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Улаз у Воиагерс оф тхе Пацифиц Луау

Откријте хавајску културу кроз храну, музику и забаву са погледом на залив Каилуа. Започните своје путовање празничном хавајском музиком и поздравом од шкољки. Пијуцкајте Маи Таис и друге сјајне изборе стандардних коктела, пива, вина и разних безалкохолних пића док сунце залази над блиставим заливом и уживајте у укусном потпомогнутом шведском столу са традиционалном острвском храном. Уживајте у очаравајућој и узбудљивој полинезијској сценској продукцији која укључује плесове са Хаваја, Тахитија, Самое и Новог Зеланда са финалом плеса са ватреним ножем који изазива страхопоштовање. <бр>
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $130.89
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $130.89
Шта је укључено
Луау Адмиссион
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Каилуа-Кона<бр>75-5852 Алии Др,
Роиал Кона Ресорт, 75-5852 Алии Др, Каилуа-Кона, острво Хаваји, ХИ 96740-1310
Крајња тачка
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступне<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Све пре и активности пост блиског контакта на изложби ће бити обустављене. Ово укључује Иму церемонију јер то подразумева групно учешће
Шта да очекујете
Роиал Кона Ресорт
Откријте хавајску културу кроз храну, музику и забаву са погледом на залив Каилуа. Започните своје путовање празничном хавајском музиком и поздравом од шкољки.
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Коментара (397)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Oct 2019
I've never been to a Luau before, and this experience left me wondering if I will ever need to do one again. Now I don't mind big food events. . . In Denver we have "the big eat" that definitely has more people than this Luau and I love it. The problem I had with the Luau was all about the food and drinks. . .and not entertainment. So let us begin: You arrive early to the Luau as instructed and learn you are not early. There is a huge line and it is even bigger behind you. One check-in station and you spend a good amount of time waiting. If you stay in the resort you can use the other station. .but God forbid them serving two lines! When they shove the tickets in your hand they say "did you see the rain note, no refunds due to rain". So it was a cloudy day and it was really nice of them to wait until they handed your tickets to say "hey no refunds for rain!" Getting a seat: This is really tied to food. We got a seat that worked really were for seeing the show (right side facing the stage). What we didn't know was that we would be served food last and that a lot of food would be out by the time we got there. That coconut pudding - nope; what about that salmon salad - nope. People were going for seconds . . .and taking the last of the food and we hadn't even got first. The way it worked as they released tables one at a time for a buffet line with three rows. Later they got us a few items. . but they didn't have all of the items so we missed out. Plus it was like the worst. . .like cafeteria at your school. Kids picking up and putting back rolls. . .huge messes. . .no fun. I alone wouldn't do it again for this reason. Drinks: Sodas included. Not really. . .just coke and sprite or something for mixed drinks. Does your kid want a coke? Try to fight a bunch of adults getting booze. I probably had about 7 mai thai during the event with rum floaters and didn't get a buzz. Show: The show was pretty good. We couldn't see the pig getting pulled out of the ground (200 people around a pig you won't see much either) but the stage show as fun. . and the flame stuff was cool. Definitely the highlight. I am not sure how the other Luau's work but I can tell you I'll never one like this again. Next time I'm going to ask some detailed questions like - uh where do you sit so I can make sure I get to sample all the food I assume the 5-star people are the ones in a good location with decent food access.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Aloha, Thank you for your review. We sincerely apologize for this experience that you encountered with us and we can assure you that this is not our standard. In regards to the rain, we apologize that you were informed this as it is not our policy and we do indeed offer refunds if there is a moderate amount of rain during our show. We also hope that you were able to bring forth these inconveniences, in regards to the food, to the attention of our staff, where i assure you they would have immediately refilled all that was missing. We are very sorry that you had this experience. We greatly appreciate your feedback and we will strive to improve these areas. We hope to have the opportunity of welcoming your return to our Luau and we ask that you contact us directly so that we may ensure pure excellence. Mahalo, Javier
Oct 2019
Our group of 6 absolutely loved this luau! It was so cute and informative with the show explaining the Polynesian culture and the meaning and whereabouts that each dance came from! The drinks were great, we liked the food and the fire dancer was so incredible! I'm glad we decided to indulge in this amazing luau experience!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Aloha, Thank you very much for your kind review! We are joyful to read that you and your group of 6 were able to enjoy our Luau experience. Additionally we love to read of our gust finding our Luau informative and a that you were able to savor our offerings. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you return to our property and we once again thank you for choosing us! Mahalo, Javier
Oct 2019
My husband wanted to do a luau d we picked this one in Kona ...Good food ..good music ...good vibes. We really enjoyed the fire dance !
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Aloha, Thank you for your kind review of our Luau! We are delighted that you enjoyed your experience with us. We thank you for choosing us and we hope to have the opportunity to have you return to our Luau. Mahalo, Javier

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