Jul 2021
We had most unusual weather. Started out at Glacier Point. Temp 100 degrees.
Within 30 hours we were in the middle of lightening strikes, heavy rain that would not let up, and hail storm (the hail the size of marbles). The hail was painful when it hit us in the head. Our guides rose to the occasion and got us down the mountain safely before we suffered from hypothermia. This is June 30, 2021 not January.
While we did not get to Half Dome, which was disappointing, we got to see and do other things in the park that were worth while.
I'm looking forward to another trip back to try again. Kudos to our guides Jess and Eric. They worked well together and were clearly well trained.
All 8 of us mature participants were very happy with the trip from the start till the end. None of us will forget this Lasting Adventure.