We don't like to make hasty responses so trying to give your request our full attention as it deserves.. We will also take this posting as part of the review process. What you share is information we did share and we do continue to share with guests who book. The Tour Program is clear that if the flight transportation cannot take place we will provide ground transportation back to Fairbanks to get you back as soon and safely as possible to not delay the rest of your your holidays. It is also true and shared that we cannot do shuttles outside of Fairbanks and after being on duty as long as the guide was you would not want him to do that as it would not be a safe option for you or others on the road. Many would have waited the 3 hours for the car agency to open. Cell service - that is true, this is truly an unplugged Alaskan Adventure. Visitors should be aware that outside of any major city in Alaska cell phones are useless unfortunately due to distance between cell towers. Weather can affect travel - not only getting to and from Alaska's Arctic but getting to Alaska. We highly encourage guests to always plan to be in Fairbanks the night prior to joining us on a tour and to plan to stay in Fairbanks the night they finish a tour from the Arctic. We are happy you did enjoy your time in Coldfoot and with the guides to and from Fairbanks. As mentioned we do have your request and will be getting back to you as mentioned once it is reviewed. Thank you and Happy New Year.
Mar 2021
From my 1st inquiry via email to my final drop off at my hotel after the trip, this company was always prompt with response and information. Steve was a wealth of knowledge and provided responses expediently along with Erica at the main office. I was traveling alone on the 3 day, 2 night tour and the care, concern, guide knowledge, hospitality from Tim, our first guide on the bus tour to the entire staff at Coldfoot Camp (John, Ben, Tim 2, Dan) to all the optional excursions with Steve for the dog sled tour, Jack and his assistance with setting us all up to photograph of the aurora and Tim on the fat tire bike tour was above and beyond my expectations. I knew I was in good hands and the overall experience of just seeing the aurora, being in the Alaskan wilderness away from the hustle/bustle of the city topped with the excellent service from Northern Alaska Tour Company and all the guides and staff is a trip worth taking which I will gladly do all over again.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Thank you so much dv200dv for your review and your share of your experience with others. Sounds like you filled your adventure with activity - so glad you took advantage of all that was there. Your appreciation will be shared with all you mentioned here and we wish you a bright spring! Kathy
Mar 2021
These guys and girls made a trip into the arctic circle a wonderful experience. They have a wealth of knowledge about the land and the area that they are excited about and love to share it. All of the tour guides are extremely easy to work with, and I appreciate the effort they put into making the harsh arctic more enjoyable for us mainlanders. My dad and I did 3 days and 2 nights in Coldfoot. The Coldfoot Inn is very cozy and the beds were the best beds I slept in for the entire time I was in Alaska (we were in Alaska for a week, 2 nights of which were with the Northern Alaska Tour Company in Coldfoot); despite sub-zero temperatures outside, the inn was comfortable and warm. The northern lights are magical, and watching them in the mountains from an old mining outpost make them even more so! And the Brooks mountain range is simply majestic; it’s so different from the other ranges I’ve seen (Cascades, Alps, and Blue Mountains). I highly recommend choosing the Northern Alaska Tour Company to guide your trip into the arctic circle. Enjoy!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Thank you for the detailed review of your Arctic Circle Aurora Adventures with us. We appreciate you taking the time to share with others. AND, appreciate you sharing your experience and review of the Brooks Mountain Range -- often we are asked what I am going to see, I am already spending time in the Alaska Mountain Range - trying to explain the difference in a phone call versus seeing them is not an easy task -- they are different and so glad you were able to experience them. Thank you for joining us and best wishes for a bright spring!

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