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6 Даи Иосемите Бацкпацкинг - Тхе Хидден Иосемите

Многи верују да је северни део Националног парка Јосемити последња права дивљина Сијера Неваде. Ово путовање ће вас одвести кроз мање посећени део парка који је дом дубоких кањона, густих старих шума и задивљујућих алпских врхова и гребена. У овој авантури ћете камповати поред река и језера у залеђу која пружају драматичан пејзаж терена северних Јосемита, укључујући камповање у горњем кањону слајдова испод гребена Савтоотх. Ако желите да се потрудите и доживите аутентично искуство дивљине, ово је авантура за вас!<бр><бр>Пошто је календар збуњујући, наши датуми за 2022. су:<бр>30.6 - 5.7<бр>8/6 - 8/11<бр>8/17 - 8/22<бр>8/23 - 8/28<бр>9/13 - 9/18
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Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Коментара (20)
Sep 2021
In August our family (includes 2 teenagers) went on a Hidden Yosemite trip with Lasting Adventures. We were joined by two others on the trip and our two Lasting Adventure Guides. This was out first trip to Yosemite and it was an amazing experience for the entire family. We departed for the back country from Tuolomne Meadows with an end point of Twin Lakes, outside the part. After the first fewmiles we saw very few other parties. The views were incredible and we had the opportunity to engage in lots of activities that suited our own interests including fishing and additional hikes and scrambling. Our guides were very knowledgeable and provided learning experiences throughout the trip related to the history of the park and the surrounding region and the biology and geology of the area. We all learned a huge amount about the area and our teenagers were enthralled by the overall experience, never even missing access to the Internet! The guides also prepared wonderful meals throughout the trip and took care of dishes and water, making it a real vacation for us. They also helped the two separate parties in our group bond and come together as a single expedition. The work of our guides meant that we could relax and watch the sun rise and set, take pictures observe wildlife and soak up the marvel that is Yosemite. In addition, we flew to California to start our trip and as a result we used Lasting's equipment rather than bringing our own. We found the equipment to be new, clean and well maintained. We did have one backpack where the backpack size did not precisely match the carriers torso length so would encourage additional homework in this area if you are going to use on of Lasting's packs. This trip was a great family vacation and experience and we are planning to go back and explore more of the Yosemite area with Lasting. I highly recommend this trip
Aug 2021
My 12-year-old son had a terrific time! Thank you for taking good care of him on his first backpacking trek. Two days home and he’s already talking about next year.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thanks for the review! It was our pleasure to host your son on trail. We hope to see him back next year, maybe for a summer camp in Olympic National Park? Cheers!
Jul 2021
The recent HIdden Yosemite backpack trip was my first Lasting Adventures experience and first time in Yosemite National Park. I couldn't ask for a better initial immersion into place, with two outstanding guides, Bella and Will. The route they chose offered daily wonders that kept my soul and spirit in awe. Bella and Will generously offer playful, positive energy, species and ecology information that heightened my reception of the Yosemite wonders, fresh cooked meals (unbelievable), and an ease of time together on the trail. If you're looking for an outstanding experience in Yosemite, I strongly recommend you connect with Lasting Adventures.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thanks for the feedback! We're so happy that you chose Lasting Adventures for your first Yosemite experience. There's no better way to experience the park! Cheers!

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