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Многи верују да је северни део Националног парка Јосемити последња права дивљина Сијера Неваде. Ово путовање ће вас одвести кроз мање посећени део парка који је дом дубоких кањона, густих старих шума и задивљујућих алпских врхова и гребена. У овој авантури ћете камповати поред река и језера у залеђу која пружају драматичан пејзаж терена северних Јосемита, укључујући камповање у горњем кањону слајдова испод гребена Савтоотх. Ако желите да се потрудите и доживите аутентично искуство дивљине, ово је авантура за вас!<бр><бр>Пошто је календар збуњујући, наши датуми за 2022. су:<бр>30.6 - 5.7<бр>8/6 - 8/11<бр>8/17 - 8/22<бр>8/23 - 8/28<бр>9/13 - 9/18
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Коментара (20)
Jul 2020
Our guide, Matt Schilowitz, was excellent: very thorough, skillful, safety-minded, calm and friendly, and...an AMAZING cook. The backpacking dinners were stellar. Matt led my sons (18 and 15) on an incredible 6 night 5-day packing trip starting in Tuolumne Meadows and ending at Twin Lakes in Mono County. It was very strenuous, and highly physical trip, and Matt was supportive and encouraging throughout. He is a gifted naturalist and was enthusiastic and eager to share his knowledge of botany and geology. We felt safe in his hands. It is a great luxury to backpack your heart out all day, trekking through stunning scenery, and then to be able to collapse while a guide purifies the water, cooks the dinner, cleans the dishes, etc. I was impressed with how quickly Lasting Adventures was in responding to emails. And, I also appreciated that they had almost all the equipment we needed, so we didn't have to buy it ourselves. Highly recommend!
Aug 2019
I just got back from one of the best adventures of my life thanks to Lasting Adventures. I don't usually write reviews but, in this case, I feel it's warranted. Lasting Adventures exceeded my expectations, from start to finish. Scott was very responsive to all my emails, and our guides for the trip, Will and Curtis, were amazing! They went above and beyond repeatedly to make sure that everything was perfect, including offering me their sleeping bag and pad when mine didn't cut it. I had expected dehydrated backpacker meals but instead we were treated to fresh fruit and vegetables each day including fresh carrots from Will's garden. The food was varied, delicious and plentiful, another way in which my expectation were exceeded. As a first time backpacker I benefited greatly from Will and Curtis experience and all their tips and tricks have given me needed skills for my next trip. Lasting Adventures also provides all the equipment which is great if you're not sure you'll get into backpacking. I used their tent, backpack and mat and all the equipment was first rate and light (though the mat didn't work for me). Did I mention that Will and Curtis are both great guides and really fun people to spend 6 days with? Will was incredibly knowledgeable about the whole area we hiked through. Lastly I'd like to commend Lasting Adventures on an amazing itinerary. I chose the "Hidden Yosemite" itinerary because I was looking for an adventure away from the crowds. It was strenuous but very doable, and well worth the effort. The scenery was absolutely spectacular! Each day was better than the last. Camping just below Burrow pass with the Matterhorn on one side and the Finger peaks on the other will be hard to match on future trips. I'm looking forward to joining Lasting Adventures on more trips in the future.
Aug 2019
Our 12 yr old had his first backpacking trip after day-hiking in the sierras for years. He had a BLAST. Felt safe, had an amazing time, saw unique things he had not in the valley before and most importantly, would love to do it again.

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