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90 минута - Крстарење Тики бродом у Тампи - БИОБ

Крстарите плутајућим тики баром низ реку Хиллсбороугх поред небодера, Тампа'с Ривервалк и кроз центар Тампе! Наши јединствени тики чамци су тако забавни и најбољи начин да доживите Тампу. Нека наш капетан са лиценцом обалске страже поведе вашу групу на јединствено крстарење, све док испијате омиљена пића.<бр><бр>Понесите сопствена алкохолна пића по избору, храну или ужину. Пружамо УСЦГ сертификоване капетане, хладњаке са ледом и Блуетоотх радио за пуштање ваших омиљених мелодија. Можете да пуштате сопствену музику ако желите.<бр><бр>Зашто плаћати прескупа пића у бару на копну, када можете да донесете сопствена пића у плутајућем Тики бару!
Цити: Тампа
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $59.95
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $59.95
Шта је укључено
Хладњак са ледом и блуетоотх радиом
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Чамац је широк 15 стопа, тако да групе може социјално дистанцирати седећи на супротним странама чамца.
Шта да очекујете
Тампа Ривервалк
Наш Тики Боат ће вас дочекати на пристаништу за чамце Ватерворкс Парк. Јужно од Арматуре Воркс. Донесите сопствена пића на брод и доживите шеталиште у центру Тампе, хоризонт и локални ресторан и барове из воде! Најзабавније и јединствено искуство у Тампа Баи!
Центар за сценске уметности Страз
Крстарите Центром Страз или идите на крстарење пре вашег догађаја да бисте попили неколико пића.
Амалие Арена
Крстарите Амалие Ареном или идите на крстарење пре вашег догађаја или велике утакмице да бисте попили неколико пића. Постоји ли бољи начин да се вратите у пртљажник?
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (130)
Sep 2022
Worst customer service I’ve ever experienced. I called the office 45 minutes prior to my reservation that I will be 10 minutes late and she “Donna” said we only allow 5 minutes. She then said, “ok we will make an exception and I will inform the captain you will be 10 mins late” The captain then calls us 10 mins before the reservation time and says they are heading out and can not wait, Donna lie and didn’t do her job. We call back, and Donna says “oh well, this is the travel industry, we can’t commit to 10 mins delay”. After all that and spending $50 to get here, we asked for a refund, she says no, no, no. Then I tell her are you serious? We are customers and you’re supposed to provide customer service, but nope, she was so rude. So here we are, no boat, money down the drain. Worst service ever, don’t use them, don’t think about calling them. It’s a trap, if you’re a minute late you’re toast and they don’t care at all.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
3rd review for same 2 person group who were late. Just like any other boat cruise, we must leave at or near our scheduled time to accommodate the other customers on the boat. It would not be fair to the other paying passengers to wait around for people who are late. All of our communications state to arrive 15 minutes early…
Sep 2022
Worst!!! bad service. No regard for timing. Staff not friendly. Almost left us behind! Leaky boat???
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
2nd review for same 2 person group who were late and missed their cruise. Just like any other boat cruise, we must leave at or near our scheduled time to accommodate the other customers on the boat. It would not be fair to the other paying passengers to wait around for people who are late. All of our communications state to arrive 15 minutes early…
Sep 2022
Donna is one of the most difficult and deceptive individuals I’ve ever dealt with. We drove 2 hours to Tampa and upon arriving there was a thunderstorm around 3:30 PM prior to our 4:30 cruise. We hit really bad traffic and called in to notify them that the GPS gave us an ETA about 10 minutes past 4:30. Donna told us they have a 5 minute grace period but would tell the captain we were coming and proceeded to have us continue coming, knowing we were late. While in the car ride, we call to update them we are still making the same time and Donna all of sudden is telling us the boat won’t wait and we will not receive a refund. We asked why she didn’t just tell us this initially and there was NO RESPONSE. Not accommodating, and really sad to see such uncaring customer service. Would not recommend using this company at all.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
This was a group of 2 people that were late. Just like any other boat cruise, we must leave at or near our scheduled time to accommodate the other customers on the boat. It would not be fair to the other paying passengers to wait around for people who are late. All of our communications state to arrive 15 minutes early…

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