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Обилазак псећих санкања на Аљасци хеликоптером и глечером - ПОДРУЧЈЕ СИДРИШТА

Најпопуларнија турнеја! Возите сопствени тим саоница са тимом саоницара, водича и шампионских паса четвороструког победника Идитарода Даласа Сивија по правом снегу усред лета окружен невероватним пејзажом. Започните ову авантуру вожњом хеликоптером преко глечера и ледених брегова. Често видимо лосове, црне медведе, овце и козе Далл. Слетите на огромно снежно поље високо на глечеру и уживајте цео сат са шампионским псима саоницама и њиховим шајкачима који овде живе цело лето. Поведите тим паса на узбудљиву вожњу кроз прави снег. Можете стајати на тркачима и гњечити сопствену псећу запрегу или само седети на саоницама и пустити мушере да воде тим. Након ваше турнеје са псећим запрегама упознајте псеће спортисте који су вукли ваше санке, слушајте приче о тркама псећих саоница дугим преко 1000 миља и, наравно, сликајте се са својим омиљеним псима. Након обиласка хеликоптер вас враћа у дом и летите изнад нижих глечера где можете видети плаве топљене базене и пукотине.
Цити: Аласка
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $596.37
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $596.37
Шта је укључено
Обилазак са псима са водичем по снегу
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе колица или колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спреме<ли>ТРАНСФЕРИ СЕ МОГУ КУПИТИ У СИДРИШТУ ДО 10:15, 12 :30 поподне, 16:30 и 18:30 ВРЕМЕ ОБИТЕКА<ли>Ради у свим безбедним временским условима, молимо да се обуците на одговарајући начин.<ли>Због удобности и тежине/равнотеже авиона, путници имају преко 250 фунти укључујући одећу и пртљаг биће потребно да платите доплату. Ово се плаћа директно организатору путовања.<ли>Тарифа за децу се примењује само када се дели са 2 одрасле особе које плаћају<ли>ЧЕКАЊЕ је 30 динара. минута пре планираног времена поласка. Ако касните, ваш обилазак <ли>УСЛУЖНЕ ЖИВОТИЊЕ су дозвољене ако су обезбеђене само у сандуку. Позовите за спецификације <ли>Услуга ресторана је доступна на лицу места од 17. маја до 20. септембра. Ужине су доступне током целе године за куповину.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (216)
Rolf S
Aug 2022
Alaska Helicopter tours was truly first class! They made it easy to book online and when I had to rebook I was able to quickly reach an actual live human being on the phone who changed our booking with no questions and no change fees!!! Amazing in todays world. On the day of our tour the check in process was easy and the staff was friendly. Coming from a military aviation background I can say the helicopters appeared in excellent operating condition, an appropriate safety brief was given, and the pilot was very professional. On our flight out to the dogsledding camp our pilot Steven pointed out wildlife and gave us a brief history lesson on the glaciers. He flew the aircraft in a safe, professional manner. The views were amazing, even on a cloudy rainy day. When we arrived at the Dogsledding camp we met our guide Gabby, an enthusiastic and energetic musher. She showed us briefly how to drive the sled and we were off on a 20-30 min dogsledding adventure. That was long enough as it was cold and rainy, but the experience was priceless. On return to the camp we were introduced to the dogs that had pulled us. What amazing animals! We then got to see and hold three 10wk old puppies. Overall this was an amazing experience, well worth the cost, and something my wife and I will not forget. Alaska Helicopter Tours will certainly get our return business, we actually have another flight booked tomorrow!!
Aug 2022
This was an incredible tour, the highlight of the trip! The helicopter ride to the glacier was amazing, we got to see wildlife, and our pilot Shad pointed out many different features of the glacier as we flew. Shad is a great pilot and a great tour guide. The dog sledding portion was equally as incredible-- the tour guide gave us all a chance to drive our sled. Afterwards we had the opportunity to meet the dogs, the puppies, and see the camp. All of the dogs there are owned by Dallas Seavy, and are all race dogs or training to be race dogs! This is for sure a once in a lifetime experience. I highly recommend this to anyone considering it, it is the best dog sledding experience in Alaska! On our flight back to the lodge, the weather began to change-- it got very foggy, began to rain, and visibility became poor. As a result, Shad made second landing to wait for the clouds and fog to clear. Even though Shad was forced to improvise in this scenario, it seemed like he had done it a hundred times. We quickly landed in a clearing (see photo), and waited out the weather until it was safe to fly again. Once a window in the clouds opened up, we took off and flew safely back to the lodge. All in all-- the storm added to the experience. With expertise and professionalism from the staff and our pilot Shad, we felt very safe, so the unexpected weather actually ended up enhancing the experience. It was a blast! We highly recommend this tour for a once in a lifetime experience.
Aug 2022
Everything was great from beginning to end. The helicopter pilot Shad was awesome! The crew with the dog sledding tour were fun and explained so much about the dogs and the Iditarod Team. The views and just experiencing a ride with the dogs on the Glacier were amazing. Taking the helicopter to another Glacier to walk on was incredible. Highly recommend this Tour company! They are top notch!!!

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