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Обилазак Лофтон Цреека кајаком на острву Амелиа

Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је савршена за веслаче било ког нивоа, укључујући децу и почетнике. То је интимно искуство природе у којем учесници могу очекивати да ће се приближити корњачама, алигаторима, змијама, видрама, а повремено и морским кравама. Копнена природа шуме привлачи детлиће са гомилом, црвене јастребе и радознале анхинге, које се понекад називају „воденим ћурком“. Заштићени састав Лофтон Цреека значи да је веслање овде „отпорно на временске прилике“ на бурне приобалне услове. Веслање на југу на Лофтон Црееку пружа сликовите погледе на мочваре, док је веслање на северу удаљеније, шумовито искуство. Тура кајаком Лофтон Цреек је гарантовано добар провод за све у вашој групи!<бр>
Цити: Јацксонвилле
Sat 26 Oct
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Sat 26 Oct
Са почетком у $55.00
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Паддле Цалм Лофтон Цреек на острву Амелиа
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Коментара (202)
Jul 2019
My wife and I had a fantastic experience kayaking on Egan Creek. Before we even arrived at the docks Thomas took us by the Pippi Longstocking house because we mentioned we could not find it. This was an added bonus. We were the only people on the morning trip with our guide Johnathan. He made the trip interesting by sharing info about the wildlife and the area. We saw a ton of birds. The best part was cruising and weaving through the tall grass. I recommend taking the morning trip as it was not as hot. We would definitely book any excursion with Amelia Adventures!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2020
Thank you Jeff, means a lot! We appreciate you touring with us and sharing your positive thoughts with others. See you next time! -Catherine
Jun 2019
10 y/o grandson attended a 3 day camp earlier in June. He enjoyed the experience. Saw lots of nature and especially like learning how to paddle board & kayak. The day after the camp even us old folks joined Catherine and grandson for a few hours of kayaking on Lofton Creek. Catherine & Thomas seem to do a top notch job of keeping the kids entertained. If you're ever in the area, call them and go kayaking. Absolutely worth the time & cost.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2020
Thanks Alice! We can go for round two on Lofton, ready when you are:) Nathan was a joy to have at camp! Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts with others! -Catherine
Jun 2019
My husband and I were originally booked for the Cumberland Island tour. However, we were canceled that morning due to weather and wind. We were quickly rebooked at our request for the Lofton Creek tour. We were cheerfully met by our guides Susie and Jonathan at our launching point which had ample free parking and a restroom. Playfully referred to as their Zen tour, this creek tour is simply lovely. We had only one other kayaker. The black water is calm and the paddling effortless. Great trip for relaxing or introducing children to kayaking. We saw turtles, one shy alligatorand many beautiful flowered along the way. The kayaks were stable and comfortable. We kept quite dry. They take free photos of you and the trip along the way. Bring your own water and a snack. Neither were provided. Highly recommend for a relaxing, easy and pretty tour.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2020
Thanks Barbara. We love Lofton! Happy you got to experience the Zen. Hopefully weather cooperates and we can go to Cumberland next time. We appreciate you sharing your experience with others. -Catherine

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